Commit 06f07e12 authored by Fabrice Marsaud's avatar Fabrice Marsaud

Merge branch 'fix-autoclose'

parents 3912d510 c7bfdf36
......@@ -48,8 +48,12 @@ var SMB = module.exports = function(opt){
// packet concurrency default 20
this.packetConcurrency = opt.packetConcurrency || packetConcurrency;
// close timeout default 60s
this.autoCloseTimeout = opt.autoCloseTimeout || autoCloseTimeout;
// close timeout default 10s
if (opt.autoCloseTimeout !== undefined) {
this.autoCloseTimeout = opt.autoCloseTimeout
} else {
this.autoCloseTimeout = autoCloseTimeout
// store authentification
this.domain = opt.domain;
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