Commit 8b587acb authored by wescoeur's avatar wescoeur Committed by Fabrice Marsaud

Rename request should not overwrite data.

parent 889a7bdd
var bigint = require('../tools/bigint')
, SMB2Forge = require('../tools/smb2-forge')
, SMB2Request = SMB2Forge.request
var SMB2Request = require('../tools/smb2-forge').request
var FILE_OPEN_IF = require('../structures/constants').FILE_OPEN_IF
* rename
......@@ -24,7 +21,7 @@ module.exports = function(oldPath, newPath, cb){
// SMB2 open the folder / file
SMB2Request('open_folder', {path:oldPath}, connection, function(err, file){
if(err) SMB2Request('create', {path:oldPath}, connection, function(err, file){
if (err) SMB2Request('create', { path: oldPath, createDisposition: FILE_OPEN_IF }, connection, function (err, file) {
if(err) cb && cb(err);
else rename(connection, file, newPath, cb);
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