Commit c6872942 authored by nanahira's avatar nanahira


parent 34692216
Pipeline #21209 failed with stages
in 14 minutes and 5 seconds
...@@ -15,15 +15,34 @@ Site variables should be followed after `SITE_<domain>_`. ...@@ -15,15 +15,34 @@ Site variables should be followed after `SITE_<domain>_`.
- `HTTPS_NOREDIR` Disable redirect to HTTPS. - `HTTPS_NOREDIR` Disable redirect to HTTPS.
- `HSTS` Enable HSTS. - `HSTS` Enable HSTS.
- `HEADER` Extra header. eg. `SITE_mycard.moe_HEADER_FOO=bar` - `HEADER` Extra header. eg. `SITE_mycard.moe_HEADER_FOO=bar`
- `MINIO` Enable minio mode.
- `DISABLE_TOP` Disable / access. - `DISABLE_TOP` Disable / access.
- `NO_VERIFY_CERTS` - `SERVER_EXTRA` Extra entry in `server`.
- `LOCATION_EXTRA` Extra entry in `location`.
#### Proxy
Use ` http://localhost:3000`.
- `MINIO` Enable minio mode.
- `NO_VERIFY_CERTS` Disable origina cert verification.
- `NO_BUFFER` Add `proxy_buffering off;` to nginx conf. - `NO_BUFFER` Add `proxy_buffering off;` to nginx conf.
- `NO_CACHE` Add `proxy_cache off;` to nginx conf. - `NO_CACHE` Add `proxy_cache off;` to nginx conf.
- `SNI` Add `proxy_ssl_server_name on;` to nginx conf. - `SNI` Add `proxy_ssl_server_name on;` to nginx conf.
- `TIMEOUT` in seconds. - `TIMEOUT` in seconds.
- `SERVER_EXTRA` Extra entry in `server`.
- `LOCATION_EXTRA` Extra entry in `location`. #### Static
Use ` static:///path/to/site`.
- `INDEX` Specify index file. Default `index.html`.
- `EXPIRES` Specify expires time. Default `10m`.
- `BROWSE` Enable directory browsing.
#### PHP
Use ` php://`.
- `INDEX` Specify index file. Default `index.php`.
- `EXPIRES` Specify expires time. Default `10m`.
### Global ### Global
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