Commit 3a9bfe9f authored by Vladislav Yarmak's avatar Vladislav Yarmak

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parent 8a465c17
NVENC and NvFBC patches for Nvidia drivers
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[NVENC patch]( removes restriction on maximum number of simultaneous NVENC video encoding sessions imposed by Nvidia to consumer-grade GPUs.
......@@ -11,12 +11,7 @@ Main target operating system is **GNU/Linux**, but for **Windows** support see [
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......@@ -48,7 +43,7 @@ $version_list
# bash ./ -h
SYNOPSIS [-s] [-r|-h|-c VERSION|-l] [-s] [-r|-h|-c VERSION|-l|-f]
The patch for Nvidia drivers to remove NVENC session limit
......@@ -61,6 +56,7 @@ DESCRIPTION
-l List supported driver versions
-d VERSION Use VERSION driver version when looking for libraries
instead of using nvidia-smi to detect it.
-f Enable support for Flatpak NVIDIA drivers.
......@@ -68,7 +64,7 @@ DESCRIPTION
# bash ./ -h
SYNOPSIS [-s] [-r|-h|-c VERSION|-l] [-s] [-r|-h|-c VERSION|-l|-f]
The patch for Nvidia drivers to allow FBC on consumer devices
......@@ -81,7 +77,7 @@ DESCRIPTION
-l List supported driver versions
-d VERSION Use VERSION driver version when looking for libraries
instead of using nvidia-smi to detect it.
-f Enable support for Flatpak NVIDIA drivers.
......@@ -139,6 +135,22 @@ Essentially all you need to do during build is:
`` script does on-the-fly patching by means of manipulating dynamic linker to workaround read-only mount of Nvidia runtime. Finally it passes original docker command to shell, like if entrypoint was not restricted by `ENTRYPOINT` directive. So `docker run --runtime=nvidia -it mycontainer echo 123` will print `123`. Also it can be just invoked from your entrypoint script, if you have any.
## Flatpak support
If you use a Flatpak app that uses NVENC/NvFBC (e.g. OBS Studio, Kdenlive), it's recommended that you patch the NVIDIA drivers for Flatpak as well. To do so, just pass the `-f` parameter to either `` or ``, like so:
bash ./ -f
bash ./ -f
In case something goes wrong, you can restore the original Flatpak drivers by adding the `-r` paramater:
bash ./ -f -r
bash ./ -f -r
## Benchmarks
* [Plex Media Server: nVidia Hardware Transcoding Calculator for Plex Estimates]( - useful benchmark of achieved simultaneous transcodes with various stream quality and hardware with patched drivers.
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