Commit 63c78707 authored by Jai Luthra's avatar Jai Luthra

win: mark recent Studio Drivers

Nvidia is recently releasing same driver version as both Game Ready and
Studio. This might have some changes in the GPU drivers, but the DLLs
for NVENC and NVFBC are exactly the same (byte-by-byte) and same patches
apply on both variants.

Update the README to indicate this commonality in the patches to avoid
Signed-off-by: default avatarJai Luthra <>
parent 1d856fba
......@@ -3934,7 +3934,7 @@
"os": "win10",
"product": "GeForce",
"version": "535.98",
"variant": "DCH",
"variant": "DCH / Studio Driver",
"patch64_url": "win10_x64/535.98/nvencodeapi64.1337",
"patch32_url": "win10_x64/535.98/nvencodeapi.1337",
"driver_url": ""
......@@ -3970,7 +3970,7 @@
"os": "win10",
"product": "GeForce",
"version": "536.40",
"variant": "DCH",
"variant": "DCH / Studio Driver",
"patch64_url": "win10_x64/536.40/nvencodeapi64.1337",
"patch32_url": "win10_x64/536.40/nvencodeapi.1337",
"driver_url": ""
......@@ -3979,7 +3979,7 @@
"os": "win10",
"product": "GeForce",
"version": "536.67",
"variant": "DCH",
"variant": "DCH / Studio Driver",
"patch64_url": "win10_x64/536.67/nvencodeapi64.1337",
"patch32_url": "win10_x64/536.67/nvencodeapi.1337",
"driver_url": ""
......@@ -3988,7 +3988,7 @@
"os": "win10",
"product": "GeForce",
"version": "536.99",
"variant": "DCH",
"variant": "DCH / Studio Driver",
"patch64_url": "win10_x64/536.99/nvencodeapi64.1337",
"patch32_url": "win10_x64/536.99/nvencodeapi.1337",
"driver_url": ""
......@@ -4015,7 +4015,7 @@
"os": "win10",
"product": "GeForce",
"version": "537.42",
"variant": "DCH",
"variant": "DCH / Studio Driver",
"patch64_url": "win10_x64/537.42/nvencodeapi64.1337",
"patch32_url": "win10_x64/537.42/nvencodeapi.1337",
"driver_url": ""
......@@ -4024,7 +4024,7 @@
"os": "win10",
"product": "GeForce",
"version": "537.58",
"variant": "DCH",
"variant": "DCH / Studio Driver",
"patch64_url": "win10_x64/537.58/nvencodeapi64.1337",
"patch32_url": "win10_x64/537.58/nvencodeapi.1337",
"driver_url": ""
......@@ -4060,7 +4060,7 @@
"os": "win10",
"product": "GeForce",
"version": "546.01",
"variant": "DCH",
"variant": "DCH / Studio Driver",
"patch64_url": "win10_x64/546.01/nvencodeapi64.1337",
"patch32_url": "win10_x64/546.01/nvencodeapi.1337",
"driver_url": ""
......@@ -210,20 +210,20 @@ Credits to [TroubleChute channel](
| GeForce | 531.68 DCH | [x64 library patch]( | [x86 library patch]( | [Driver link]( |
| GeForce | 531.79 DCH | [x64 library patch]( | [x86 library patch]( | [Driver link]( |
| GeForce | 532.03 DCH | [x64 library patch]( | [x86 library patch]( | [Driver link]( |
| GeForce | 535.98 DCH | [x64 library patch]( | [x86 library patch]( | [Driver link]( |
| GeForce | 535.98 DCH / Studio Driver | [x64 library patch]( | [x86 library patch]( | [Driver link]( |
| GeForce | 536.09 DCH (Hotfix) | [x64 library patch]( | [x86 library patch]( | [Driver link]( |
| GeForce | 536.23 DCH | [x64 library patch]( | [x86 library patch]( | [Driver link]( |
| GeForce | 536.40 DCH | [x64 library patch]( | [x86 library patch]( | [Driver link]( |
| GeForce | 536.67 DCH | [x64 library patch]( | [x86 library patch]( | [Driver link]( |
| GeForce | 536.99 DCH | [x64 library patch]( | [x86 library patch]( | [Driver link]( |
| GeForce | 536.40 DCH / Studio Driver | [x64 library patch]( | [x86 library patch]( | [Driver link]( |
| GeForce | 536.67 DCH / Studio Driver | [x64 library patch]( | [x86 library patch]( | [Driver link]( |
| GeForce | 536.99 DCH / Studio Driver | [x64 library patch]( | [x86 library patch]( | [Driver link]( |
| GeForce | 537.13 DCH | [x64 library patch]( | [x86 library patch]( | [Driver link]( |
| GeForce | 537.34 DCH | [x64 library patch]( | [x86 library patch]( | [Driver link]( |
| GeForce | 537.42 DCH | [x64 library patch]( | [x86 library patch]( | [Driver link]( |
| GeForce | 537.58 DCH | [x64 library patch]( | [x86 library patch]( | [Driver link]( |
| GeForce | 537.42 DCH / Studio Driver | [x64 library patch]( | [x86 library patch]( | [Driver link]( |
| GeForce | 537.58 DCH / Studio Driver | [x64 library patch]( | [x86 library patch]( | [Driver link]( |
| GeForce | 537.72 Vulkan Beta | [x64 library patch]( | [x86 library patch]( | |
| GeForce | 545.84 DCH | [x64 library patch]( | [x86 library patch]( | [Driver link]( |
| GeForce | 545.92 DCH | [x64 library patch]( | [x86 library patch]( | [Driver link]( |
| GeForce | 546.01 DCH | [x64 library patch]( | [x86 library patch]( | [Driver link]( |
| GeForce | 546.01 DCH / Studio Driver | [x64 library patch]( | [x86 library patch]( | [Driver link]( |
| Product series | Version | x64 library patch | x86 library patch | Driver link |
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