Commit cd2f18e1 authored by Matej Dian's avatar Matej Dian Committed by GitHub

win: nvfbcwrp: mention registry entry
parent 39dedf57
......@@ -27,3 +27,11 @@ Hence, if default magic baked into nvfbcwrp doesn't work for you, you have to:
1. Specify environment variable `NVFBCWRP_DUMP_DIR` in your configuration with path to existing writable directory. Here is a [guide]( about environment variables edit. It's sufficient to add "user" environment variable.
2. Run some NvFBC application with valid `privateData` keys and initiate recording session.
3. Grab some output file and specify it's path in `NVFBCWRP_PRIVDATA_FILE`. At this point you can unset `NVFBCWRP_DUMP_DIR` to stop `privateData` capture.
## 3rd-party software
For some software (e.g Steam) it is also needed to add registry value to use NvFBC, which you can do by running:
reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SSYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\nvlddmkm" /v NVFBCEnable /d 1 /t REG_DWORD /f
(reboot / driver restart required to take effect)
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