• Jorge Bucaran's avatar
    ⌁ Update Fish-Spec ⌁ · 30214025
    Jorge Bucaran authored
    + Add fish eval fix See #fish-shell/pull/1892
    + New and improved output system with colors, etc.
    + Support for multiple non-nested describe blocks.
    + Remove spec.log and favor `msg` plugin and standard echo.
    + `spec.eval` no longer evaluates multiple functions, acting now as a simplified
      router between the view `spec.view` and the controller `spec.run`.
    + Add new `spec.view` to act as a hub for all test output.
    + Add report with passed/failed tests to `spec.view`
    + Now test descriptions are used directly from the function name. Description
      fields are now optional.
expect.to_not_contain.spec.fish 1.68 KB