Commit 08034598 authored by Marius Melzer's avatar Marius Melzer

remove installing a concrete plugin/theme from main cli of omf

parent 6a3c2575
......@@ -8,11 +8,7 @@ function omf -d "Oh My Fish helper"
if test (count $argv) -gt 0
switch $argv[1]
case 'install'
if test (count $argv) -gt 2
omf.packages --install $argv[2] $argv[3]
omf.packages --install
omf.packages --install
case 'update'
omf.packages --update
case 'list' 'ls'
......@@ -10,11 +10,9 @@ function omf.helper -d 'Prints all functions supported by Oh My Fish helper'
omf.log normal ''
omf.log normal ' Examples:'
omf.log normal ' omf install'
omf.log normal ' omf install --plugin|--theme NAME'
omf.log normal ' omf update'
omf.log normal ' omf list'
omf.log normal ' omf self-update'
omf.log normal ' omf plugins'
omf.log normal ' omf themes'
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