Commit 2c4471a7 authored by Derek Willian Stavis's avatar Derek Willian Stavis

autoload: refactor for conformance and performance (#262)

Refactor autoload: Split the big function into two smaller ones,
doing only option parsing at main function.

The algorithm is also rewritten, now in two steps for both path
inclusion an exclusion functions: 1) use auxiliary lists to store
valid function and completion paths, 2) bulk insert or remove just
once in the variable.

Now also respects path insertion policy, keeping user function
path always in front of other paths, thus allowing precedence of
user functions.
parent a164ebdd
# autoload <path>...
# autoload -e <path>...
# Manipulate autoloading path components.
# If called without options, the paths passed as arguments are added to
# $fish_function_path. All paths ending with `completions` are correctly
# added to $fish_complete_path. Returns 0 if one or more paths exist. If all
# paths are missing, returns != 0.
# When called with -e, the paths passed as arguments are removed from
# $fish_function_path. All arguments ending with `completions` are correctly
# removed from $fish_complete_path. Returns 0 if one or more paths erased. If
# no paths were erased, returns != 0.
function autoload -d "Manipulate autoloading path components"
set -l paths $argv
function autoload
switch "$argv[1]"
case '-e' '--erase'
set erase
if test (count $argv) -ge 2
set paths $argv[2..-1]
echo "usage: autoload $argv[1] <path>..." 1>&2
return 1
test (count $argv) -ge 2
and __autoload_erase $argv[2..-1]
or echo "usage: autoload $argv[1] <path>..." 1>&2
case "-*" "--*"
echo "autoload: invalid option $argv[1]"
return 1
case '*'
test (count $argv) -ge 1
and __autoload_insert $argv
or echo "usage: autoload <path>..." 1>&2
for path in $paths
function __autoload_insert
set -l function_path
set -l complete_path
for path in $argv
not test -d "$path"; and continue
set -l dest fish_function_path
if test (basename "$path") = completions
set dest fish_complete_path
if set -q erase
if set -l index (contains -i -- $path $$dest)
set -e {$dest}[$index]
set return_success
set -l IFS '/'
echo $path | read -la components
if test "x$components[-1]" = xcompletions
contains -- $path $fish_complete_path
or set complete_path $complete_path $path
set return_success
contains -- "$path" $$dest; and continue
set $dest "$path" $$dest
set -q return_success
contains -- $path $fish_function_path
or set function_path $function_path $path
test -n "$function_path"
and set fish_function_path $fish_function_path[1] $function_path $fish_function_path[2..-1]
test -n "$complete_path"
and set fish_complete_path $fish_complete_path[1] $complete_path $fish_complete_path[2..-1]
return 0
function __autoload_erase
set -l function_indexes
set -l complete_indexes
for path in $argv
set -l IFS '/'
echo $path | read -la components
test "x$components[-1]" = xcompletions
and set complete_indexes $complete_indexes (contains -i $path $fish_complete_path)
or set function_indexes $function_indexes (contains -i $path $fish_function_path)
test -n "$function_indexes"
and set -e fish_function_path[$function_indexes]
test -n "$complete_indexes"
and set -e fish_complete_path[$complete_indexes]
return 0
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