Commit 37748dbb authored by Stephen M. Coakley's avatar Stephen M. Coakley Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #502 from oh-my-fish/feature/portable-help-text

Refactor command execution and help
parents 451b8e9d fdb65202
Change directory to root or package directory.
omf cd Change to Oh My Fish root folder
omf cd <package> Change to package directory by name
omf cd
omf cd brew
omf cd l
Get or change the update channel.
omf channel Print the currently selected update channel
omf channel <name> Switch to the given update channel
Two channels are available by default: the _stable_ channel provides stable
updates with the latest tagged version of Oh My Fish, and _dev_ which provides
the latest changes under development. The update channel currently set
determines what version *omf update* will upgrade to.
omf channel
omf channel stable
omf channel dev
Show information about a package.
omf describe <name>
Looks up a package whose name matches <name>.
Show information about the *brew* package:
omf describe brew
We get the following output:
Package: brew
Description: Oh My Fish plugin to integrate Homebrew paths into shell.
*omf d*
Uninstall Oh My Fish.
omf destroy
Troubleshoot Oh My Fish.
omf doctor
Checks your environment and Oh My Fish install for any potential or common problems.
Show help text about Oh My Fish.
omf help [<command>]
omf <command> --help
omf <command> -h
If no arguments are given, the usage guide for the *omf* command will be printed to standard output.
If <command> is specified, the usage guide for <command> will be displayed. If <command> is an alias, it will be translated into the corresponding command.
To display the text you are currently reading, you can run:
omf help help
Install one or more packages.
omf install <spec> [<spec> [...]] Install package by name or URL
omf install Install missing packages from bundle
Installs packages identified by each <spec> given. A package can be specified either by name or by a URL.
When specifying a package by name, the package name is searched for in each package repository currently installed. The first matching package is selected and downloaded. See `omf help repositories` for more information about repositories.
When a package is specified by URL, OMF assumes the URL points to a Git repository and installs the package by cloning the repository.
When called without arguments, any packages specified in your bundle file that are missing will be installed.
omf install brew
omf install
omf install brew spark
omf install
*omf i*, *omf in*, *omf get*
List installed packages.
omf list [options]
-p, --plugin::
Only list plugins.
-t, --theme::
Only list themes.
*omf l*, *omf ls*
Create a new package from a template.
omf new (_plugin_ | _theme_) <name>
Creates a new package skeleton under `$OMF_CONFIG` named <name>. The type of package is determined by the first argument.
omf new plugin myplugin
omf new theme mytheme
*omf n*
Oh My Fish! - the fish shell framework
omf [options] [<command>] [arguments]
Provides options to list, download and remove packages, update the framework, create a new package, etc.
<<cd.adoc#,**cd**>>:: Change to root or package directory.
<<channel.adoc#,**channel**>>:: Get or change the update channel.
<<describe.adoc#,**d**escribe>>:: Show information about a package.
<<destroy.adoc#,**destroy**>>:: Uninstall Oh My Fish.
<<doctor.adoc#,**doctor**>>:: Troubleshoot Oh My Fish.
<<help.adoc#,**help**>>:: Shows help about a command.
<<install.adoc#,**i**nstall>>:: Install one or more packages.
<<list.adoc#,**l**ist>>:: List installed packages.
<<new.adoc#,**n**ew>>:: Create a new package from a template.
<<reload.adoc#,**reload**>>:: Reload the current shell.
<<remove.adoc#,**r**emove>>:: Remove a package.
<<repositories.adoc#,**repo**sitories>>:: Manage package repositories.
<<search.adoc#,**s**earch>>:: Search for a package or theme.
<<theme.adoc#,**t**heme>>:: Install and list themes.
<<update.adoc#,**u**pdate>>:: Update Oh My Fish.
<<version.adoc#,**version**>>:: Display version and exit.
-h, --help::
Display this help.
-v, --version::
Display version and exit.
For more information visit →
Reload the current shell.
omf reload
Reload Oh My Fish and all plugins by using `exec` to replace current shell process with a brand new process.
This command tries to be as safe as possible, mitigating side-effects caused by exec and preventing the reload in case of background processes.
Remove a package.
omf remove <package>
Removes an installed package identified by <package>.
omf remove brew
omf remove l
*omf r*, *omf rm*, *omf uninstall*
Manage user-installed package repositories.
omf repositories [list | ls]
omf repositories add <url> [<branch>]
omf repositories (rm | remove) <url> [<branch>]
Provides commands for viewing and managing package repositories for the current user.
Package repositories are where named packages come from used by commands like `omf install`. By default the official repository is always installed and available.
list, ls::
List installed repositories.
Add a package repository located at <url>. If <branch> is not specified, the default branch of `master` is assumed.
remove, rm::
Remove a package repository.
omf repositories
omf repositories add
omf repositories rm master
*omf repo*
Search for a plugin or theme.
omf search [options] <pattern>
Search all installed package repositories for plugins and themes whose name or description matches the regular expression <pattern>. Patterns use the POSIX ERE syntax.
-p, --plugin::
Limit results to plugins.
-t, --theme::
Limit results to themes.
omf search -p nvm
omf search -t bobthefish
omf search '^gi.*$'
*omf s*
Install and list themes.
omf theme List available themes to install
omf theme <name> Install theme by name
omf theme
omf theme l
*omf t*
Update Oh My Fish and packages.
omf update [<package1> [<package2> [...]]]
Updates Oh My Fish, package repositories, and installed packages.
Each package name that is given will be updated. For example, to update the packages `bobthefish` and `direnv`, run:
omf update bobthefish direnv
The special package name `omf` will cause Oh My Fish to update itself. This can be combined with other package names.
If no arguments are given, all installed packages will be updated along with Oh My Fish.
*omf u*, *omf up*
Display version and exit.
omf version
omf --version
...@@ -27,22 +27,24 @@ end ...@@ -27,22 +27,24 @@ end
complete -c omf -f -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from d desc describe" -a (printf "%s " (omf.index.query --type=plugin)) complete -c omf -f -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from d desc describe" -a (printf "%s " (omf.index.query --type=plugin))
complete -c omf -f -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from t theme" -a "$installed_themes" complete -c omf -f -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from t theme" -a "$installed_themes"
complete -c omf -f -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from channel" -a "stable dev" complete -c omf -f -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from channel" -a "stable dev"
complete -c omf -f -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from help" -a "install theme remove update list describe cd new destroy doctor repositories" complete -c omf -f -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from help" -a "cd channel describe destroy doctor help install get list ls new reload remove uninstall repo repositories search theme update version"
complete -c omf -f -a list -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -d "List local packages" complete -c omf -f -a cd -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -d "Change directory to plugin/theme directory"
complete -c omf -f -a channel -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -d "Gets or changes the update channel"
complete -c omf -f -a describe -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -d "Get information about what packages do" complete -c omf -f -a describe -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -d "Get information about what packages do"
complete -c omf -f -a destroy -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -d "Remove Oh My Fish"
complete -c omf -f -a doctor -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -d "Troubleshoot Oh My Fish"
complete -c omf -f -a help -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -d "Display this help"
complete -c omf -f -a install -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -d "Install one or more packages" complete -c omf -f -a install -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -d "Install one or more packages"
complete -c omf -f -a theme -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -d "List / Use themes" complete -c omf -f -a list -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -d "List local packages"
complete -c omf -f -a new -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -d "Create a new package from a template"
complete -c omf -f -a reload -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -d "Reload the current shell"
complete -c omf -f -a remove -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -d "Remove a theme or package" complete -c omf -f -a remove -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -d "Remove a theme or package"
complete -c omf -f -a update -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -d "Update Oh My Fish"
complete -c omf -f -a repositories -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -d "Manage package repositories" complete -c omf -f -a repositories -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -d "Manage package repositories"
complete -c omf -f -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from repo repositories; and __omf_assert_args_count 1" -a list -d "List installed repositories"
complete -c omf -f -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from repo repositories; and __omf_assert_args_count 1" -a add -d "Add a package repository" complete -c omf -f -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from repo repositories; and __omf_assert_args_count 1" -a add -d "Add a package repository"
complete -c omf -f -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from repo repositories; and __omf_assert_args_count 1" -a list -d "List installed repositories"
complete -c omf -f -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from repo repositories; and __omf_assert_args_count 1" -a remove -d "Remove a package repository" complete -c omf -f -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from repo repositories; and __omf_assert_args_count 1" -a remove -d "Remove a package repository"
complete -c omf -f -a cd -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -d "Change directory to plugin/theme directory" complete -c omf -f -a search -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -d "Search for a plugin or theme"
complete -c omf -f -a new -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -d "Create a new package from a template" complete -c omf -f -a theme -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -d "Install and list themes"
complete -c omf -f -a search -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -d "Search the database for a theme, package or both" complete -c omf -f -a update -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -d "Update Oh My Fish"
complete -c omf -f -a help -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -d "Display this help" complete -c omf -f -a version -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -d "Display version"
complete -c omf -f -a destroy -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -d "Remove Oh My Fish"
complete -c omf -f -a doctor -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -d "Troubleshoot Oh My Fish"
complete -c omf -f -a channel -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -d "Gets or changes the update channel"
function -a command function
switch "$command" set -l IFS ''
case "c" "cd" set -l doc_root $OMF_PATH/docs/cli
echo "\ set -l doc $doc_root/omf.adoc
Change directory to root or plugin/theme directory.
# If a command was given, find a help document for it.
"(omf::dim)"Usage:"(omf::off)" if set -q argv[1]
omf cd Change to Oh My Fish root folder if not set command (omf.command $argv[1])
omf cd "(omf::em)"<package name>"(omf::off)" | "(omf::em)"<theme name>"(omf::off)" Change to plugin or theme directory by name echo (omf::err)"Unknown command: $argv[1]"(omf::off) >&2
"(omf::dim)"Examples:"(omf::off)" end
omf cd
omf cd brew set doc $doc_root/$command.adoc
omf cd l end
case "channel"
echo \n"\
Gets or changes the update channel.
Two channels are available by default: the "(omf::em)"stable"(omf::off)" channel provides stable
updates with the latest tagged version of Oh My Fish, and "(omf::em)"dev"(omf::off)" which provides
the latest changes under development. The update channel currently set
determines what version "(omf::em)"omf update"(omf::off)" will upgrade to.
omf channel Print the currently selected update channel
omf channel "(omf::em)"<name>"(omf::off)" Switch to the given update channel
omf channel
omf channel stable
omf channel dev
case "d" "describe"
echo "\
Get information about what packages do.
omf describe "(omf::em)"<name>"(omf::off)" Show information about a package
omf describe brew
case "destroy"
echo "\
Uninstall Oh My Fish.
omf destroy
case "doctor"
echo "\
Troubleshoot Oh My Fish.
omf doctor
case "i" "install" "get"
echo "\
Install packages.
omf install Install missing packages from bundle
omf install "(omf::em)"<name>"(omf::off)" | "(omf::em)"<url>"(omf::off)" Install package by name or URL
omf install
omf install brew
omf install
case "l" "ls" "list"
echo "\
List local packages.
omf list [ --available | -a ]
omf list [ --installed | -i ]
omf list [ --database | -d ]
case "n" "new"
echo "\
Create a new package from a template.
omf new ("(omf::dim)"pkg"(omf::off)" | "(omf::dim)"theme"(omf::off)") "(omf::em)"<name>"(omf::off)" Create a new package from a template
omf new pkg mypkg
omf new theme mytheme
case "repo" "repositories"
echo "\
Manage package repositories.
omf repositories [list|ls] List installed repositories
omf repositories add "(omf::em)"<url>"(omf::off)" ["(omf::em)"<branch>"(omf::off)"] Add a package repository
omf repositories rm|remove "(omf::em)"<url>"(omf::off)" ["(omf::em)"<branch>"(omf::off)"] Remove a package repository
omf repositories
omf repositories add
omf repositories rm master
case "r" "rm" "remove" "uninstall"
echo "\
Remove a theme or package.
omf remove "(omf::em)"<package name>"(omf::off)" | "(omf::em)"<theme name>"(omf::off)" Removes a theme or package by name
omf remove brew
omf remove l
case "search"
echo "\
Search for a plugin or theme.
omf search ("(omf::dim)"-p/--plugin"(omf::off)" | "(omf::dim)"-t/--theme"(omf::off)") "(omf::em)"<name>"(omf::off)" Search for a plugin or theme
omf search -p nvm
omf search -t bobthefish
omf search vi
case "t" "theme" set -l r (set_color normal ^ /dev/null)
echo "\ set -l c (set_color cyan ^ /dev/null)
Install and list themes. set -l b (set_color --bold ^ /dev/null)
set -l u (set_color --underline ^ /dev/null)
"(omf::dim)"Usage:"(omf::off)" # Format the help document for the terminal.
omf theme List available themes to install fold -s -w 78 $doc | sed -e "
omf theme "(omf::em)"<name>"(omf::off)" Install theme by name # Strip cross references.
"(omf::dim)"Examples:"(omf::off)" # Definition lists.
omf theme s/^\([^[:space:]].*\)::\(..*\)/\1\2/g
omf theme l s/^\([^[:space:]].*\)::/$b\1$r/g
case "u" "update" # Nice bullets for unordered lists.
echo "\ s/^[*-] /· /g
Update Oh My Fish.
"(omf::dim)"Usage:"(omf::off)" # Indent everything left except for headers and the first line.
omf update 2,\$ s/^[^=]/ &/
case "*" # Headers.
echo "\ s/^==* \(.*\)/$b\1$r/
\$ omf [command] [arguments]
"(omf::dim)"Usage:"(omf::off)" # Highlight bold and monospace text.
omf "(omf::em)"install"(omf::off)" [<name>|<url>] s/\*\*\([^\*]*\)\*\*/$c\1$r/g
omf "(omf::em)"theme"(omf::off)" [<name>] s/\*\([^\*]*\)\*/$c\1$r/g
omf "(omf::em)"remove"(omf::off)" [<name>] s/``\([^`]*\)``/$c\1$r/g
omf "(omf::em)"search"(omf::off)" [<name>] s/`\([^`]*\)`/$c\1$r/g
omf "(omf::em)"update"(omf::off)"
omf "(omf::em)"help"(omf::off)" [<command>]
"(omf::dim)"Commands:"(omf::off)" # Style italics as underline.
"(omf::em)"c"(omf::off)"d Change directory to plugin/theme directory. s/__\([^_]*\)__/$u\1$r/g
"(omf::em)"d"(omf::off)"escribe Get information about what packages do. s/_\([^_]*\)_/$u\1$r/g
"(omf::em)"destroy"(omf::off)" Uninstall Oh My Fish.
"(omf::em)"doctor"(omf::off)" Troubleshoot Oh My Fish.
"(omf::em)"help"(omf::off)" Shows help about a specific action.
"(omf::em)"i"(omf::off)"nstall Install one or more packages.
"(omf::em)"l"(omf::off)"ist List local packages.
"(omf::em)"n"(omf::off)"ew Create a new package from a template.
"(omf::em)"r"(omf::off)"emove Remove a theme or package.
"(omf::em)"repo"(omf::off)"sitories Manage package repositories.
"(omf::em)"s"(omf::off)"earch Search for a package or theme.
"(omf::em)"t"(omf::off)"heme List / Use themes.
"(omf::em)"u"(omf::off)"pdate Update Oh My Fish.
"(omf::dim)"Options:"(omf::off)" # Underline links.
"(omf::em)"--h"(omf::off)"elp Display this help. s/[[:alnum:]_][[:alnum:]_]*:[^[:space:]][^[:space:]]*/$u&$r/g
"(omf::em)"--v"(omf::off)"ersion Display version.
For more information visit → "(omf::em)""(omf::off)\n # Underline variable names in angle brackets.
end s/<[^>]*>/$u&$r/g
end end
function function
if test (count $argv) -ne 2 if test (count $argv) -ne 2
echo (omf::err)"Package type or name missing"(omf::off) >&2 echo (omf::err)"Package type or name missing"(omf::off) >&2
echo "Usage: omf new "(omf::em)"(pkg | theme)"(omf::off)" <name>" >&2
end end $argv $argv
...@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ function omf.cli.remove -a name ...@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ function omf.cli.remove -a name
echo (omf::em)"$name successfully removed."(omf::off) echo (omf::em)"$name successfully removed."(omf::off)
# Opt-in flag for testing # Opt-in flag for testing
and omf.cli.reload and omf.reload
case 1 case 1
echo (omf::err)"$name could not be removed."(omf::off) >&2 echo (omf::err)"$name could not be removed."(omf::off) >&2
case 2 case 2
function omf.cli.repositories
omf.index.repositories $argv
function omf.cli.theme -a name function omf.cli.theme -a name
switch (count $argv) switch (count $argv)
case 0 case 0
omf.cli.themes.list test -f $OMF_CONFIG/theme
and read -l theme < $OMF_CONFIG/theme
or set -l theme default
set -l regex_current "(^|[[:space:]])($theme)([[:space:]]|\$)"
set -l highlight_current s/"$regex_current"/"\1"(omf::em)"\2"(omf::off)"\3"/g
echo (omf::under)"Installed:"(omf::off)
omf.packages.list --theme | column | sed -E "$highlight_current"
echo (omf::under)"Available:"(omf::off)
omf.index.query --type=theme | column
case 1 case 1
omf.theme.set $name omf.theme.set $name
case '*' case '*'
...@@ -36,6 +36,6 @@ function omf.cli.update ...@@ -36,6 +36,6 @@ function omf.cli.update
# Opt-in flag for testing # Opt-in flag for testing
omf.cli.reload omf.reload
end end
end end
...@@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ function refresh -d "(deprecated) Refresh fish session by replacing current proc ...@@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ function refresh -d "(deprecated) Refresh fish session by replacing current proc
set -q CI set -q CI
and return 0 and return 0
type -q omf.core.reload type -q omf.reload
and omf.core.reload and omf.reload
# If omf.core.reload exist, current fish will be replaced via exec, so # If omf.reload exist, current fish will be replaced via exec, so
# the code below will never be reached. When it doesn't exist, the code # the code below will never be reached. When it doesn't exist, the code
# below, the deprecated method, will be used as fallback. # below, the deprecated method, will be used as fallback.
function omf.command -d 'Lookup OMF command by name or alias' -a name
switch "$name"
case 'cd'
echo cd
case 'channel'
echo channel
case 'd' 'describe'
echo describe
case 'destroy'
echo destroy
case 'doctor'
echo doctor
case 'help'
echo help
case 'i' 'in' 'install' 'get'
echo install
case 'l' 'ls' 'list'
echo list
case 'n' 'new'
echo new
case 'reload'
echo reload
case 'r' 'rm' 'remove' 'uninstall'
echo remove
case 'repo' 'repositories'
echo repositories
case 's' 'search'
echo search
case 't' 'theme'
echo theme
case 'u' 'up' 'update'
echo update
case 'version'
echo version
case '*'
# Oh My Fish! CLI
# Provides options to list, download and remove packages, update
# the framework, create / submit a new package, etc.
function omf -d "Oh My Fish" function omf -d "Oh My Fish"
# Parse any options before the command name.
while set -q argv[1]
switch $argv[1]
case '-h' '--help' '-\?' '/\?'
set command help
if test "x$argv[-1]" = "x--help" -a (count $argv) = 2 case '-v' '--version'
set command help set command version
set arguments $argv[1]
else if test (count $argv) -ge 2
set command $argv[1]
set arguments $argv[2..-1]
else if test (count $argv) = 1
set command $argv[1]
set arguments
set command help
set arguments
switch "$command"
case "-v*" "--v*"
case "-h*" "--h*" "help" $arguments
case "c" "cd" $arguments
case "d" "describe"
omf.cli.describe $arguments
case "destroy"
case "doctor"
case "reload"
omf.cli.reload $arguments
case "i" "install" "get" case '-?*'
omf.cli.install $arguments echo (omf::err)"Unknown option: $argv[1]"(omf::off) >&2
case "l" "ls" "list" case '*'
omf.cli.list $arguments break
case "n" "new" set -e argv[1] $arguments end
case "r" "rm" "remove" "uninstall"
omf.cli.remove $arguments
case "t" "theme"
omf.cli.theme $arguments
case "u" "update"
omf.cli.update $arguments
case "repo" "repositories" # Also extract a help flag from the last argument.
omf.index.repositories $arguments switch "$argv[-1]"
case '-h' '--help' '-\?' '/\?'
set command help
set -e argv[-1]
case "channel" # Extract the command name from the remaining arguments. $arguments if not set -q command
if set -q argv[1]
set command $argv[1]
set -e argv[1]
set command help
case "s" "search" # Lookup the function for the requested command. $arguments if not set command_name (omf.command $command)
echo (omf::err)"Unknown command: $command"(omf::off) >&2
case "version" # Execute the command.
omf.cli.version $arguments echo "function __omf_last_command --no-scope-shadowing
omf.cli.$command_name \$argv
end" | source
case "*" __omf_last_command $argv
echo (omf::err)"$argv[1] option not recognized"(omf::off) >&2
end end
...@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ end ...@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ end
function -a option name function -a option name
switch $option switch $option
case "p" "pkg" "pack" "packg" "package" case "p" "plugin"
set option "pkg" set option "pkg"
case "t" "th" "the" "thm" "theme" "themes" case "t" "th" "the" "thm" "theme" "themes"
set option "themes" set option "themes"
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