Commit 4403f7a5 authored by Derek Willian Stavis's avatar Derek Willian Stavis

Merge pull request #250 from oh-my-fish/update-themes-docs

docs: update
parents 430a1d8a a52bd856
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
- [default](#default)
- [eclm](#eclm)
- [edan](#edan)
- [es](#es)
- [fishface](#fishface)
- [fishy-drupal](#fishy-drupal)
- [fisk](#fisk)
......@@ -1007,6 +1008,55 @@ Inspired by idan, a functional, uncluttered fish theme with usability perks for
Check out [Anonymous Pro](
# es
<img src="" align="left" width="144px" height="144px"/>
###### es theme
> A Powerline-style, Git-aware theme for [Oh My Fish][omf-link].
[![MIT License](](/LICENSE) [![Fish Shell Version](]( [![Oh My Fish Framework](](
#### Install
Make sure you have [Oh My Fish][omf-link] installed. Then just
$ omf install es
#### Features
* Git-aware theme with detailed __Git status__ in the left prompt (added, removed, modified, renamed, unstaged, stashed)
* __Node/Python/Ruby@gemset__ current version inside a git folder in the right prompt if respective virtual environment manager is installed (nvm, pyenv, rbenv)
* __Error status__ and __duration of last command__ in the right prompt
* Mac-notifications on completion of long commands (10+&nbsp;seconds by default) if terminal is out of focus
* Limits path to __two last folders__ for better visibility, with `$HOME` directory abbreviated to `~`
* Powerline-patched fonts required
#### Screenshot
#####__Git folder__
<p align="center">
<img src="">
#####__Normal folder (no Git)__
<p align="center">
<img src="">
### License
[MIT][mit] © [eugenesvk][THEMES-NAMESPACE-es-author]
# fishface
#### FishFace
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