Commit 48ace421 authored by Stephen M. Coakley's avatar Stephen M. Coakley Committed by GitHub

Add keybindings file to dotfiles list (#378)

Fixes #377
parent 76045bbe
......@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ Searches Oh My Fish's database for a given package, theme or both. It also suppo
#### `omf submit` _`pkg/<name>`_ _`[<url>]`_
Add a new package. To add a theme, use `omf submit` _`themes/<name>`_ _`<url>`_.
Please note that the _`[<url>]`_ portion of the command should be the url to your repo on github. For example, with the `example` plugin, the command run should be `omf submit pkg/example`.
Please note that the _`[<url>]`_ portion of the command should be the url to your repo on github. For example, with the `example` plugin, the command run should be `omf submit pkg/example`.
Make sure to [send us a PR][omf-pulls-link] to update the registry.
......@@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ candidate for being added to your dotfiles and/or checked out to version control
- __`bundle`__ - List of currently installed packages/themes
- __``__ - Custom script sourced after shell start
- __``__ - Custom script sourced before shell start
- __``__ - Custom key bindings where you can use the `bind` command freely
It's highly recommended that your custom startup commands go into `` file instead of `~/.config/fish/`, as this allows you to keep the whole `$OMF_CONFIG` directory under version control.
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