Commit 5e7abd6a authored by Derek Willian Stavis's avatar Derek Willian Stavis

Merge pull request #218 from oranja/bugfix-git-ahead

bugfix: add missing $s in variable tests in
parents ebd54322 6fa33324
function git_ahead -a ahead behind diverged none
git_is_repo; and begin
test -z "$ahead"; and set ahead "+"
test -z "behind"; and set behind "-"
test -z "diverged"; and set diverged "±"
test -z "none"; and set none ""
test -z "$behind"; and set behind "-"
test -z "$diverged"; and set diverged "±"
test -z "$none"; and set none ""
command git rev-list --left-right "@{upstream}...HEAD" ^/dev/null \
| awk "/>/ {a += 1} /</ {b += 1} \
{if (a > 0) nextfile} END \
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