Commit 6404410b authored by Stephen M. Coakley's avatar Stephen M. Coakley Committed by GitHub

Implement update channels to introduce release versioning (#293)

parent 406d16e3
......@@ -100,6 +100,12 @@ Please note that the _`[<url>]`_ portion of the command should be the url to you
Make sure to [send us a PR][omf-pulls-link] to update the registry.
#### `omf channel`
Gets or changes the update channel.
Two channels are available by default: the `stable` channel provides stable updates with the latest tagged version of Oh My Fish, and `dev` which provides the latest changes under development. The update channel currently set determines what version `omf update` will upgrade to.
#### `omf doctor`
Use to troubleshoot before [opening an issue][omf-issues-new].
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ function main
set -g OMF_CHANNEL stable
# Ensure repository URL ends with .git
set OMF_REPO_URI (echo $OMF_REPO_URI | command sed 's/\.git//').git
......@@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ function main
Install Oh My Fish
--channel=<channel> Download a specific release channel, either \"stable\" or \"dev\" (default is \"$OMF_CHANNEL\").
--config=<path> Put config in a specific path (default is $OMF_CONFIG_DEFAULT).
--help, -h Show this help message.
--noninteractive Disable interactive questions (assume no, use with --yes to assume yes).
......@@ -43,6 +45,15 @@ Options:
return 0
case '--channel=stable'
set -g OMF_CHANNEL stable
case '--channel=dev'
set -g OMF_CHANNEL dev
case '--channel=*'
abort "Unknown release channel \""(echo "$argv[1]" | command cut -d= -f2)"\"."
case '--config=*'
echo "$argv[1]" | command cut -d= -f2 | command sed -e "s#~#$HOME#" | read -g OMF_CONFIG
......@@ -139,12 +150,23 @@ end
# Downloads and installs the framework from GitHub.
function install_from_github
say "Using release channel \"$OMF_CHANNEL\"."
say "Cloning $OMF_REPO_BRANCH from $OMF_REPO_URI..."
if not command git clone -q --depth 1 -b $OMF_REPO_BRANCH $OMF_REPO_URI "$OMF_PATH"
if not command git clone -q -b "$OMF_REPO_BRANCH" "$OMF_REPO_URI" "$OMF_PATH"
abort "Error cloning repository!"
if test $OMF_CHANNEL = stable
# Get the commit for the latest release.
set -l hash (command git --git-dir "$OMF_PATH/.git" --work-tree "$OMF_PATH" rev-list --tags='v*' --max-count=1 ^ /dev/null)
# Get the release tag.
and set -l tag (command git --git-dir "$OMF_PATH/.git" --work-tree "$OMF_PATH" describe --tags $hash)
# Checkout the release.
and command git --git-dir "$OMF_PATH/.git" --work-tree "$OMF_PATH" checkout --quiet tags/$tag
or report error "Error getting latest version!"
......@@ -275,6 +297,8 @@ function install_config
test -f "$OMF_CONFIG/bundle";
or echo "theme default" > "$OMF_CONFIG/bundle"
test -f "$OMF_CONFIG/channel";
or echo $OMF_CHANNEL > "$OMF_CONFIG/channel"
test -f "$OMF_CONFIG/theme"
or echo "default" > "$OMF_CONFIG/theme"
......@@ -433,11 +457,17 @@ function is_version_compatible -a lhs rhs
set -q argv[2]
or return 1
# Sort the versions to get the lesser one.
set -l sorted (printf "$lhs\n$rhs\n" | command sort -n -t '.' -k 1,1 -k 2,2 -k 3,3 -k 4,4)
# Right-hand side must be the largest version.
test "$rhs" = (get_latest_version "$lhs" "$rhs")
# Left-hand side must be the smallest version.
test "$lhs" = "$sorted[1]"
# Returns the newest version from a given list of versions.
function get_latest_version
# Sort the version in descending order and output the top result.
for v in $argv
echo "$v"
end | command sort -r -n -t '.' -k 1,1 -k 2,2 -k 3,3 -k 4,4 | command head -n 1
......@@ -43,5 +43,4 @@ end
emit perf:timer:start "Oh My Fish init user config path"
require --no-bundle --path $OMF_CONFIG
emit perf:timer:finish "Oh My Fish init user config path"
set -g OMF_VERSION "2"
emit perf:timer:finish "Oh My Fish initialisation"
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ end
complete -c omf -f -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from d desc describe" -a (printf "%s " (omf.packages.list --database --plugin))
complete -c omf -f -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from t theme" -a "$installed_themes"
complete -c omf -f -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from channel" -a "stable dev"
complete -c omf -f -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from help" -a "install theme remove update list describe cd new submit destroy doctor"
complete -c omf -f -a list -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -d "List local packages"
......@@ -35,3 +36,4 @@ complete -c omf -f -a submit -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -d "Submit a package t
complete -c omf -f -a help -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -d "Display this help"
complete -c omf -f -a destroy -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -d "Remove Oh My Fish"
complete -c omf -f -a doctor -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -d "Troubleshoot Oh My Fish"
complete -c omf -f -a channel -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -d "Gets or changes the update channel"
switch (count $argv)
case 0
case 1 $argv
case '*'
echo (omf::err)"Invalid number of arguments"(omf::off) 1^&2
omf help channel
......@@ -14,6 +14,25 @@ Change directory to root or plugin/theme directory.
omf cd l
case "channel"
echo \n"\
Gets or changes the update channel.
Two channels are available by default: the "(omf::em)"stable"(omf::off)" channel provides stable
updates with the latest tagged version of Oh My Fish, and "(omf::em)"dev"(omf::off)" which provides
the latest changes under development. The update channel currently set
determines what version "(omf::em)"omf update"(omf::off)" will upgrade to.
omf channel Print the currently selected update channel
omf channel "(omf::em)"<name>"(omf::off)" Switch to the given update channel
omf channel
omf channel stable
omf channel dev
case "d" "describe"
echo "\
Get information about what packages do.
......@@ -13,8 +13,14 @@ function omf.cli.update
if set -q update_core
if type -q omf.version
set OMF_VERSION (omf.version)
if test $status -ne 1
echo (omf::em)"Oh My Fish is up to date."(omf::off)
echo (omf::em)"You are now using Oh My Fish version $OMF_VERSION."(omf::off)
echo (omf::err)"Oh My Fish failed to update."(omf::off)
echo "Please open a new issue here → "(omf::em)""(omf::off)
function omf.cli.version
echo "Oh My Fish! $OMF_VERSION"
echo "Oh My Fish version "(omf.version)
# Check for an environment variable override.
if set -q OMF_CHANNEL
return 0
# Check the channel file.
if test -f $OMF_CONFIG/channel
read -l channel < $OMF_CONFIG/channel
and echo $channel
and return 0
# Assume 'stable' if not specified.
echo stable
function -a name
# If an argument is specified, set the update channel.
if begin; test -z "$name"; or not contains -- $name stable dev; end
echo (omf::err)"'$name' is not a valid channel."(omf::off) 1^&2
return 1
echo $name > $OMF_CONFIG/channel
echo "Update channel set to "(omf::em)"$name"(omf::off)"."
echo "To switch to the latest $name version, run "(omf::em)"omf update"(omf::off)"."
function omf.core.update
omf.repo.pull $OMF_PATH
# If on the stable channel, checkout the latest tag.
if test ( = stable
# If the channel isn't explicitly set and we are currently tracking a branch instead of a version, the user probably
# upgraded from an old version. Let them know that we will start updating to stable versions.
if begin; not test -f $OMF_CONFIG/channel; and command git -C "$OMF_PATH" symbolic-ref -q HEAD > /dev/null; end
set_color $fish_color_quote ^/dev/null; or set_color yellow --bold
echo ">> You have been switched to the stable release channel of Oh My Fish."
echo ">> To switch back to the development channel, run `omf channel dev`."
set_color normal
# Determine the remote to fetch from.
set -l remote origin
if test (command git -C "$OMF_PATH" config --get remote.upstream.url)
set remote upstream
# Fetch the latest tags.
command git -C "$OMF_PATH" fetch --quiet --tags $remote
# Get the commit for the latest release.
and set -l hash (command git -C "$OMF_PATH" rev-list --tags='v*' --max-count=1 ^ /dev/null)
# Get the release tag.
and set -l tag (command git -C "$OMF_PATH" describe --tags $hash)
# Checkout the release.
and command git -C "$OMF_PATH" checkout --quiet tags/$tag
and return 0
# Something went wrong.
echo (omf::err)"No release versions found."(omf::off)
return 1
# Determine the branch to use for the dev channel.
or set -l OMF_DEV_BRANCH master
# Switch to the master branch if we are in a detached head.
command git -C "$OMF_PATH" symbolic-ref -q HEAD > /dev/null
or command git -C "$OMF_PATH" checkout $OMF_DEV_BRANCH --quiet
# Pull the latest for the current branch.
omf.repo.pull $OMF_PATH
function omf.version
command git -C "$OMF_PATH" describe --tags --match 'v*' --always | cut -c 2-
......@@ -64,9 +64,15 @@ function omf -d "Oh My Fish"
case "u" "update"
omf.cli.update $arguments
case "channel" $arguments
case "search" $arguments
case "version"
omf.cli.version $arguments
case "*"
echo (omf::err)"$argv[1] option not recognized"(omf::off) 1^&2
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