Commit ec2b34a2 authored by Stephen M. Coakley's avatar Stephen M. Coakley Committed by GitHub

Add release versions to changelog (#424)

parent 0b0c2312
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ Important changes to Oh My Fish are recorded here for each release.
- Init process completely rewritten to improve performance and correctness. Using `on_{plugin}` events for plugin initialization is now deprecated and will eventually be removed. `` scripts will be sourced directly and are passed the variables `$path`, `$package`, and `$bundle`. [#343] [#335]
- Revamped _hooks_ system that allows plugins to register scripts to be executed on certain events. Hooks are now located in `{plugin}/hooks` (except for `init` and `key_bindings`) and are regular Fish scripts named after the target hook event. Adds support for `install` and `update` hooks. See the [package docs](docs/en-US/ for details. [#286]
- Completely new interactive installer written for correctness that no longer overwrites any existing usr config files. Also supports offline installs. [#399] [#385] [#381] [#361] [#330]
- The core framework updater now respects release versions and by default upgrades between tagged releases only. Run `omf channel dev` to receive updates from `master`. [#293]
- Fixes for Fish 2.3.* compatibility. [#327] [#325]
- `omf update` now returns the correct output and exit status. [#394] [#365]
- Fix errors shown for the default theme when in a Git detached head. [#366]
......@@ -106,6 +107,7 @@ Important changes to Oh My Fish are recorded here for each release.
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