Commit f0ea67b8 authored by Bruno's avatar Bruno

Merge pull request #72 from coderstephen/master

Split custom "" into clearer "" and ""
parents 557b5da0 18679d86
......@@ -101,19 +101,22 @@ Oh My Fish installer places its startup code in your fish config file (`~/.confi
## Startup
Everytime you open a new shell the startup code initializes Oh My Fish installation path and the _config_ path (`~/.config/omf` by default), sourcing the [``]( script afterwards, which autoload packages, themes and your custom init file. For more information check the [FAQ](docs/
Everytime you open a new shell the startup code initializes Oh My Fish installation path and the _config_ path (`~/.config/omf` by default), sourcing the [``]( script afterwards, which autoload packages, themes and your custom init files. For more information check the [FAQ](docs/
## Dotfiles
The `$OMF_CONFIG` directory represents the user state of Oh My Fish, and is the perfect
candidate for being added to your dotfiles and/or checked out to version control. There are three important files:
candidate for being added to your dotfiles and/or checked out to version control. There are four important files:
- __`theme`__ - The current theme
- __`bundle`__ - List of currently installed packages/themes
- __``__ - Custom script sourced at shell start
- __``__ - Custom script sourced after shell start
- __``__ - Custom script sourced before shell start
It's highly recommended that your custom startup commands go into `` file instead of `~/.config/fish/`, as this allows you to keep the whole `$OMF_CONFIG` directory under version control.
If you need startup commands to be run *before* Oh My Fish begins loading plugins, place them in `` instead. If you're unsure, it is usually best to put things in ``.
### About the bundle
Everytime a package/theme is installed or removed the `bundle` file is updated. You can also edit it manually and run `omf install` afterwards to satisfy the changes. Please note that while packages/themes added to the bundle gets automagically installed, a package/theme removed from bundle isn't removed from user installation.
......@@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ There are roughly 3 kinds of packages:
## What does Oh My Fish do exactly?
+ Run `$OMF_CONFIG/` if available.
+ Autoload installed packages and themes under `$OMF_PATH/`.
+ Autoload your config path. `~/.config/omf` by default, but configurable via `$OMF_CONFIG`.
......@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ Oh My Fish 包是使用 fish 编写的一系列主题和插件用于扩展 Shell
## Oh My Fish 主要都干了什么?
+ 如果存在 `$OMF_CONFIG/`
+ 自动加载 `$OMF_PATH/` 目录下已安装的插件和主题。
+ 自动加载你的配置。默认路径 `~/.config/omf`,除非你自定义了 `$OMF_CONFIG` 变量。
......@@ -97,4 +99,4 @@ chsh -s /usr/local/bin/fish
chsh -s /bin/bash
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -92,10 +92,16 @@ Oh My Fish 安装脚本会把自身启动代码加载到 fish 的配置文件 (`
## Dotfiles
`$OMF_CONFIG` 目录存储用户使用 Oh My Fish 的重要配置参数,这是最完美的方式把该目录的所有文件加入你的 dotfiles 或加入到版本控制。
- __`theme`__ - 当前主题
- __`bundle`__ - 显示当前已安装的插件/主题列表
- __``__ - 壳开始后执行的自定义脚本
- __``__ - 壳开始前执行的自定义脚本
它强烈建议您自定义的启动命令进入 `` 文件而不是 `~/.config/omf/`,因为这可以让你保持在版本控制整个 `$OMF_CONFIG` 目录。
如果你需要的Starup命令来运行*之前*噢,我的鱼开始加载插件,将它们放置在 `` 代替。如果你不确定,通常最好把东西 ``
### 关于 bundle
......@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
# Initialize Oh My Fish.
# + Source $OMF_CONFIG/
# + Autoload Oh My Fish packages, themes and config path
# + For each <pkg> inside {$OMF_PATH,$OMF_CONFIG}
# + Autoload <pkg> directory
......@@ -32,6 +34,9 @@ if not set -q OMF_CONFIG
# Source custom file
source $OMF_CONFIG/ ^/dev/null
# Save the head of function path and autoload core functions
set -l user_function_path $fish_function_path[1]
set fish_function_path[1] $OMF_PATH/lib
......@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ set -g OMF_PATH {{OMF_PATH}}
### Configuration required to load oh-my-fish ###
# Note: Only add configurations that are required to be set before oh-my-fish is loaded.
# For common configurations, we advise you to add them to your $OMF_CONFIG/ file or
# to create a custom plugin instead.
# For common configurations, we advise you to add them to your $OMF_CONFIG/
# file or to create a custom plugin instead.
# Load oh-my-fish configuration.
source $OMF_PATH/
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