Commit 63e760ec authored by nanahira's avatar nanahira


parent 18b52faa
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -8,5 +8,6 @@ services:
- ./templates/ocserv.conf:/etc/ocserv/ocserv.conf:ro
- {{certs_path}}:/etc/ssl/railgun/certs:ro
- ./data/users/{{userdata_name}}/ocpasswd:/etc/ocserv/ocpasswd:ro
- ./data/dhparam.pem:/etc/ssl/railgun/dhparam.pem:ro
- ./templates/radius-servers:/etc/radcli/servers:ro
- ./templates/radiusclient.conf:/etc/radcli/radiusclient.conf:ro
auth = "plain[passwd=/etc/ocserv/ocpasswd]"
auth = "radius[config=/etc/radcli/radiusclient.conf,groupconfig=true]"
tcp-port = {{port}}
udp-port = {{port}}
run-as-user = nobody
## Server Name or Client/Server pair Key
## ---------------- ---------------
# hardlyasecret donttellanyone
## uncomment the following line for simple testing of radlogin
## with freeradius-server
#localhost/localhost testing123
{{radius_host}} {{radius_secret}}
# RADIUS settings
# The name to be used to identify this NAS (server). If set it will
# be used in NAS-Identifier field and will override any such setting
# by the application.
#nas-identifier my-server-name
# Override the IP (or IPv6) address of the NAS.
#nas-ip ::1
# RADIUS server to use for authentication requests.
# optionally you can specify a the port number on which is remote
# RADIUS listens separated by a colon from the hostname. if
# no port is specified /etc/services is consulted of the radius
# service. if this fails also a compiled in default is used.
# For IPv6 addresses use the '[IPv6]:port:secret' format, or
# simply '[IPv6]'. You may specify more than a single server
# in a comma-separated list.
authserver {{radius_host}}:{{radius_port}}
# RADIUS server to use for accouting requests. All that is
# written for authserver applies, in acctserver as well.
acctserver {{radius_host}}:{{radius_port}}
# File holding shared secrets used for the communication
# between the RADIUS client and server. When multiple
# server
servers /etc/radcli/servers
# Dictionary of allowed attributes and values. That depends
# heavily on the features of your server. A default dictionary
# is installed in /usr/share/radcli/dictionary
dictionary /etc/radcli/dictionary
# default authentication realm to append to all usernames if no
# realm was explicitly specified by the user
# the radiusd directly form Livingston doesnt use any realms, so leave
# it blank then
# time to wait for a reply from the RADIUS server
radius_timeout 10
# resend request this many times before trying the next server
radius_retries 3
# local address from which radius packets have to be sent
bindaddr *
# Transport Protocol Support
# Available options - 'tcp', 'udp', 'tls' and 'dtls'.
# If commented out, udp will be used.
#serv-type udp
# To enable verbose debugging messages in syslog, enable the following
#clientdebug 1
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