Commit 6d5e363e authored by nanahira's avatar nanahira


parent 39b2a74b
Pipeline #22560 passed with stages
in 24 seconds
......@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ def searchban(screen_name):
print("User ID of {}: {}".format(screen_name, user_id))
get_reply_vars = {
"count": 20, "userId": user_id,
"count": 200, "userId": user_id,
"includePromotedContent": False, "withSuperFollowsUserFields": False, "withBirdwatchPivots": False,
"withDownvotePerspective": False, "withReactionsMetadata": False,
"withReactionsPerspective": False, "withSuperFollowsTweetFields": False, "withVoice": False, "withV2Timeline": False,
......@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ def searchban(screen_name):
if not ghostban:
# all checks done
if ent["entryId"].startswith("tweet") and "lagacy" in ent["content"]["itemContent"]["tweet_results"]["result"]:
if ent["entryId"].startswith("tweet") and "legacy" in ent["content"]["itemContent"]["tweet_results"]["result"]:
tmp = ent["content"]["itemContent"]["tweet_results"]["result"]["legacy"]
if "in_reply_to_status_id_str" in tmp and tmp["in_reply_to_status_id_str"] not in checkedTweets:
reply = tmp
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