Commit 89f91b49 authored by Raphael Beer's avatar Raphael Beer

Meta: add test subject's screen_name to log

parent c4de8213
......@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ class TwitterSession:
debug('Unexpected Exception:')
async def test_barrier(self, user_id):
async def test_barrier(self, user_id, screen_name):
tweets_replies = await self.get_profile_tweets_raw(user_id)
tweet_ids = self.get_ordered_tweet_ids(tweets_replies)
......@@ -329,9 +329,9 @@ class TwitterSession:
if replied_tweet["reply_count"] > 500:
debug('Tban: ')
debug('Found:' + tid + '\n')
debug('In reply to:' + replied_to_id + '\n')
debug('[' + screen_name + '] Barrier Test: ')
debug('[' + screen_name + '] Found:' + tid)
debug('[' + screen_name + '] In reply to:' + replied_to_id)
reference_session = next_session()
reference_session = self
......@@ -447,9 +447,9 @@ class TwitterSession:
result["tests"]["ghost"] = {"ban": False}
if more_replies_test and not get_nested(result, ["tests", "ghost", "ban"], False):
result["tests"]["more_replies"] = await self.test_barrier(user_id)
result["tests"]["more_replies"] = await self.test_barrier(user_id, profile['screen_name'])
debug('Writing result for ' + result['profile']['screen_name'] + ' to DB')
debug('[' + profile['screen_name'] + '] Writing result to DB')
return result
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