Commit e01f31c2 authored by root's avatar root

Refactor backend, implement external unlocking, use argument instead of env variable for run script

parent 776b7673
......@@ -22,11 +22,19 @@ def get_nested(obj, path, default=None):
obj = obj[p]
return obj
def is_error(result, code):
return isinstance(result.get("errors", None), list) and len([x for x in result["errors"] if x.get("code", None) == code]) > 0
account_sessions = []
account_index = 0
log_file = None
debug_file = None
def next_session():
sessions = sorted([s for s in account_sessions if not s.locked], key=lambda s:-s.remaining)
if len(sessions) > 0:
return sessions[0]
class TwitterSession:
_user_url = ""
......@@ -43,9 +51,10 @@ class TwitterSession:
# rate limit monitoring
self.limit = -1
self.remaining = -1
self.remaining = 180
self.reset = -1
self.overshot = -1
self.locked = False
# session user's @username
# this stays `None` for guest sessions
......@@ -70,6 +79,8 @@ class TwitterSession:
login_required = False
store_cookies = True
if login_required:
async with self._session.get("", headers=self._headers) as r:
login_page = await r.text()
......@@ -80,11 +91,13 @@ class TwitterSession:
form_data["session[password]"] = password
form_data["remember_me"] = "1"
async with'', data=form_data, headers=self._headers) as r:
await r.text()
response = await r.text()
if str(r.url) == "":
log("Login of %s successful" % username)
log("Error logging in %s" % username)
store_cookies = False
log("Error logging in %s (%s)" % (username, r.url))
debug("ERROR PAGE\n" + response)
async with self._session.get('', headers=self._headers) as r:
await r.text()
......@@ -93,7 +106,7 @@ class TwitterSession:
self.username = username
if cookie_file is not None:
if cookie_file is not None and store_cookies:
......@@ -139,8 +152,10 @@ class TwitterSession:
if self.username is not None:
if retry_csrf and isinstance(result.get("errors", None), list) and len([x for x in result["errors"] if x.get("code", None) == 353]):
if retry_csrf and is_error(result, 353):
return await self.tweet_raw(tweet_id, count, cursor, False)
if is_error(result, 326):
self.locked = True
return result
def monitor_rate_limit(self, headers):
......@@ -253,7 +268,10 @@ class TwitterSession:
global account_sessions
global account_index
reference_session = account_sessions[account_index % len(account_sessions)]
reference_session = next_session()
if reference_session is None:
account_index += 1
before_barrier = await reference_session.tweet_raw(replied_to_id, 1000)
......@@ -396,14 +414,28 @@ def log(message):
async def stats(request):
text = "Locked Limit Remaining Reset"
for session in account_sessions:
text += "\n%6d %5d %9d %5d" % (int(session.locked), session.limit, session.remaining, session.reset - int(time.time()))
return web.Response(text=text)
async def unlocked(request):
screen_name = request.match_info['screen_name']
text = "Not unlocked"
for session in account_sessions:
if session.username.lower() != screen_name.lower():
session.locked = False
text = "Unlocked"
return web.Response(text=text)
async def hello(request):
async def api(request):
screen_name = request.match_info['screen_name']
if screen_name == '.stats':
text = "Limit Remaining Reset"
for session in account_sessions:
text += "\n%5d %9d %5d" % (session.limit, session.remaining, session.reset - int(time.time()))
return web.Response(text=text)
session = TwitterSession()
result = await session.test(screen_name)
log(json.dumps(result) + '\n')
#/usr/bin/env bash
if [ "$PYTHON_ENV" != 'production' ] && [ "$PYTHON_ENV" != 'development' ]; then
echo "Please provide a PYTHON_ENV value of 'production' or 'development'"
echo "e.g. $ PYTHON_ENV=development $0"
if [ "$1" != 'production' ] && [ "$1" != 'development' ]; then
echo "Please provide 'production' or 'development' as first argument"
echo "e.g. $ $0 development"
if [ ! -f $EXPECTED_ENV_FILE ]; then
echo "Please provide a configuration file {$EXPECTED_ENV_FILE}!"
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