Commit eb36ab3a authored by nanahira's avatar nanahira

it soon wiped all nodes

parent 79b0651f
Pipeline #18302 passed with stage
in 18 seconds
......@@ -60,18 +60,19 @@ def doSearch(screen_name, twitter_b):
def healthy():
result = None
if isHealthy:
return {'healthy': True}
with healthLock:
if isHealthy:
return {'healthy': True}
doSearch('Dream', getTwitterSession())
if isHealthy:
print("Rate limit passed.")
return {'healthy': True}
return Response(status=500)
return result
return {"healthy": True}
#result = None
#if isHealthy:
# return {'healthy': True}
#with healthLock:
# if isHealthy:
# return {'healthy': True}
# doSearch('Dream', getTwitterSession())
# if isHealthy:
# print("Rate limit passed.")
# return {'healthy': True}
# return Response(status=500)
#return result
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