Commit 1633fb57 authored by nanahira's avatar nanahira

fix multiple receiving replays

parent 585e2c1c
......@@ -68,7 +68,8 @@ import_datas = [
merge = require 'deepmerge'
......@@ -871,7 +872,8 @@ CLIENT_is_banned_by_mc = (client) ->
return client.ban_mc and client.ban_mc.banned and moment().isBefore(client.ban_mc.until)
CLIENT_send_replays = (client, room) ->
return false unless settings.modules.replay_delay and room.replays.length and room.hostinfo.mode == 1
return false unless settings.modules.replay_delay and room.replays.length and room.hostinfo.mode == 1 and !client.replays_sent and !client.closed
client.replays_sent = true
i = 0
for buffer in room.replays
......@@ -2468,7 +2470,7 @@ ygopro.stoc_follow 'DUEL_END', false, (buffer, info, client, server, datas)->
return unless room and settings.modules.replay_delay and room.hostinfo.mode == 1
SOCKET_flush_data(client, datas)
CLIENT_send_replays(client, room)
if !room.replays_sent_to_watchers and (client.pos == 0 or !room.dueling_players[0] or room.dueling_players[0].closed)
if !room.replays_sent_to_watchers
room.replays_sent_to_watchers = true
for player in room.players when player and player.pos > 3
CLIENT_send_replays(player, room)
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
import_datas = ["abuse_count", "ban_mc", "vpass", "rag", "rid", "is_post_watcher", "retry_count", "name", "pass", "is_first", "lp", "card_count", "is_host", "pos", "surrend_confirm", "kick_count", "deck_saved", "main", "side", "side_interval", "side_tcount", "selected_preduel", "last_game_msg", "last_game_msg_title", "last_hint_msg", "start_deckbuf", "challonge_info", "ready_trap"];
import_datas = ["abuse_count", "ban_mc", "vpass", "rag", "rid", "is_post_watcher", "retry_count", "name", "pass", "is_first", "lp", "card_count", "is_host", "pos", "surrend_confirm", "kick_count", "deck_saved", "main", "side", "side_interval", "side_tcount", "selected_preduel", "last_game_msg", "last_game_msg_title", "last_hint_msg", "start_deckbuf", "challonge_info", "ready_trap", "replays_sent"];
merge = require('deepmerge');
......@@ -1122,9 +1122,10 @@
CLIENT_send_replays = function(client, room) {
var buffer, i, len2, m, ref2;
if (!(settings.modules.replay_delay && room.replays.length && room.hostinfo.mode === 1)) {
if (!(settings.modules.replay_delay && room.replays.length && room.hostinfo.mode === 1 && !client.replays_sent && !client.closed)) {
return false;
client.replays_sent = true;
i = 0;
ref2 = room.replays;
for (m = 0, len2 = ref2.length; m < len2; m++) {
......@@ -3077,7 +3078,7 @@
SOCKET_flush_data(client, datas);
CLIENT_send_replays(client, room);
if (!room.replays_sent_to_watchers && (client.pos === 0 || !room.dueling_players[0] || room.dueling_players[0].closed)) {
if (!room.replays_sent_to_watchers) {
room.replays_sent_to_watchers = true;
ref2 = room.players;
for (m = 0, len2 = ref2.length; m < len2; m++) {
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