Commit 3c3e3381 authored by nanahira's avatar nanahira

use Typescript YGOProMessages module

parent dc14a333
This diff is collapsed.
import { Struct } from "./struct";
import fs from "fs";
import _ from "underscore";
import structs_declaration from "./data/structs.json";
import typedefs from "./data/typedefs.json";
import proto_structs from "./data/proto_structs.json";
import constants from "./data/constants.json";
import net from "net";
class Handler {
handler: (buffer: Buffer, info: any, datas: Buffer[], params: any) => Promise<boolean>;
synchronous: boolean;
constructor(handler: (buffer: Buffer, info: any, datas: Buffer[], params: any) => Promise<boolean>, synchronous: boolean) {
this.handler = handler;
this.synchronous = synchronous || false;
async handle(buffer: Buffer, info: any, datas: Buffer[], params: any) {
if (this.synchronous) {
return !!(await this.handler(buffer, info, datas, params));
} else {
const newBuffer = Buffer.from(buffer);
const newDatas = => Buffer.from(b));
this.handler(newBuffer, info, newDatas, params);
return false;
interface HandlerList {
STOC: Map<number, Handler[]>[];
CTOS: Map<number, Handler[]>[];
interface DirectionAndProto {
direction: string;
proto: string;
export interface Feedback{
type: string;
message: string;
export interface HandleResult {
datas: Buffer[];
feedback: Feedback;
export class YGOProMessagesHelper {
handlers: HandlerList;
structs: Map<string, Struct>;
structs_declaration: any;
typedefs: any;
proto_structs: any;
constants: any;
constructor() {
this.handlers = {
STOC: [new Map(),
new Map(),
new Map(),
new Map(),
new Map(),
CTOS: [new Map(),
new Map(),
new Map(),
new Map(),
new Map(),
initDatas() {
this.structs_declaration = structs_declaration;
this.typedefs = typedefs;
this.proto_structs = proto_structs;
this.constants = constants;
initStructs() {
this.structs = new Map();
for (let name in this.structs_declaration) {
const declaration = this.structs_declaration[name];
let result = Struct();
for (let field of declaration) {
if (field.encoding) {
switch (field.encoding) {
case "UTF-16LE":
result.chars(, field.length * 2, field.encoding);
throw `unsupported encoding: ${field.encoding}`;
} else {
let type = field.type;
if (this.typedefs[type]) {
type = this.typedefs[type];
if (field.length) {
result.array(, field.length, type); //不支持结构体
} else {
if (this.structs.has(type)) {
result.struct(, this.structs.get(type));
} else {
this.structs.set(name, result);
getDirectionAndProto(protoStr: string): DirectionAndProto {
const protoStrMatch = protoStr.match(/^(STOC|CTOS)_([_A-Z]+)$/);
if (!protoStrMatch) {
throw `Invalid proto string: ${protoStr}`
return {
direction: protoStrMatch[1].toUpperCase(),
proto: protoStrMatch[2].toUpperCase()
translateProto(proto: string | number, direction: string): number {
const directionProtoList = this.constants[direction];
if (typeof proto !== "string") {
return proto;
const translatedProto = _.find(Object.keys(directionProtoList), p => {
return directionProtoList[p] === proto;
if (!translatedProto) {
throw `unknown proto ${direction} ${proto}`;
return parseInt(translatedProto);
sendMessage(socket: net.Socket, protostr: string, info: string | Buffer | any) {
const {
} = this.getDirectionAndProto(protostr);
let buffer: string | Buffer;
if (!socket.remoteAddress) {
//console.log(proto, this.proto_structs[direction][proto]);
//const directionProtoList = this.constants[direction];
if (typeof info === 'undefined') {
buffer = "";
} else if (Buffer.isBuffer(info)) {
buffer = info;
} else {
let struct = this.structs.get(this.proto_structs[direction][proto]);
buffer = struct.buffer();
const translatedProto = this.translateProto(proto, direction);
let header = Buffer.allocUnsafe(3);
header.writeUInt16LE(buffer.length + 1, 0);
header.writeUInt8(translatedProto, 2);
if (buffer.length) {
addHandler(protostr: string, handler: (buffer: Buffer, info: any, datas: Buffer[], params: any) => Promise<boolean>, synchronous: boolean, priority: number) {
if (priority < 0 || priority > 4) {
throw "Invalid priority: " + priority;
let {
} = this.getDirectionAndProto(protostr);
synchronous = synchronous || false;
priority = priority || 1;
const handlerObj = new Handler(handler, synchronous);
let handlerCollection: Map<number, Handler[]> = this.handlers[direction][priority];
const translatedProto = this.translateProto(proto, direction);
if (!handlerCollection.has(translatedProto)) {
handlerCollection.set(translatedProto, []);
async handleBuffer(messageBuffer: Buffer, direction: string, protoFilter: string[], params: any): Promise<HandleResult> {
let feedback: Feedback = null;
let messageLength = 0;
let bufferProto = 0;
let datas: Buffer[] = [];
for (let l = 0; l < 1000; ++l) {
if (messageLength === 0) {
if (messageBuffer.length >= 2) {
messageLength = messageBuffer.readUInt16LE(0);
} else {
if (messageBuffer.length !== 0) {
feedback = {
message: `Bad ${direction} buffer length`
} else if (bufferProto === 0) {
if (messageBuffer.length >= 3) {
bufferProto = messageBuffer.readUInt8(2);
} else {
feedback = {
message: `Bad ${direction} proto length`
} else {
if (messageBuffer.length >= 2 + messageLength) {
const proto = this.constants[direction][bufferProto];
let cancel = proto && protoFilter && _.indexOf(protoFilter, proto) === -1;
let buffer = messageBuffer.slice(3, 2 + messageLength);
//console.log(l, direction, proto, cancel);
for (let priority = 0; priority < 4; ++priority) {
if (cancel) {
const handlerCollection: Map<number, Handler[]> = this.handlers[direction][priority];
if (proto && handlerCollection.has(bufferProto)) {
let struct = this.structs.get(this.proto_structs[direction][proto]);
let info = null;
if (struct) {
info = _.clone(struct.fields);
for (let handler of handlerCollection.get(bufferProto)) {
cancel = await handler.handle(buffer, info, datas, params);
if (cancel) {
if (!cancel) {
datas.push(messageBuffer.slice(0, 2 + messageLength));
messageBuffer = messageBuffer.slice(2 + messageLength);
messageLength = 0;
bufferProto = 0;
} else {
if (direction === "STOC" || messageLength !== 17735) {
feedback = {
message: `Bad ${direction} message length`
if (l === 999) {
feedback = {
type: "OVERSIZE",
message: `Oversized ${direction}`
return {
......@@ -27,6 +27,16 @@
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......@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
"author": "zh99998 <>, mercury233 <>, Nanahira <>",
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......@@ -1836,7 +1836,7 @@ ygopro.ctos_follow 'PLAYER_INFO', true, (buffer, info, client, server, datas)->
log.warn "ban get bad json",
catch e
log.warn 'ban get error', e.toString()
struct = ygopro.structs["CTOS_PlayerInfo"]
struct = ygopro.structs.get("CTOS_PlayerInfo")
struct.set("name", name)
buffer = struct.buffer
......@@ -1953,7 +1953,7 @@ ygopro.ctos_follow 'JOIN_GAME', true, (buffer, info, client, server, datas)->
#if info.version >= 9020 and settings.version == 4927 #强行兼容23333版
# info.version = settings.version
# struct = ygopro.structs["CTOS_JoinGame"]
# struct = ygopro.structs.get("CTOS_JoinGame")
# struct._setBuff(buffer)
# struct.set("version", info.version)
# buffer = struct.buffer
......@@ -2314,7 +2314,7 @@ ygopro.ctos_follow 'JOIN_GAME', true, (buffer, info, client, server, datas)->
#if info.version >= 9020 and settings.version == 4927 #强行兼容23333版
# info.version = settings.version
# struct = ygopro.structs["CTOS_JoinGame"]
# struct = ygopro.structs.get("CTOS_JoinGame")
# struct._setBuff(buffer)
# struct.set("version", info.version)
# buffer = struct.buffer
......@@ -2787,7 +2787,7 @@ ygopro.stoc_follow 'HS_PLAYER_ENTER', true, (buffer, info, client, server, datas
return false unless room and settings.modules.hide_name and room.duel_stage == ygopro.constants.DUEL_STAGE.BEGIN
pos = info.pos
if pos < 4 and pos != client.pos
struct = ygopro.structs["STOC_HS_PlayerEnter"]
struct = ygopro.structs.get("STOC_HS_PlayerEnter")
struct.set("name", "********")
buffer = struct.buffer
......@@ -3178,7 +3178,7 @@ ygopro.ctos_follow 'CHAT', true, (buffer, info, client, server, datas)->
report_to_big_brother,, client.ip, 1, oldmsg, RegExp.$1
ygopro.stoc_send_chat(client, "${chat_warn_level1}")
struct = ygopro.structs["chat"]
struct = ygopro.structs.get("chat")
struct.set("msg", msg)
buffer = struct.buffer
......@@ -3238,7 +3238,7 @@ ygopro.ctos_follow 'UPDATE_DECK', true, (buffer, info, client, server, datas)->
CLIENT_kick(room.dueling_players[oppo_pos - win_pos])
CLIENT_kick(room.dueling_players[oppo_pos - win_pos + 1]) if room.hostinfo.mode == 2
return true
struct = ygopro.structs["deck"]
struct = ygopro.structs.get("deck")
if room.random_type or room.arena
if client.pos == 0
......@@ -2475,7 +2475,7 @@
log.warn('ban get error', e.toString());
struct = ygopro.structs["CTOS_PlayerInfo"];
struct = ygopro.structs.get("CTOS_PlayerInfo");
struct.set("name", name);
buffer = struct.buffer;
......@@ -2594,7 +2594,7 @@
//if info.version >= 9020 and settings.version == 4927 #强行兼容23333版
// info.version = settings.version
// struct = ygopro.structs["CTOS_JoinGame"]
// struct = ygopro.structs.get("CTOS_JoinGame")
// struct._setBuff(buffer)
// struct.set("version", info.version)
// buffer = struct.buffer
......@@ -3022,7 +3022,7 @@
} else {
//if info.version >= 9020 and settings.version == 4927 #强行兼容23333版
// info.version = settings.version
// struct = ygopro.structs["CTOS_JoinGame"]
// struct = ygopro.structs.get("CTOS_JoinGame")
// struct._setBuff(buffer)
// struct.set("version", info.version)
// buffer = struct.buffer
......@@ -3652,7 +3652,7 @@
pos = info.pos;
if (pos < 4 && pos !== client.pos) {
struct = ygopro.structs["STOC_HS_PlayerEnter"];
struct = ygopro.structs.get("STOC_HS_PlayerEnter");
struct.set("name", "********");
buffer = struct.buffer;
......@@ -4222,7 +4222,7 @@
report_to_big_brother(,, client.ip, 1, oldmsg, RegExp.$1);
client.abuse_count = client.abuse_count + 1;
ygopro.stoc_send_chat(client, "${chat_warn_level1}");
struct = ygopro.structs["chat"];
struct = ygopro.structs.get("chat");
struct.set("msg", msg);
buffer = struct.buffer;
......@@ -4316,7 +4316,7 @@
return true;
struct = ygopro.structs["deck"];
struct = ygopro.structs.get("deck");
if (room.random_type || room.arena) {
if (client.pos === 0) {
......@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ loadJSON = require('load-json-file').sync
@i18ns = loadJSON './data/i18n.json'
YGOProMessageHelper = require("./YGOProMessages.js") # 为 SRVPro2 准备的库,这里拿这个库只用来测试,SRVPro1 对异步支持不是特别完善,因此不会有很多异步优化
@helper = new YGOProMessageHelper()
YGOProMessagesHelper = require("./YGOProMessages.js").YGOProMessagesHelper # 为 SRVPro2 准备的库,这里拿这个库只用来测试,SRVPro1 对异步支持不是特别完善,因此不会有很多异步优化
@helper = new YGOProMessagesHelper()
@structs = @helper.structs
@structs_declaration = @helper.structs_declaration
// Generated by CoffeeScript 2.5.1
(function() {
var Struct, YGOProMessageHelper, _, loadJSON, translateHandler;
var Struct, YGOProMessagesHelper, _, loadJSON, translateHandler;
_ = require('underscore');
......@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@
this.i18ns = loadJSON('./data/i18n.json');
YGOProMessageHelper = require("./YGOProMessages.js"); // 为 SRVPro2 准备的库,这里拿这个库只用来测试,SRVPro1 对异步支持不是特别完善,因此不会有很多异步优化
YGOProMessagesHelper = require("./YGOProMessages.js").YGOProMessagesHelper; // 为 SRVPro2 准备的库,这里拿这个库只用来测试,SRVPro1 对异步支持不是特别完善,因此不会有很多异步优化
this.helper = new YGOProMessageHelper();
this.helper = new YGOProMessagesHelper();
this.structs = this.helper.structs;
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