Commit a0281cc0 authored by nanahira's avatar nanahira

Merge branch 'mc'

parents 69e855a8 6b0fc57c
......@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ export class YGOProMessagesHelper {
async handleBuffer(messageBuffer: Buffer, direction: string, protoFilter?: string[], params?: any): Promise<HandleResult> {
async handleBuffer(messageBuffer: Buffer, direction: string, protoFilter?: string[], params?: any, disconnectIfInvalid = false): Promise<HandleResult> {
let feedback: Feedback = null;
let messageLength = 0;
let bufferProto = 0;
......@@ -257,7 +257,14 @@ export class YGOProMessagesHelper {
} else {
if (messageBuffer.length >= 2 + messageLength) {
const proto = this.constants[direction][bufferProto];
let cancel = proto && protoFilter && _.indexOf(protoFilter, proto) === -1;
let cancel = proto && protoFilter && !protoFilter.includes(proto);
if (cancel && disconnectIfInvalid) {
feedback = {
message: `${direction} proto not allowed`
let buffer = messageBuffer.slice(3, 2 + messageLength);
//console.log(l, direction, proto, cancel);
for (let priority = 0; priority < 4; ++priority) {
......@@ -2125,14 +2125,20 @@ netRequestHandler = (client) ->
room.watcher.write(buffer) for buffer in handle_data.datas
ctos_filter = if settings.modules.reconnect.enabled and client.pre_reconnecting then ["UPDATE_DECK"] else null
ctos_filter = null
disconnectIfInvalid = false
if settings.modules.reconnect.enabled and client.pre_reconnecting_to_room
ctos_filter = ["UPDATE_DECK"]
if !
ctos_filter = ["JOIN_GAME", "PLAYER_INFO"]
disconnectIfInvalid = true
handle_data = await ygopro.helper.handleBuffer(ctos_buffer, "CTOS", ctos_filter, {
client: client,
server: client.server
}, disconnectIfInvalid)
log.warn(,, client.ip)
if == "OVERSIZE" or ROOM_bad_ip[client.ip] > 5
if == "OVERSIZE" or == "INVALID_PACKET" or ROOM_bad_ip[client.ip] > 5
bad_ip_count = ROOM_bad_ip[client.ip]
if bad_ip_count
ROOM_bad_ip[client.ip] = bad_ip_count + 1
......@@ -2814,7 +2814,7 @@
// 客户端到服务端(ctos)协议分析
client.pre_establish_buffers = new Array();
client.on('data', async function(ctos_buffer) {
var bad_ip_count, buffer, ctos_filter, handle_data, j, l, len, len1, len2, m, ref, ref1, ref2, room;
var bad_ip_count, buffer, ctos_filter, disconnectIfInvalid, handle_data, j, l, len, len1, len2, m, ref, ref1, ref2, room;
if (client.is_post_watcher) {
room = ROOM_all[client.rid];
if (room) {
......@@ -2842,14 +2842,22 @@
} else {
ctos_filter = settings.modules.reconnect.enabled && client.pre_reconnecting ? ["UPDATE_DECK"] : null;
ctos_filter = null;
disconnectIfInvalid = false;
if (settings.modules.reconnect.enabled && client.pre_reconnecting_to_room) {
ctos_filter = ["UPDATE_DECK"];
if (! {
ctos_filter = ["JOIN_GAME", "PLAYER_INFO"];
disconnectIfInvalid = true;
handle_data = (await ygopro.helper.handleBuffer(ctos_buffer, "CTOS", ctos_filter, {
client: client,
server: client.server
}, disconnectIfInvalid));
if ( {
log.warn(,, client.ip);
if ( === "OVERSIZE" || ROOM_bad_ip[client.ip] > 5) {
if ( === "OVERSIZE" || === "INVALID_PACKET" || ROOM_bad_ip[client.ip] > 5) {
bad_ip_count = ROOM_bad_ip[client.ip];
if (bad_ip_count) {
ROOM_bad_ip[client.ip] = bad_ip_count + 1;
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