Commit d74ad883 authored by nanahira's avatar nanahira


parent 9f3fc8ea
......@@ -3246,7 +3246,8 @@ if settings.modules.http
#console.log(u.query.username, u.query.pass)
if u.pathname == '/api/getrooms'
if !settings.modules.http.public_roomlist and !auth.auth(u.query.username, u.query.pass, "get_rooms", "get_rooms")
pass_validated = auth.auth(u.query.username, u.query.pass, "get_rooms", "get_rooms")
if !settings.modules.http.public_roomlist and !pass_validated
response.end(addCallback(u.query.callback, '{"rooms":[{"roomid":"0","roomname":"密码错误","needpass":"true"}]}'))
......@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@
"duel_log": true,
"download_replay": true,
"clear_duel_log": true,
"deck_dashbaord_read": true,
"deck_dashboard_read": true,
"deck_dashboard_write": true
delete settings.modules.tournament_mode.password;
......@@ -4143,11 +4143,12 @@
return callback + "( " + text + " );";
requestListener = function(request, response) {
var archive_args, archive_name, archive_process, check, death_room_found, duellog, error, filename, getpath, kick_room_found, len2, len3, len4, len5, len6, m, n, o, oppo_pos, p, parseQueryString, player, q, ref2, replay, room, roomsjson, u, win_pos;
var archive_args, archive_name, archive_process, check, death_room_found, duellog, error, filename, getpath, kick_room_found, len2, len3, len4, len5, len6, m, n, o, oppo_pos, p, parseQueryString, pass_validated, player, q, ref2, replay, room, roomsjson, u, win_pos;
parseQueryString = true;
u = url.parse(request.url, parseQueryString);
if (u.pathname === '/api/getrooms') {
if (!settings.modules.http.public_roomlist && !auth.auth(u.query.username, u.query.pass, "get_rooms", "get_rooms")) {
pass_validated = auth.auth(u.query.username, u.query.pass, "get_rooms", "get_rooms");
if (!settings.modules.http.public_roomlist && !pass_validated) {
response.end(addCallback(u.query.callback, '{"rooms":[{"roomid":"0","roomname":"密码错误","needpass":"true"}]}'));
} else {
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