Commit 49a891fe authored by jselbie's avatar jselbie

Another CommonCrypto update

parent 2bdc528f
#BOOST_INCLUDE := -I/Users/jselbie/boost_1_52_0
BOOST_INCLUDE := -I/Users/jselbie/boost_1_52_0
#OPENSSL_INCLUDE := -I/Users/jselbie/openssl/include
......@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
#include "commonincludes.hpp"
//#include <openssl/hmac.h>
#include "stuncore.h"
#include "stunsocket.h"
#include "stunsocketthread.h"
......@@ -156,6 +156,7 @@ HRESULT CStunMessageReader::ValidateMessageIntegrity(uint8_t* key, size_t keylen
HMAC_CTX ctx = {};
CCHmacContext ctx = {};
uint32_t chunk32;
uint16_t chunk16;
......@@ -329,12 +330,7 @@ HRESULT CStunMessageReader::ValidateMessageIntegrityLong(const char* pszUser, co
#ifndef __APPLE__
ChkIfA(NULL == MD5(key, totallength, hash), E_FAIL);
CC_MD5_CTX context = {};
CC_MD5_Update(&context, key, totallength);
CC_MD5_Final(hash, &context);
CC_MD5(key, totallength, hash);
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