Commit 70ab239b authored by John Selbie's avatar John Selbie

Simple client fix. filtering test would report failure if behavior test failed

parent 1039705c
......@@ -309,8 +309,8 @@ void DumpResults(StunClientLogicConfig& config, StunClientResults& results)
if (config.fFilteringTest)
Logging::LogMsg(LL_ALWAYS, "Filtering test: %s", results.fBehaviorTestSuccess?"success":"fail");
if (results.fBehaviorTestSuccess)
Logging::LogMsg(LL_ALWAYS, "Filtering test: %s", results.fFilteringTestSuccess?"success":"fail");
if (results.fFilteringTestSuccess)
NatFilteringToString(results.filtering, &strResult);
Logging::LogMsg(LL_ALWAYS, "Nat filtering: %s", strResult.c_str());
......@@ -26,8 +26,6 @@ HRESULT CTestCmdLineParser::Run()
typedef const char* PCSTR;
//char* argv[] = {(char*)"app", (char*)"--zebra", (char*)"--yak=123", (char*)"--walrus=456", (char*)"--vulture"};
const char* argv[5] = {};
argv[0] = "app";
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