Commit 0e201e5f authored by Cody Zacharias's avatar Cody Zacharias Committed by GitHub

Temporarily remove datecheck

parent ad339aa3
......@@ -134,8 +134,8 @@ def getTweet(tw, location, config): = tw.find("div")["data-item-id"] = getDate(tw)
t.datestamp ="%Y-%m-%d")
if config.Since and config.Until:
datecheck(t.datestamp, config)
#if config.Since and config.Until:
# datecheck(t.datestamp, config)
t.time = getTime(tw)
t.timestamp = t.time.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
t.user_id = tw.find("a", "account-group js-account-group js-action-profile js-user-profile-link js-nav")["data-user-id"]
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