Commit 69e91c86 authored by Nick Young's avatar Nick Young Committed by GitHub

ability to specify tor control port and password from command line (#788)

* ability to specify tor control port and password from command line

* clarify documentation
parent 8fafa4a1
......@@ -112,6 +112,8 @@ def initialize(args):
c.Proxy_host = args.proxy_host
c.Proxy_port = args.proxy_port
c.Proxy_type = args.proxy_type
c.Tor_control_port = args.tor_control_port
c.Tor_control_password = args.tor_control_password
c.Retweets = args.retweets
c.Custom_query = args.custom_query
c.Popular_tweets = args.popular_tweets
......@@ -173,6 +175,8 @@ def options():
ap.add_argument("--proxy-type", help="Socks5, HTTP, etc.")
ap.add_argument("--proxy-host", help="Proxy hostname or IP.")
ap.add_argument("--proxy-port", help="The port of the proxy server.")
ap.add_argument("--tor-control-port", help="If proxy-host is set to tor, this is the control port", default=9051)
ap.add_argument("--tor-control-password", help="If proxy-host is set to tor, this is the password for the control port", default="my_password")
help="Elasticsearch Session ID, use this to differentiate scraping sessions.",
nargs="?", default="")
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