Commit 9fa0154c authored by Cody Zacharias's avatar Cody Zacharias Committed by GitHub


parent 25a85ef0
mobile = ""
base = ""
async def Favorites(username, init):
url = "{}/{}/favorites?lang=en".format(mobile, username)
if init != -1:
url += "&max_id={}".format(init)
return url
async def Followers(username, init):
url = "{}/{}/followers?lang=en".format(mobile, username)
if init != -1:
url += "&cursor={}".format(init)
return url
async def Following(username, init):
url = "{}/{}/following?lang=en".format(mobile, username)
if init != -1:
url += "&cursor={}".format(init)
return url
async def MobileProfile(username, init):
url = "{}/{}?lang=en".format(mobile, username)
if init != -1:
url += "&max_id={}".format(init)
return url
async def Profile(username, init):
url = "{}/profiles/show/{}/timeline/tweets?include_".format(base, username)
url += "available_features=1&lang=en&include_entities=1"
url += "&include_new_items_bar=true"
if init != -1:
url += "&max_position={}".format(init)
return url
async def Search(config, init):
url = "{}/search/timeline?f=tweets&vertical=default&lang=en".format(base)
url += "&include_available_features=1&include_entities=1&"
url += "reset_error_state=false&src=typd&max_position={}&q=".format(init)
if config.Lang:
url = url.replace("lang=en", "l={0.Lang}&lang=en".format(config))
if config.Username:
url += "from%3A{0.Username}".format(config)
if config.Geo:
config.Geo = config.Geo.replace(" ", "")
url += "geocode%3A{0.Geo}".format(config)
if config.Search:
config.Search = config.Search.replace(" ", "%20")
config.Search = config.Search.replace("#", "%23")
url += "%20{0.Search}".format(config)
if config.Year:
url += "%20until%3A{0.Year}-1-1".format(config)
if config.Since:
url += "%20since%3A{0.Since}".format(config)
if config.Until:
url += "%20until%3A{0.Until}".format(config)
if config.Fruit:
url += ""
url += "%20mail%20OR%20email%20OR%20gmail%20OR%20e-mail"
url += "%20OR%20phone%20OR%20call%20me%20OR%20text%20me"
url += "%20OR%20keybase"
if config.Verified:
url += "%20filter%3Averified"
if config.To:
url += "%20to%3A{0.To}".format(config)
if config.All:
url += "%20to%3A{0.All}%20OR%20from%3A{0.All}%20OR%20@{0.All}".format(config)
if config.Near:
config.Near = config.Near.replace(" ", "%20")
config.Near = config.Near.replace(",", "%2C")
url += "%20near%3A{0.Near}".format(config)
return url
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