Commit cb2cebbd authored by Cody Zacharias's avatar Cody Zacharias Committed by GitHub


parent 32364fdf
def Count(config, count):
if config.Count:
msg = "[+] Finished: Successfully collected "
if config.Followers:
msg += "all {0} users who follow @{1.Username}".format(count, config)
elif config.Following:
msg += "all {0} users who @{1.Username} follows".format(count, config)
elif config.Favorites:
msg += "{0} Tweets that @{1.Username} liked".format(count, config)
msg += "{0} Tweets".format(count)
if config.Username:
msg += " from @{0.Username}".format(config)
msg += "."
def Elastic(config):
if config.Elasticsearch:
print("[+] Indexing to Elasticsearch @ " + str(config.Elasticsearch))
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