Commit 480b86e0 authored by handsomekiwi's avatar handsomekiwi Committed by mercury233

add default executor for hand traps (#76)

parent d4092d75
......@@ -42,6 +42,19 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI
public const int InjectionFairyLily = 79575620;
public const int BlueEyesChaosMAXDragon = 55410871;
public const int AshBlossom = 14558127;
public const int MaxxC = 23434538;
public const int LockBird = 94145021;
public const int GhostOgreAndSnowRabbit = 59438930;
public const int GhostBelle = 73642296;
public const int EffectVeiler = 63845230;
public const int CalledByTheGrave = 24224830;
public const int InfiniteImpermanence = 10045474;
public const int GalaxySoldier = 46659709;
public const int MacroCosmos = 30241314;
public const int UpstartGoblin = 70368879;
public const int EaterOfMillions = 63845230;
protected DefaultExecutor(GameAI ai, Duel duel)
......@@ -312,6 +325,129 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Always active in opponent's turn.
/// </summary>
protected bool DefaultMaxxC()
return Duel.Player == 1;
/// <summary>
/// Always disable opponent's effect except some cards like UpstartGoblin
/// </summary>
protected bool DefaultAshBlossomAndJoyousSpring()
if (AI.Utils.GetLastChainCard().Id == _CardId.MacroCosmos)
return false;
if (AI.Utils.GetLastChainCard().Id == _CardId.UpstartGoblin)
return false;
return Duel.LastChainPlayer == 1;
/// <summary>
/// Always activate unless the activating card is disabled
/// </summary>
protected bool DefaultGhostOgreAndSnowRabbit()
if (AI.Utils.GetLastChainCard() != null && AI.Utils.GetLastChainCard().IsDisabled())
return false;
return DefaultTrap();
/// <summary>
/// Always disable opponent's effect
/// </summary>
protected bool DefaultGhostBelleAndHauntedMansion()
return DefaultTrap();
/// <summary>
/// Same as DefaultBreakthroughSkill
/// </summary>
protected bool DefaultEffectVeiler()
if (AI.Utils.GetLastChainCard() != null && AI.Utils.GetLastChainCard().Id == _CardId.GalaxySoldier && Enemy.Hand.Count >= 3) return false;
if (AI.Utils.ChainContainsCard(_CardId.EffectVeiler))
return false;
return DefaultBreakthroughSkill();
/// <summary>
/// Chain common hand traps
/// </summary>
protected bool DefaultCalledByTheGrave()
if (Duel.LastChainPlayer == 1)
if (AI.Utils.GetLastChainCard().Id == _CardId.MaxxC)
return UniqueFaceupSpell();
if (AI.Utils.GetLastChainCard().Id == _CardId.LockBird)
return UniqueFaceupSpell();
if (AI.Utils.GetLastChainCard().Id == _CardId.GhostOgreAndSnowRabbit)
return UniqueFaceupSpell();
if (AI.Utils.GetLastChainCard().Id == _CardId.AshBlossom)
return UniqueFaceupSpell();
if (AI.Utils.GetLastChainCard().Id == _CardId.GhostBelle)
return UniqueFaceupSpell();
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Default InfiniteImpermanence effect
/// </summary>
protected bool DefaultInfiniteImpermanence()
ClientCard target = Enemy.MonsterZone.GetShouldBeDisabledBeforeItUseEffectMonster();
if (target != null)
return true;
if (Duel.LastChainPlayer == 1)
foreach (ClientCard check in Enemy.GetMonsters())
if (AI.Utils.GetLastChainCard() == check)
target = check;
if (target != null && !target.IsDisabled())
return true;
if (Bot.BattlingMonster != null && Enemy.BattlingMonster != null)
if (Enemy.BattlingMonster.IsDisabled()) return false;
if (Enemy.BattlingMonster.Id == _CardId.EaterOfMillions)
return true;
if (Duel.Phase == DuelPhase.BattleStart && Duel.Player == 1 &&
Enemy.HasInMonstersZone(_CardId.NumberS39UtopiaTheLightning, true))
return UniqueFaceupSpell();
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Chain the enemy monster, or disable monster like Rescue Rabbit.
/// </summary>
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