Commit a829ae8c authored by mercury233's avatar mercury233

fix EvenlyMatchedToBP

parent 0ef3daf5
......@@ -57,7 +57,8 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Decks
public GrenMajuThunderBoarderExecutor(GameAI ai, Duel duel)
: base(ai, duel)
AddExecutor(ExecutorType.GoToBattlePhase, EvenlyMatchedToBP);
AddExecutor(ExecutorType.Activate, CardId.EvenlyMatched, EvenlyMatchedeff);
AddExecutor(ExecutorType.Activate, CardId.MacroCosmos, MacroCosmoseff);
......@@ -102,19 +103,11 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Decks
AddExecutor(ExecutorType.SpellSet, SpellSet);
bool CardOfDemiseeff_used = false;
bool plan_A = false;
bool eater_eff = false;
public override void OnNewTurn()
eater_eff = false;
CardOfDemiseeff_used = false;
if (Bot.HasInHand(CardId.EvenlyMatched) && Duel.Turn == 2 && Enemy.GetFieldCount()>=2)
plan_A = true;
//todo:Duel.Global.ToBattlePhase = true;
public override void OnNewPhase()
......@@ -182,15 +175,17 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Decks
return Duel.Player == 1;
private bool EvenlyMatchedToBP()
return Bot.HasInHand(CardId.EvenlyMatched) && Duel.Turn >= 2 && Enemy.GetFieldCount() >= 2;
private bool EvenlyMatchedeff()
// todo:Duel.Global.ToBattlePhase = false;
plan_A = false;
return true;
private bool InfiniteImpermanenceeff()
if (plan_A) return false;
ClientCard target = Enemy.MonsterZone.GetShouldBeDisabledBeforeItUseEffectMonster();
......@@ -368,21 +363,18 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Decks
private bool InspectBoardersummon()
if (plan_A) return false;
AI.SelectPlace(Zones.z4 | Zones.z0);
return true;
private bool GrenMajuDaEizosummon()
if (Duel.Turn == 1) return false;
if (plan_A) return false;
AI.SelectPlace(Zones.z4 | Zones.z0);
return Bot.Banished.Count >= 6;
private bool ThunderKingRaiOhsummon()
if (plan_A) return false;
AI.SelectPlace(Zones.z4 | Zones.z0);
return true;
......@@ -440,7 +432,6 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Decks
private bool EaterOfMillionssp()
if (Bot.HasInMonstersZone(CardId.InspectBoarder) && !eater_eff) return false;
if (plan_A) return false;
if (AI.Utils.GetProblematicEnemyMonster() == null && Bot.ExtraDeck.Count < 5) return false;
if (Bot.GetMonstersInMainZone().Count >= 5) return false;
if (AI.Utils.IsTurn1OrMain2()) return false;
......@@ -547,7 +538,6 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Decks
private bool SpellSet()
if (plan_A) return false;
int count = 0;
foreach(ClientCard check in Bot.Hand)
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