Commit e11ebc27 authored by mercury233's avatar mercury233

update RainbowExecutor to use OnSelectXyzMaterial

parent 5bf25ace
......@@ -153,6 +153,29 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI.Decks
return base.OnPreBattleBetween(attacker, defender);
public override IList<ClientCard> OnSelectXyzMaterial(IList<ClientCard> cards, int min, int max)
// select cards with same name (summoned by rescue rabbit)
Logger.DebugWriteLine("OnSelectXyzMaterial " + cards.Count + " " + min + " " + max);
IList<ClientCard> result = new List<ClientCard>();
foreach (ClientCard card1 in cards)
foreach (ClientCard card2 in cards)
if (card1.Id == card2.Id && !card1.Equals(card2))
if (result.Count > 0)
AI.Utils.CheckSelectCount(result, cards, min, max);
return result;
private bool UnexpectedDaiEffect()
if (Bot.HasInHand(CardId.RescueRabbit) || NormalSummoned)
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