• salix5's avatar
    fix · daa46303
    salix5 authored
    42671151  フリッグのリンゴ
    44330098  冥府の使者ゴーズ
    67949763  罪鍵の法-シン・キー・ロウ
    These cards special summon tokens with text_atk "?", so IsPlayerCanSpecialSummonMonster() should use atk -2 when checking.
    This is because the cards that put a sp_summon limit on atk(Ex. 74952447 かつて神と呼ばれた亀) depends on text_atk.
    74841885  天魔神 インヴィシル
    Now it grants negation effect at tribute check(before summon_success) instead of summon_success, which may avoid some problem with 83986578  王虎ワンフー and 44947065 強者の苦痛.
c67949763.lua 2.98 KB