Commit 9c9cc97e authored by mercury233's avatar mercury233 Committed by GitHub

fix showing wOptions (#2143)

parent 99d35db0
......@@ -968,7 +968,7 @@ void Game::ShowElement(irr::gui::IGUIElement * win, int autoframe) {
FadingUnit fu;
fu.fadingSize = win->getRelativePosition();
for(auto fit = fadingList.begin(); fit != fadingList.end(); ++fit)
if(win == fit->guiFading)
if(win == fit->guiFading && win != wOptions) // the size of wOptions is always setted by ClientField::ShowSelectOption before showing it
fu.fadingSize = fit->fadingSize;
irr::core::position2di center = fu.fadingSize.getCenter();
fu.fadingDiff.X = fu.fadingSize.getWidth() / 10;
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