Commit ab78e5ea authored by mercury233's avatar mercury233

implyment buttons

parent 4c5de5d4
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -293,4 +293,31 @@ bool DeckManager::DeleteDeck(const wchar_t* file) {
return result == 0;
bool DeckManager::CreateCategory(const wchar_t* name) {
if(!FileSystem::IsDirExists(L"./deck") && !FileSystem::MakeDir(L"./deck"))
return false;
if(name[0] == 0)
return false;
wchar_t localname[256];
myswprintf(localname, L"./deck/%ls", name);
return FileSystem::MakeDir(localname);
bool DeckManager::RenameCategory(const wchar_t* oldname, const wchar_t* newname) {
if(!FileSystem::IsDirExists(L"./deck") && !FileSystem::MakeDir(L"./deck"))
return false;
if(newname[0] == 0)
return false;
wchar_t oldlocalname[256];
wchar_t newlocalname[256];
myswprintf(oldlocalname, L"./deck/%ls", oldname);
myswprintf(newlocalname, L"./deck/%ls", newname);
return FileSystem::Rename(oldlocalname, newlocalname);
bool DeckManager::DeleteCategory(const wchar_t* name) {
wchar_t localname[256];
myswprintf(localname, L"./deck/%ls", name);
return false;
return FileSystem::DeleteDir(localname);
......@@ -47,7 +47,10 @@ public:
FILE* OpenDeckFile(const wchar_t * file, const char * mode);
bool LoadDeck(const wchar_t* file);
bool SaveDeck(Deck& deck, const wchar_t* file);
bool DeleteDeck(const wchar_t* file);
bool DeleteDeck(const wchar_t* file);
bool CreateCategory(const wchar_t* name);
bool RenameCategory(const wchar_t* oldname, const wchar_t* newname);
bool DeleteCategory(const wchar_t* name);
extern DeckManager deckManager;
......@@ -498,10 +498,11 @@ bool Game::Initialize() {
wDeckEdit = env->addStaticText(L"", rect<s32>(309, 5, 605, 130), true, false, 0, -1, true);
btnManageDeck = env->addButton(rect<s32>(225, 5, 290, 30), wDeckEdit, BUTTON_MANAGE_DECK, L"管理");
wDeckManage = env->addWindow(rect<s32>(310, 135, 800, 465), false, L"管理卡组", 0, WINDOW_DECK_MANAGE);
//deck manage
wDeckManage = env->addWindow(rect<s32>(310, 135, 800, 465), false, L"卡组管理", 0, WINDOW_DECK_MANAGE);
lstCategories = env->addListBox(rect<s32>(10, 30, 170, 320), wDeckManage, LISTBOX_CATEGORIES, true);
lstDecks = env->addListBox(rect<s32>(180, 30, 340, 320), wDeckManage, LISTBOX_DECKS, true);
lstCategories = env->addListBox(rect<s32>(10, 30, 140, 320), wDeckManage, LISTBOX_CATEGORIES, true);
lstDecks = env->addListBox(rect<s32>(150, 30, 340, 320), wDeckManage, LISTBOX_DECKS, true);
posY = 30;
btnNewCategory = env->addButton(rect<s32>(350, posY, 480, posY + 25), wDeckManage, BUTTON_NEW_CATEGORY, L"新建分类");
posY += 30;
......@@ -523,6 +524,22 @@ bool Game::Initialize() {
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < deckManager._lfList.size(); ++i)
//deck manage query
wDMQuery = env->addWindow(rect<s32>(400, 200, 710, 320), false, L"卡组管理");
stDMMessage = env->addStaticText(L"", rect<s32>(20, 25, 290, 45), false, false, wDMQuery);
stDMMessage2 = env->addStaticText(L"", rect<s32>(20, 50, 290, 70), false, false, wDMQuery, -1, true);
stDMMessage2->setTextAlignment(irr::gui::EGUIA_CENTER, irr::gui::EGUIA_CENTER);
ebDMName = env->addEditBox(L"", rect<s32>(20, 50, 290, 70), true, wDMQuery, -1);
ebDMName->setTextAlignment(irr::gui::EGUIA_CENTER, irr::gui::EGUIA_CENTER);
cbDMCategory = env->addComboBox(rect<s32>(20, 50, 290, 70), wDMQuery, -1);
btnDMOK = env->addButton(rect<s32>(70, 80, 140, 105), wDMQuery, BUTTON_DM_OK, dataManager.GetSysString(1211));
btnDMCancel = env->addButton(rect<s32>(170, 80, 240, 105), wDMQuery, BUTTON_DM_CANCEL, dataManager.GetSysString(1212));
stDBCategory = env->addStaticText(dataManager.GetSysString(1300), rect<s32>(10, 9, 100, 29), false, false, wDeckEdit);
cbDBCategory = env->addComboBox(rect<s32>(80, 5, 220, 30), wDeckEdit, COMBOBOX_DBCATEGORY);
......@@ -1659,6 +1676,7 @@ void Game::OnResize() {
wANAttribute->setRelativePosition(ResizeWin(500, 200, 830, 285));
wANRace->setRelativePosition(ResizeWin(480, 200, 850, 410));
wReplaySave->setRelativePosition(ResizeWin(510, 200, 820, 320));
wDMQuery->setRelativePosition(ResizeWin(400, 200, 710, 320));
stHintMsg->setRelativePosition(ResizeWin(660 - 160 * xScale, 60, 660 + 160 * xScale, 90));
......@@ -492,10 +492,12 @@ public:
irr::gui::IGUIButton* btnMoveDeck;
irr::gui::IGUIButton* btnCopyDeck;
irr::gui::IGUIWindow* wDMQuery;
irr::gui::IGUIStaticText* stDMMessage;
irr::gui::IGUIStaticText* stDMMessage2;
irr::gui::IGUIEditBox* ebDMName;
irr::gui::IGUIComboBox* cbDMCategory;
irr::gui::IGUIButton* btnDMYes;
irr::gui::IGUIButton* btnDMNo;
irr::gui::IGUIButton* btnDMOK;
irr::gui::IGUIButton* btnDMCancel;
irr::gui::IGUIComboBox* cbLFList;
irr::gui::IGUIStaticText* wFilter;
......@@ -50,6 +50,31 @@ public:
return MakeDir(wdir);
static bool Rename(const wchar_t* woldname, const wchar_t* wnewname) {
return MoveFileW(woldname, wnewname);
static bool Rename(const char* oldname, const char* newname) {
wchar_t woldname[1024];
wchar_t wnewname[1024];
BufferIO::DecodeUTF8(oldname, woldname);
BufferIO::DecodeUTF8(newname, wnewname);
return Rename(woldname, wnewname);
static bool DeleteDir(const wchar_t* wdir) {
wchar_t pdir[256];
BufferIO::CopyWStr(wdir, pdir, 256);
pdir[wcslen(wdir) + 1] = 0;
lpFileOp.hwnd = NULL;
lpFileOp.wFunc = FO_DELETE;
lpFileOp.pFrom = pdir;
lpFileOp.pTo = 0;
return SHFileOperationW(&lpFileOp) == 0;
static void TraversalDir(const wchar_t* wpath, const std::function<void(const wchar_t*, bool)>& cb) {
wchar_t findstr[1024];
wcscpy(findstr, wpath);
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