Commit fa2aa908 authored by nanahira's avatar nanahira

support szone xmaterial

parent 62bfbd53
Pipeline #26341 failed with stages
in 6 minutes and 16 seconds
......@@ -1075,21 +1075,22 @@ void ClientField::GetCardLocation(ClientCard* pcard, irr::core::vector3df* t, ir
if (pcard->overlayTarget->location != LOCATION_MZONE) {
if (!(pcard->overlayTarget->location & LOCATION_ONFIELD)) {
int oseq = pcard->overlayTarget->sequence;
int mseq = (sequence < MAX_LAYER_COUNT) ? sequence : (MAX_LAYER_COUNT - 1);
auto vFieldZone = (pcard->overlayTarget->location == LOCATION_MZONE) ? matManager.vFieldMzone[pcard->overlayTarget->controler][oseq] : matManager.vFieldSzone[pcard->overlayTarget->controler][oseq][rule];
if (pcard->overlayTarget->controler == 0) {
t->X = (matManager.vFieldMzone[0][oseq][0].Pos.X + matManager.vFieldMzone[0][oseq][1].Pos.X) / 2 - 0.12f + 0.06f * mseq;
t->Y = (matManager.vFieldMzone[0][oseq][0].Pos.Y + matManager.vFieldMzone[0][oseq][2].Pos.Y) / 2 + 0.05f;
t->X = (vFieldZone[0].Pos.X + vFieldZone[1].Pos.X) / 2 - 0.12f + 0.06f * mseq;
t->Y = (vFieldZone[0].Pos.Y + vFieldZone[2].Pos.Y) / 2 + 0.05f;
t->Z = overlay_buttom + mseq * material_height;
r->X = 0.0f;
r->Y = 0.0f;
r->Z = 0.0f;
} else {
t->X = (matManager.vFieldMzone[1][oseq][0].Pos.X + matManager.vFieldMzone[1][oseq][1].Pos.X) / 2 + 0.12f - 0.06f * mseq;
t->Y = (matManager.vFieldMzone[1][oseq][0].Pos.Y + matManager.vFieldMzone[1][oseq][2].Pos.Y) / 2 - 0.05f;
t->X = (vFieldZone[0].Pos.X + vFieldZone[1].Pos.X) / 2 + 0.12f - 0.06f * mseq;
t->Y = (vFieldZone[0].Pos.Y + vFieldZone[2].Pos.Y) / 2 - 0.05f;
t->Z = overlay_buttom + mseq * material_height;
r->X = 0.0f;
r->Y = 0.0f;
......@@ -2881,7 +2881,7 @@ int DuelClient::ClientAnalyze(unsigned char* msg, unsigned int len) {
pcard->overlayTarget = olcard;
pcard->location = LOCATION_OVERLAY;
pcard->sequence = olcard->overlayed.size() - 1;
if (olcard->location == LOCATION_MZONE) {
if (olcard->location & LOCATION_ONFIELD) {
mainGame->dField.MoveCard(pcard, 10);
if (pl == 0x2)
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