1. 07 Jul, 2013 1 commit
    • sidschingis's avatar
      fix · 3c02d3a7
      sidschingis authored
      fixed not returning when face-down
  2. 04 Jul, 2013 2 commits
    • sidschingis's avatar
      fix · ce97db7d
      sidschingis authored
      fixed being able to banish non Monster Cards
    • sidschingis's avatar
      fix · 24f4939d
      sidschingis authored
      fixed reflecting when not in ATK Pos
  3. 02 Jul, 2013 3 commits
  4. 27 Jun, 2013 3 commits
  5. 25 Jun, 2013 2 commits
  6. 23 Jun, 2013 4 commits
    • sidschingis's avatar
      fix · 3c9e4a84
      sidschingis authored
      fixed being able to return facedown cards
    • salix5's avatar
      fix · 514aaa2f
      salix5 authored
      41620959  竜の霊廟
      87025064  銀龍の轟咆
      Now the RegisterFlagEffect() is changed into EFFECT_FLAG_OATH, as all
      other "once pre turn" effect.
      47942531  偉大魔獣 ガーゼット
      6614221  霧の王
      8794435  合成魔獣 ガーゼット
      Now the atk setting effect will not apply when the player choose to
      "set" while advance summoning.(According to Konami database)
      88071625  The tyrant NEPTUNE
      According to its text, it can be "set" using 1 tribute since "advance
      summon" contains "summon" and "set" using tribute.
      Now it can be "set" using 1 tribute correctly.
      Also, the atk updating effect will not apply when the player choose to
      "set" while advance summoning.
      83986578  王虎ワンフー
      Now its effect will not triggered when this card itself is summoned with
      atk less than 1400.
    • sidschingis's avatar
      Fix · 187b752b
      sidschingis authored
      Fixed trigger not activating.
    • sidschingis's avatar
      fix · 173c6d10
      sidschingis authored
      fixed activating on Normal Summons
  7. 18 Jun, 2013 3 commits
  8. 16 Jun, 2013 4 commits
  9. 13 Jun, 2013 1 commit
    • salix5's avatar
      fix: 47942531, 6614221, 8794435, 88071625, 73333463 · cebb2ace
      salix5 authored
      47942531  偉大魔獣 ガーゼット
      6614221  霧の王
      8794435  合成魔獣 ガーゼット
      88071625 The tyrant NEPTUNE
      The atk setting/updating continuous effect was given at SUMMON_SUCCESS
      before, which may cause some problem with effects triggered at te same
      time.(ex. 王虎ワンフー, traps like 奈落の落とし穴)
      Now the atk setting/updating continuous effect is given right after
      tribute check, which will be ready at SUMMON_SUCCESS.
      Also, the RESET_EVENT is changed into 0xff0000.
      Current script uses text_attack when calculating atk, so the trap
      monster should have their own atk and def data in cards.cdb
      Here is a brief list of trap mosters:
      28649820 アポピスの化神  			1600/1800
      3129635 カース・オブ・スタチュー 		1800/1000
      70406920 機械王-B.C.3000 		1000/1000
      13955608 機動砦 ストロング・ホールド		0/2000
      21843307 コピー・ナイト 			0/0
      90440725 サイバー・シャドー・ガードナー 	?/?
      92099232 シェイプシスター  			0/0
      79852326 死霊ゾーマ			1800/500
      49514333 ソウル・オブ・スタチュー          	1000/1800
      26905245 メタル・リフレクト・スライム	0/3000
      73333463  アーマロイドガイデンゴー
      Now the card name in the script is chaned into the correct one.
  10. 10 Jun, 2013 4 commits
  11. 09 Jun, 2013 2 commits
    • woodee's avatar
      add hint timing · 7ab4f6ef
      woodee authored
    • salix5's avatar
      fix: 29669359, 6614221, 69890967, 85121942, 88071625, 98645731 · 997850f9
      salix5 authored
      29669359 No.61 ヴォルカザウルス
      Now No.61 ヴォルカザウルス can destroy a monster which is changed into face down in chain (By Konami database FAQ), and the attack caluculation is changed  into GetTextAttack().
      6614221 霧の王
      Now the attack caluculation is changed  into GetTextAttack().
      69890967  幻魔皇ラビエル
      Add the check for monster with text attack '?'.
      85121942  CNo.105 BK 彗星のカエストス
      Now damage when battle destroying a monster is calculated by GetTextAttack().
      88071625 The tyrant NEPTUNE
      Now the attck and deffense calculation is using GetTextAttack(), and the
      summation is changed into the way similar to 6614221.
      98645731  強欲で謙虚な壺
      Now the card ID in Flag Effect is the correct ID.
  12. 08 Jun, 2013 2 commits
  13. 07 Jun, 2013 1 commit
  14. 06 Jun, 2013 2 commits
    • sidschingis's avatar
      hotfix · 7ef9ab03
      sidschingis authored
    • sidschingis's avatar
      fix · 3f95d3a1
      sidschingis authored
      fixed interaction with copy effects
      (e.g. Junk Collector )
  15. 04 Jun, 2013 1 commit
    • sidschingis's avatar
      fix equip target · 133e3024
      sidschingis authored
      Fixed being able to equip non Monster "Number" cards (such as the new "Number Wall"
  16. 03 Jun, 2013 5 commits