Commit 2a45c62b authored by Unicorn369's avatar Unicorn369


parent af71becb
......@@ -792,7 +792,7 @@ public static class UIHelper
if (fileInfos[i].Name.Length > 4)
if (fileInfos[i].Name.Substring(fileInfos[i].Name.Length - 4, 4) == ".png")
if (fileInfos[i].Name.Substring(fileInfos[i].Name.Length - 4, 4) == ".png" || fileInfos[i].Name.Substring(fileInfos[i].Name.Length - 4, 4) == ".jpg")
string name = fileInfos[i].Name.Substring(0, fileInfos[i].Name.Length - 4);
if (!faces.ContainsKey(name))
......@@ -54,6 +54,10 @@ public class HttpDldFile
catch (Exception)
if (File.Exists(filename + ".tmp"))
File.Delete(filename + ".tmp");
flag = false;
return flag;
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using YGOSharp.OCGWrapper.Enums;
public class Servant
......@@ -391,8 +392,12 @@ public class Servant
public string currentMShash;
public string nameFace;
private GameObject currentMSwindow = null;
private GameObject currentMSwindow_Face = null;
public class messageSystemValue
public string value = "";
......@@ -779,10 +784,32 @@ public class Servant
new Vector3(((float)Screen.height) / 700f, ((float)Screen.height) / 700f, ((float)Screen.height) / 700f)
nameFace = name;
currentMSwindow_Face = currentMSwindow;
UIHelper.getByName<UITexture>(currentMSwindow, "face_").mainTexture = UIHelper.getFace(name);
UIHelper.registEvent(currentMSwindow, "yes_", ES_RMSpremono, new messageSystemValue());
UIHelper.registEvent(currentMSwindow, "exit_", ES_RMSpremono, new messageSystemValue());
UIHelper.registEvent(currentMSwindow, "yes_", DownloadFace);
public void DownloadFace()
UIInput inputHttp = UIHelper.getByName<UIInput>(currentMSwindow_Face, "input_");
//如果使用自定义url,而不是QQ头像,请修改url,改为:string url = inputHttp.value;
string url = "" + inputHttp.value + "&spec=100";
string face = "texture/face/" + nameFace + ".jpg";
HttpDldFile df = new HttpDldFile();
df.Download(url, face);
if (File.Exists(face))
Texture2D Face = UIHelper.getTexture2D(face);
UIHelper.faces.Add(nameFace, Face);
UIHelper.getByName<UITexture>(currentMSwindow_Face, "face_").mainTexture = Face;
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