Commit 08cb5c25 authored by Nemo Ma's avatar Nemo Ma

fix typo

parent 715cd67d
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......@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ card style:
dark: {if contains(card.card_type, match: "xros monster") then "grade-dark.png" else if styling.language == "japanese" then "attribute/jpball/dark_rd.png" else if styling.language == "chinese traditional" or styling.language=="chinese simplified" then "attribute/cnball/dark_rd.png" else "attribute/dark_rd.png"}
spell: {if styling.language == "japanese" then "attribute/jpball/spell_rd.png" else if styling.language == "chinese traditional" or styling.language=="chinese simplified" then "attribute/cnball/spell_rd.png" else "attribute/spell_rd.png" }
trap: {if styling.language == "japanese" then "attribute/jpball/trap_rd.png" else if styling.language == "chinese traditional" or styling.language=="chinese simplified" then "attribute/cnball/trap_rd.png" else "attribute/trap_rd.png" }
divine: trap: {if styling.language == "japanese" then "attribute/jpball/divine_rd.png" else if styling.language == "chinese traditional" or styling.language=="chinese simplified" then "attribute/cnball/divine_rd.png" else "attribute/divine_rd.png" }
divine: {if styling.language == "japanese" then "attribute/jpball/divine_rd.png" else if styling.language == "chinese traditional" or styling.language=="chinese simplified" then "attribute/cnball/divine_rd.png" else "attribute/divine_rd.png" }
left: 17
top : {if card.card_type == "evolute monster" then 67 else if is_pendulum() then (if styling.pendulum_size == "less" then 313 else if styling.pendulum_size == "more" then 263 else 296) else 366}
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