Commit b0c44252 authored by Nemo Ma's avatar Nemo Ma

S/T brackets fix

Manually entered brackets should be at correct position
parent 915dd832
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......@@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ card style:
left: { if is_nmonster() then 42 else 43 }
top : { if is_nmonster() or card.card_type=="pandemonium monster" then 74 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 73 else 76}
#width: { if is_nmonster() then 327 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 0 else 334 }
width: { if is_nmonster() then 335 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 0 else 334 }
width: { if is_nmonster() then 338 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 0 else 334 }
height: { if is_nmonster() then 28 else 28 }
alignment: {if card.card_type=="xyz monster" or card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum xyz monster" or card.card_type=="pendulum dark synchro monster" then "middle left shrink-overflow" else "middle right shrink-overflow" }
z index: 2
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