Commit 0948bb98 authored by Nemo Ma's avatar Nemo Ma

Fix Logical Error

Logical: These two skills that gave $rage should take a min value, max value will make the new $rage always 255.
parent e6e4f1fc
......@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ namespace revcombat
$log .= "<span class='yellow'>{$pd['nm']}敛神聚气,从{$exdmginf[$heal_inf]}中恢复了!</span><br>";
$pd['rage'] = max(255,$pd['rage']+get_skillvars('c9_iceheart','ragegain'));
$pd['rage'] = min(255,$pd['rage']+get_skillvars('c9_iceheart','ragegain'));
......@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@
$rageback = get_skillvars('c6_godpow','rageback');
$pa['rage'] = max(255,$pa['rage']+$rageback);
$pa['rage'] = min(255,$pa['rage']+$rageback);
$log .= '<span class="yellow">「天威」使'.$pa['nm'].'的怒气回复了'.$rageback.'点!</span><br>';
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