Commit 13321579 authored by nahakyuu's avatar nahakyuu

change default add docker support

parent fc56625d
FROM php:5.4-fpm
RUN docker-php-ext-install mysqli && docker-php-ext-install mbstring
COPY ./ /mnt/dts
RUN chmod -R 777 /mnt/dts
COPY ./nginx /nginx
<?php <?php
//以下内容在游戏安装时初始化,不能通过游戏后台修改 //以下内容在游戏安装时初始化,不能通过游戏后台修改
// [EN] Set below parameters according to your account information provided by your hosting // [EN] Set below parameters according to your account information provided by your hosting
// [CH] 以下变量请根据空间商提供的账号参数修?如有疑问,请联系服务器提供? // [CH] 以下变量请根据空间商提供的账号参数修?如有疑问,请联系服务器提供?
$dbhost = ''; // database server $dbhost = 'db'; // database server
// 数据库服务器 // 数据库服务器
$dbuser = 'root'; // database username $dbuser = 'root'; // database username
// 数据库用户名 // 数据库用户名
$dbpw = 'mylittlepony'; // database password $dbpw = 'mylittlepony'; // database password
// 数据库密? // 数据库密?
$dbname = 'acdts3'; // database name $dbname = 'acdts3'; // database name
// 数据库名 // 数据库名
$dbreport = 1; // send db error report? 1=yes $dbreport = 1; // send db error report? 1=yes
// 是否发送数据库错误报告? 0=? 1=? // 是否发送数据库错误报告? 0=? 1=?
// [EN] If you have problems logging in Discuz!, then modify the following parameters, else please leave default // [EN] If you have problems logging in Discuz!, then modify the following parameters, else please leave default
// [CH] 如您?cookie 作用范围有特殊要?或游戏登录不正常,请修改下面变?否则请保持默? // [CH] 如您?cookie 作用范围有特殊要?或游戏登录不正常,请修改下面变?否则请保持默?
$cookiedomain = ''; // cookie domain $cookiedomain = ''; // cookie domain
// cookie 作用? // cookie 作用?
$cookiepath = '/'; // cookie path $cookiepath = '/'; // cookie path
// cookie 作用路径 // cookie 作用路径
// [EN] Special parameters, DO NOT modify these unless you are an expert in Discuz! // [EN] Special parameters, DO NOT modify these unless you are an expert in Discuz!
// [CH] 以下变量为特别选项,一般情况下没有必要修改 // [CH] 以下变量为特别选项,一般情况下没有必要修改
$headercharset = 0; // force outputing charset header $headercharset = 0; // force outputing charset header
// 强制设置字符?只乱码时使用 // 强制设置字符?只乱码时使用
$onlinehold = 900; // time span of online recording $onlinehold = 900; // time span of online recording
// 在线保持时间,单位? // 在线保持时间,单位?
$pconnect = true; // persistent database connection, 0=off, 1=on $pconnect = true; // persistent database connection, 0=off, 1=on
// 数据库持久连?false=关闭, true=打开 // 数据库持久连?false=关闭, true=打开
$gamefounder = 'Amarillo_NMC'; // super administrator's UID $gamefounder = 'Amarillo_NMC'; // super administrator's UID
// 游戏创始?UID, 可以支持多个创始人,之间使用 ??分隔? // 游戏创始?UID, 可以支持多个创始人,之间使用 ??分隔?
// 如果不设置游戏创始人,则管理员之间可以相互编辑,具体权力差别请见游戏使用文档 // 如果不设置游戏创始人,则管理员之间可以相互编辑,具体权力差别请见游戏使用文档
$postinterval = 1; //用户提交命令的间隔时间,单位? $postinterval = 1; //用户提交命令的间隔时间,单位?
$moveut = 8; //set the difference of server time and client time $moveut = 8; //set the difference of server time and client time
//如果本地时间跟服务器时间有时差,在此处更? //如果本地时间跟服务器时间有时差,在此处更?
$moveutmin = 0; //set the difference of server time and client time, by minutes $moveutmin = 0; //set the difference of server time and client time, by minutes
//如果本地时间跟服务器时间有时差,在此处更? //如果本地时间跟服务器时间有时差,在此处更?
// [EN] !ATTENTION! Do NOT modify following after your board was settle down // [EN] !ATTENTION! Do NOT modify following after your board was settle down
// [CH] 游戏投入使用后不能修改的变量 // [CH] 游戏投入使用后不能修改的变量
$tablepre = 'acbra3_'; // 表名前缀, 同一数据库安装多个游戏请修改此处 $tablepre = 'acbra3_'; // 表名前缀, 同一数据库安装多个游戏请修改此处
// table prefix, modify this when you are installingmore than 1 Discuz! in the same database. // table prefix, modify this when you are installingmore than 1 Discuz! in the same database.
$authkey = 'bra'; //game encrypt key ,the same of plus key $authkey = 'bra'; //game encrypt key ,the same of plus key
//游戏加密密钥,要与插件密钥相? //游戏加密密钥,要与插件密钥相?
// [EN] !ATTENTION! Preservation or debugging for developing // [EN] !ATTENTION! Preservation or debugging for developing
// [CH] 切勿修改以下变量,仅供程序开发调试用! // [CH] 切勿修改以下变量,仅供程序开发调试用!
$database = 'mysql'; // 'mysql' for MySQL version and 'pgsql' for PostgreSQL version $database = 'mysqli'; // 'mysql' for MySQL version and 'pgsql' for PostgreSQL version
// MySQL 版本请设?'mysql', PgSQL 版本请设?'pgsql' // MySQL 版本请设?'mysql', PgSQL 版本请设?'pgsql'
$charset = 'utf-8'; // default character set, 'gbk', 'big5', 'utf-8' are available $charset = 'utf-8'; // default character set, 'gbk', 'big5', 'utf-8' are available
// 游戏默认字符? 可?'gbk', 'big5', 'utf-8' // 游戏默认字符? 可?'gbk', 'big5', 'utf-8'
$dbcharset = 'utf8'; // default database character set, 'gbk', 'big5', 'utf8', 'latin1' and blank are available $dbcharset = 'utf8'; // default database character set, 'gbk', 'big5', 'utf8', 'latin1' and blank are available
// MySQL 字符? 可?'gbk', 'big5', 'utf8', 'latin1', 留空为按照游戏字符集设定 // MySQL 字符? 可?'gbk', 'big5', 'utf8', 'latin1', 留空为按照游戏字符集设定
$attackevasive = 0; // protect against attacks via common request, 0=off, 1=cookie refresh limitation, 2=deny proxy request, 3=both $attackevasive = 0; // protect against attacks via common request, 0=off, 1=cookie refresh limitation, 2=deny proxy request, 3=both
// 防护大量正常请求造成的拒绝服务攻? 0=关闭, 1=cookie 刷新限制, 2=限制代理访问, 3=cookie+代理限制 // 防护大量正常请求造成的拒绝服务攻? 0=关闭, 1=cookie 刷新限制, 2=限制代理访问, 3=cookie+代理限制
$tplrefresh = 1; // auto check validation of templates, 0=off, 1=on $tplrefresh = 1; // auto check validation of templates, 0=off, 1=on
// 模板自动刷新开?0=关闭, 1=打开, 在不修改页面的情况下可以关闭 // 模板自动刷新开?0=关闭, 1=打开, 在不修改页面的情况下可以关闭
$bbsurl = ''; //the bbs url for the game plus $bbsurl = ''; //the bbs url for the game plus
//安装游戏插件的论坛地址 //安装游戏插件的论坛地址
$gameurl = ''; // the url of game program files,for the full-window mode $gameurl = 'http://localhost:8080/'; // the url of game program files,for the full-window mode
//游戏程序地址,用于全屏模? //游戏程序地址,用于全屏模?
$homepage = ''; // game homepage $homepage = ''; // game homepage
//官方网站地址 //官方网站地址
$title = '大 逃 杀'; //game title $title = '大 逃 杀'; //game title
//游戏标题 //游戏标题
$errorinfo = 0; //是否开启错误信息提示,1为开启,0为关闭。开启会泄漏游戏安装路径 $errorinfo = 0; //是否开启错误信息提示,1为开启,0为关闭。开启会泄漏游戏安装路径
// ============================================================================ // ============================================================================
version: "3"
build: ./
- dts:/mnt/dts
- nginx_conf:/nginx/conf.d
image: nginx:1.19.2
- "8080:80"
- dts
- dts:/mnt/dts
- nginx_conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d
image: mariadb:10
MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: "mylittlepony"
- db:/var/lib/mysql
This diff is collapsed.
if(!defined('IN_GAME')) {
exit('Access Denied');
$timestamp = time();
$errmsg = '';
$dberror = $this->error();
$dberrno = $this->errno();
if($dberrno == 1114) {
<title>Max Onlines Reached</title>
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="600" align="center" height="85%">
<tr align="center" valign="middle">
<table cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="80%" align="center" style="font-family: Verdana, Tahoma; color: #666666; font-size: 9px">
<td valign="middle" align="center" bgcolor="#EBEBEB">
<br><b style="font-size: 10px">Forum onlines reached the upper limit</b>
<br><br><br>Sorry, the number of online visitors has reached the upper limit.
<br>Please wait for someone else going offline or visit us in idle hours.
function_exists('dexit') ? dexit() : exit();
} else {
if($message) {
$errmsg = "<b>BRA info</b>: $message\n\n";
if(isset($GLOBALS['_DSESSION']['bra_user'])) {
$errmsg .= "<b>User</b>: ".htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['_DSESSION']['bra_user'])."\n";
$errmsg .= "<b>Time</b>: ".gmdate("Y-n-j g:ia", $timestamp + ($GLOBALS['timeoffset'] * 3600))."\n";
$errmsg .= "<b>Script</b>: ".$GLOBALS['PHP_SELF']."\n\n";
if($sql) {
$errmsg .= "<b>SQL</b>: ".htmlspecialchars($sql)."\n";
$errmsg .= "<b>Error</b>: $dberror\n";
$errmsg .= "<b>Errno.</b>: $dberrno";
echo "</table></table></table></table></table>\n";
echo "<p style=\"font-family: Verdana, Tahoma; font-size: 11px; background: #FFFFFF;\">";
echo nl2br($errmsg);
if($GLOBALS['adminemail']) {
$errlog = array();
if(@$fp = fopen(GAME_ROOT.'./gamedata/dberror.log', 'r')) {
while((!feof($fp)) && count($errlog) < 20) {
$log = explode("\t", fgets($fp, 50));
if($timestamp - $log[0] < 86400) {
$errlog[$log[0]] = $log[1];
if(!in_array($dberrno, $errlog)) {
$errlog[$timestamp] = $dberrno;
@$fp = fopen(GAME_ROOT.'./gamedata/dberror.log', 'w');
@flock($fp, 2);
foreach(array_unique($errlog) as $dateline => $errno) {
@fwrite($fp, "$dateline\t$errno");
if(function_exists('errorlog')) {
errorlog('MySQL', basename($GLOBALS['_SERVER']['PHP_SELF'])." : $dberror - ".cutstr($sql, 120), 0);
if($GLOBALS['dbreport']) {
echo "<br><br>An error report has been dispatched to our administrator.";
@sendmail($GLOBALS['adminemail'], '[bra!] MySQL Error Report',
"There seems to have been a problem with the database of your bra game\n\n".
"Please check-up your MySQL server and forum scripts, similar errors will not be reported again in recent 24 hours\n".
"If you have troubles in solving this problem, please visit loongyou Community");
} else {
echo '<br><br>Similar error report has beed dispatched to administrator before.';
echo '</p>';
function_exists('gexit') ? gexit() : exit();
/* End of file */
/* Location: /include/db/ */
\ No newline at end of file
server {
listen 80;
server_name localhost;
root /mnt/dts;
index index.php index.html index.htm;
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string;
location ~ \.php$ {
fastcgi_pass dts:9000;
fastcgi_index index.php;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
include fastcgi_params;
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