Commit 222cd8eb authored by Nemo Ma's avatar Nemo Ma

New Mechanic : Self Destruct Button 😂😂😂

Implementing a weird idea from mtkkk
parent ff0fdb05
......@@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ $mixinfo = array
array('class' => 'item', 'stuff' => array('水','黑色雏菊','白色方块'),'result' => array('风祭河水','Y',1,1,),),
array('class' => 'item', 'stuff' => array('水','黑色方块','白色雏菊'),'result' => array('仪水镜','Y',1,1,),),
array('class' => 'item', 'stuff' => array('风祭河水','仪水镜','白色雏菊','黑色雏菊'),'result' => array('八咫镜','DH',1,1,'b'),),
array('class' => 'item', 'stuff' => array('乌黑的脸','乌黑的脸','乌黑的脸','乌黑的脸','乌黑的脸'),'result' => array('😂我太酷啦!😂','Y',1,1,'xX'),),
array('class' => 'pokemon', 'stuff' => array('《小黄的草帽》','《小黄的钓鱼竿》','《小黄的行军靴》'),'result' => array('《小黄的精灵球》','WC',386,'∞',),),
array('class' => 'pokemon', 'stuff' => array('《小黄的精灵球》','《小黄的收服特训》'),'result' => array('《小黄的超级球》','WC',386,'∞','Zir'),),
......@@ -199,7 +199,8 @@ $stateinfo = Array
38 => '业火灼烧',
39 => '武器反噬',
40 => '以身试法',
42 => '独自脱离'
42 => '独自脱离',
50 => '成为乐子'
$lwinfo = Array(
0 => '',
......@@ -1303,6 +1304,7 @@ $dinfo = Array(
39 => '“去死吧!就算你是权限[哔]也挡不住我这一击的!”<br>你狂笑着使出你自认为决定胜负的一击,噗通倒下的却是你自己。<br>“不,这不科学!”被武器背叛的你遁入了无尽的黑暗中。<br><br><div class="seedhint">………………<br>…………<br><span class="blueseed">【P】越是强大的武器,越是有使用的风险。</span><br><span class="redseed">【E】越是浓厚的杀意,会带来越大的反噬。</span><br><span class="blueseed">【P】幻境自有其制衡之道,逾矩会带来无法想象的后果。</span><br><span class="redseed">【E】帮助上只说会必杀,可没说杀的是哪一方哦。</span><br></div>',
40 => '“看起来好像没什么反应嘛……那是!!”<br>天空中突然降下的巨大柱状物瞬间将你的世界吞没。<br>你眼前一黑,便失去了意识。<br><br><div class="seedhint">………………<br>…………<br><span class="redseed">【E】是那位神灵啊,干嘛要招惹她呢?</span><br><span class="blueseed">【P】使用她的符卡,后果自负哟。</span><br></div>',
42 => '你摁下了手中的玩具般的按钮。<br>面前凭空出现了一扇闪光的门扉!<br>你毅然决然地踏了进去……<br>………………<br>…………<br>……<br>随着你独自摘下了VR设备站起身来,你松了一口气。<br>虽然其他的玩家还在这场游戏中冒死厮杀,但起码你自己毫发无伤地逃出了生天。<br>虽然这怎么说都无法让你成为胜利者,但就这一点本身,已经算是不错的成就了。<br>你回头看了一眼正显示着你所谓的死亡信息的屏幕,不禁笑了起来……<br><br>=========<br><span class="lime">独自逃脱成功!<br>你获得了20积分奖励!胜场+1!</span><br>=========<br>',
50 => '你的身体化作了天边的红霞。<br>想必会为虚拟幻境中的各位带来笑容吧。<br><div class="seedhint">………………<br>…………<br><span class="redseed">【E】…………………………?</span><br><span class="blueseed">【P】……………………。</span><br></div>',
$syschatinfo = Array(
......@@ -72,6 +72,8 @@ $tps_name = Array
'随机数之神的神力' => 2,'随机数之神的震撼' => 2,'随机数之神的摄理' => 2,'随机数之神的恶戏' => 2,
# 福袋惩罚物品
'乌黑的脸' => Array('title'=>"贪 心 不 足 蛇 吞 象"),
# 来自mtkkk的怪主意
'😂我太酷啦!😂' =>Array('class'=>'rainbow', 'title'=>"一个流汗黄豆模样的按钮,按下后立刻将自己炸成一朵烟花(自身死亡)。",),
# LORE,看了这些内容,还不考虑拆分这个文件么?总之先搞这么多……
'燃素加农炮『爆炎』MK-II' => Array('title'=>"在接受好友的委托之时,一切看起来都只像一个简单的工作。"),
'奥术盔甲B - 炎' => Array('title'=>"但正如自己的爷爷所说过的那样,看起来简单的东西,往往背后有坑。"),
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ function itemuse($itmn,&$data=NULL) {
global $upexp,$baseexp,$elec_cap;
//Some globals seems to be still needed... ...
global $itemspkinfo,$plsinfo;
global $pid;
......@@ -2276,6 +2277,78 @@ function itemuse($itmn,&$data=NULL) {
//global $rp;
$rp = 0;
$log .= "你使用了<span class=\"yellow\">$itm</span>。你的RP归零了。<br>";
} elseif($itm == '😂我太酷啦!😂') {
$log .= "你毅然决然地高喊了一句:“我·太·酷·啦~”<br>一拳头锤碎了这个奇形怪状的按钮。<br>随后,在失去意识之前,你感觉你的身体飞上了天空。<br>";
# Also produce a chatlog
$db->query("INSERT INTO {$tablepre}chat (type,`time`,send,recv,msg) VALUES ('0','$now','$name','','「我·太·酷·啦~」')");
# Do an initial coin toss
$selfdestructdice1 = diceroll(1);
$selfdestructdice2 = diceroll(6);
if ($selfdestructdice1 > 0){
# You'll self destruct into a bunch of happy items, to bring smile to others.
$happyitemname = $name . "的存在意义";
# Firstly, we look at your stats to see how strong those would be, and how many of them would it be.
$happyitemeffect = round($mhp / 20);
$happyitemnumber = round($exp / 20);
# Then, we look at the dice result to see what would you explode into.
if ($selfdestructdice2 == 1){
$happyitemkind = "HH";
}elseif ($selfdestructdice2 == 2){
$happyitemkind = "HS";
}elseif ($selfdestructdice2 == 3){
$happyitemkind = "PH";
}elseif ($selfdestructdice2 == 4){
$happyitemkind = "PS";
}elseif ($selfdestructdice2 == 5){
$happyitemkind = "HM";
}elseif ($selfdestructdice2 == 6){
$happyitemkind = "TO";
$happyitemkind = "T";
# Producing a valid arealist
$rndhappypls= rand(1,count($plsinfo)-2);
# Process the item insertation process.
# But, before that, a special treatment for map traps:
if ($selfdestructdice2 == 6){
# Insert traps into maptrap table.
for ($i = 0; $i < $happyitemnumber; $i++){
$rndhappypls= rand(1,count($plsinfo)-2);
$db->query("INSERT INTO {$tablepre}maptrap (itm, itmk, itme, itms, itmsk, pls) VALUES ('$happyitemname', '$happyitemkind', '$happyitemeffect', '1', '$pid', '$rndhappypls')");
$log .= "你的身体在高空中炸出了一片烟花。<br>
# Insert items into mapitem table.
for ($i = 0; $i < $happyitemnumber; $i++){
$rndhappypls= rand(1,count($plsinfo)-2);
$db->query("INSERT INTO {$tablepre}mapitem (itm, itmk, itme, itms, itmsk, pls) VALUES ('$happyitemname', '$happyitemkind', '$happyitemeffect', '1', '$pid', '$rndhappypls')");
$log .= "你的身体在高空中炸出了一片烟花。<br>
# Then we produce a chat for this feat.
$db->query("INSERT INTO {$tablepre}chat (type,`time`,send,recv,msg) VALUES ('2','$now','【幻境自检】','','检测到未经授权的地图物品!')");
# Nothing happens, you just self destruct.
$log .= "你的身体在高空中炸成了一片烟花,<br>
# Then we kill you to end everything.
include_once GAME_ROOT . './include/state.func.php';
death ( 'sdestruct', '', 0, $itm );
# But wait, since you exploded, you can't leave a body!
$db->query ( "UPDATE {$tablepre}players SET weps='0',arbs='0',arhs='0',aras='0',arfs='0',arts='0',itms0='0',itms1='0',itms2='0',itms3='0',itms4='0',itms5='0',itms6='0',money='0' WHERE pid = {$pid} " );
} else {
$log .= " <span class=\"yellow\">$itm</span> 该如何使用呢?<br>";
......@@ -219,6 +219,8 @@ function nparse_news($start = 0, $range = 0 ){//$type = '') {
$newsinfo .= "<li>{$hour}{$min}{$sec}秒,<span class=\"yellow\">$a</span>被御柱创死了!";
} elseif($news == 'death42'){
$newsinfo .= "<li>{$hour}{$min}{$sec}秒,<span class=\"yellow\">$a</span>活用了单人脱出程序机构,提前离开了虚拟幻境!";
} elseif($news == 'death50'){
$newsinfo .= "<span class=\"rainbow\"><li>{$hour}{$min}{$sec}秒,<span class=\"yellow\">$a</span>牺牲了自己,在虚拟幻境的天空中炸出了一片红霞!</span>";
} else {
$newsinfo .= "<li>{$hour}{$min}{$sec}秒,<span class=\"yellow\">$a</span>因<span class=\"red\">不明原因</span>死亡";
......@@ -59,6 +59,8 @@
$state = 40;
} elseif ($death == 's_escape'){
$state = 42;
} elseif ($death == 'sdestruct'){
$state = 50;
} else {
$state = 10;
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