Commit 4e64d8bb authored by Nemo Ma's avatar Nemo Ma Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #159 from hikawiier/waaagh

parents 79d69e22 2f57383e
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ if($command == 'kill' || $command == 'live' || $command == 'del') {
$qryword = "UPDATE {$tablepre}players SET hp=mhp,state='0' ";
}elseif($command == 'del'){
$operword = '被清除';
$qryword = "UPDATE {$tablepre}players SET hp='0',state='16',bid='0',,weps='0',arbs='0',arhs='0',aras='0',arfs='0',arts='0',itms0='0',itms1='0',itms2='0',itms3='0',itms4='0',itms5='0',itms6='0',money='0' ";
$qryword = "UPDATE {$tablepre}players SET hp='0',state='16',bid='0',weps='0',arbs='0',arhs='0',aras='0',arfs='0',arts='0',itms0='0',itms1='0',itms2='0',itms3='0',itms4='0',itms5='0',itms6='0',money='0' ";
$operword2 = '的尸体被清除';
$qryword2 = "UPDATE {$tablepre}players SET bid='0',weps='0',arbs='0',arhs='0',aras='0',arfs='0',arts='0',itms0='0',itms1='0',itms2='0',itms3='0',itms4='0',itms5='0',itms6='0',money='0' ";
......@@ -129,22 +129,6 @@
return $smhint;
function print_elements_tags($e_key)
global $elements_info,$gamecfg,$iteminfo,$itemspkinfo;
include config('elementmix',$gamecfg);
foreach($temp_etags[$e_key] as $tk => $tarr)
foreach($tarr as $tm)
$tinfo.= $tk == 'dom' ? "[主]".$iteminfo[$tm]." " : "[次]".$itemspkinfo[$tm]." ";
return $tinfo;
# 把尸体打散成元素
function split_corpse_to_elements(&$edata,$emode)
......@@ -21,23 +21,7 @@
if (!$death) return;
$hp = 0;
if ($death == 'N') {
$state = 20;
} elseif ($death == 'P') {
$state = 21;
} elseif ($death == 'K') {
$state = 22;
} elseif ($death == 'G') {
$state = 23;
} elseif ($death == 'C') {
$state = 24;
} elseif ($death == 'D') {
$state = 25;
} elseif ($death == 'F') {
$state = 29;
} elseif ($death == 'J') {
$state = 23;
}elseif ($death == 'poison') {
if ($death == 'poison') {
$state = 26;
} elseif ($death == 'trap') {
$state = 27;
......@@ -101,19 +85,12 @@
$result = $db->query ( "SELECT lastword FROM {$gtablepre}users WHERE username = '$name'" );
$lastword = $db->result ( $result, 0 );
$lwname = $typeinfo [$type] . ' ' . $name;
/*$result = $db->query("SELECT pls FROM {$tablepre}players WHERE name = '$name' AND type = '$type'");
$pls = $db->result($result, 0);*/
$db->query ( "INSERT INTO {$tablepre}chat (type,`time`,send,recv,msg) VALUES ('3','$now','$lwname','$pls','$lastword')" );
$deathtime = $now;
//$result = $db->query("SELECT nick FROM {$tablepre}players WHERE name = '$kname' AND type = '$type'");
//$knick = $db->result($result, 0);
//$kname= !empty($knick) || $knick == 0 ? $knick.'+'.$ : 'none';
addnews ($now,'death'.$state,$dname,$type,$kname,$annex,$lastword);
//$alivenum = $db->result($db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$tablepre}players WHERE hp>0 AND type=0"), 0);
# 执行死亡事件(灵魂绑定等)
if(!$data['type'] && empty($data['nm'])) $data['nm'] = '你';
......@@ -124,7 +101,7 @@
return $killmsg;
# 执行不需要考虑复活问题的击杀事件:
# 执行不需要考虑复活问题的击杀事件:
# 再重复一遍:这里的第一个参数指的是杀人者(敌对方)视角,第二个参数指的是死者(受到伤害者)视角。
function pre_kill_events(&$pa,&$pd,$active,$death)
......@@ -174,6 +151,7 @@
$lastword = $db->result ( $result, 0 );
$dname = $typeinfo[$pd['type']].' '.$pd['name']; //以前有没有来着……
$db->query ( "INSERT INTO {$tablepre}chat (type,`time`,send,recv,msg) VALUES ('3','$now','$dname','$dpls','$lastword')" );
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
<TD class="b1" width="95px"><span>优胜者名</span></TD>
<TD class="b1"><span>头像</span></TD>
<TD class="b1"><span>游戏结束时间</span></TD>
<TD class="b1"><span>胜利者留言</span></TD>
<TD class="b1" width="240px"><span>胜利者留言</span></TD>
<TD class="b1" width="240px"><span>使用武器</span></TD>
<TD class="b1" width="95px"><span>最高伤害</span></TD>
<TD class="b1" width="95px"><span>杀人最多</span></TD>
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ if($command == 'info') {
$wdata['nickinfo'] = !empty($wdata['nick']) || $wdata['nick'] == 0 ? titles_get_desc($wdata['nick']) : '';
$wdata['nickinfo'] = (!empty($wdata['nick']) || $wdata['nick'] === '0') ? titles_get_desc($wdata['nick']) : '';
$winfo[$wdata['gid']] = $wdata;
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