Commit 5e09a756 authored by Nemo Ma's avatar Nemo Ma Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #59 from hikawiier/waaagh

update & fix
parents 63921e65 e1be2473
......@@ -371,15 +371,14 @@ span[tooltip] {
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/* 下拉菜单样式 */
......@@ -396,10 +395,14 @@ span.drop:hover .dropdown-menu{
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.dropdown-menu ul{
......@@ -409,11 +412,10 @@ span.drop:hover .dropdown-menu{
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font: bold 10pt "微软雅黑" serif; color: white; overflow-x:hidden; overflow-y:auto; text-shadow:3px 3px 3px #231e1e; text-align: center;
/* 在小头像上悬浮显示大头像 */
......@@ -571,7 +573,7 @@ div.ach_box
background-color:rgba(20,22,24,0.5); *BACKGROUND: rgb(20,22,24); *filter:alpha(opacity=50);
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margin:5px; border:1px solid rgba(225, 124, 226, 0.4); border-radius:7px;
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ function print_achievement_rev($ach)
$ach = json_decode($ach,true);
return $ach;
return $ach;
return Array();
function check_achievement_rev($which,$who)
......@@ -1573,7 +1573,7 @@ function check_item_achievement_rev($nn,$i,$ie,$is,$ik,$isk)
function check_misc_achievement_rev($pa,$pd)
function check_misc_achievement_rev(&$pa)
global $gamestate,$gamecfg,$db,$tablepre;
include_once GAME_ROOT.'./include/game/titles.func.php';
......@@ -1591,6 +1591,7 @@ function check_misc_achievement_rev($pa,$pd)
// 204.混沌伤害打满成就
$aid = 204;
$alvl = check_achievement_rev($aid,$nn);
$achlist = get_achlist($aid);
......@@ -1609,6 +1610,7 @@ function check_misc_achievement_rev($pa,$pd)
// 205.一击承受百万伤害成就
if(!empty($pa['clbpara']['achvars']['takedmg']) && $pa['clbpara']['achvars']['takedmg'] >= 1000000)
$aid = 205;
$alvl = check_achievement_rev($aid,$nn);
$achlist = get_achlist($aid);
......@@ -384,6 +384,11 @@
# 战斗准备事件中触发了跳过战斗标记,直接goto跳转到这个位置。
# 检查战斗中出现的杂项成就
include_once GAME_ROOT.'./include/game/achievement.func.php';
if(!$pa['type']) check_misc_achievement_rev($pa);
if(!$pd['type']) check_misc_achievement_rev($pd);
# 如果战斗中出现了死者 更新action标记
if ($active)
......@@ -422,11 +427,6 @@
player_save($pa); player_save($pd);
# 检查战斗中出现的杂项成就
include_once GAME_ROOT.'./include/game/achievement.func.php';
if(!$pa['type']) check_misc_achievement_rev($pa,$pd);
if(!$pd['type']) check_misc_achievement_rev($pd,$pa);
# 刷新玩家状态
if(!$sdata['type']) player_load($sdata);
# 主视角不是玩家,可能是玩家召唤的NPC帮手。将身上的印记传给玩家。
......@@ -647,7 +647,7 @@ function parse_info_desc($info,$type,$vars='',$short=0)
if($sk_max > 1)
$sk_tp .= "【{$itemspkinfo[$sk]}】".$tps_isk[$sk]['title'];
$sk_tp .= "【{$itemspkinfo[$sk]}: ".$tps_isk[$sk]['title'];
if($sk_nums<$sk_max-1) $sk_tp .= "\r";
......@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
<div id="notice"></div>
<div class="subtitle">空想梦境</div>
<div class="clearfix">
<table class="dialogue" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" valign="middle">
<div class="ach_box" style="min-height: min-content; width: max-content; max-width: 560px;">
<IMG width=140px src="$vnworld_img" valign="middle"/>
<td style="padding: 1% 1%;">
<td class="ach-cont">
<span class="evergreen">$vnworld_notice</span>
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