Commit 620a8a92 authored by Nemo Ma's avatar Nemo Ma

Fill in club21 resources and more

Add: club 21 related text resources.
Add: Registered the Fireseed equipment as sets
Add: Preparations for implementing Fireseed Box
Mechanic Change: Now unsuccessful usage of Fireseed Ash won't cause item to disappear.
Adjustments: changed the itms for Ashes on Fireseeds to less confusion.
Bugfix(?): used the new way for loading in location pics in header.htm
parent 90ce197c
......@@ -1915,7 +1915,7 @@ $anpcinfo = array
'itme4' => 500,
'itms4' => 500,
'itmsk4' => 'HZ',
'itm6' => '☾愈合数据☽',
'itm6' => '❀愈合数据❀',
'itmk6' => 'HB',
'itme6' => 300,
'itms6' => '∞',
......@@ -2598,8 +2598,8 @@ $anpcinfo = array
'weps' => 50,
'itm5' => '◆熟练数据',
'itmk5' => '🎆V',
'itme5' => 1,
'itms5' => 5,
'itme5' => 5,
'itms5' => 1,
2 => array
......@@ -2611,8 +2611,8 @@ $anpcinfo = array
'weps' => 50,
'itm5' => '◆生命数据',
'itmk5' => '🎆O',
'itme5' => 1,
'itms5' => 10,
'itme5' => 10,
'itms5' => 1,
3 => array
......@@ -2624,8 +2624,8 @@ $anpcinfo = array
'weps' => 50,
'itm5' => '◆意念数据',
'itmk5' => '🎆D',
'itme5' => 1,
'itms5' => 10,
'itme5' => 10,
'itms5' => 1,
4 => array
......@@ -2153,8 +2153,8 @@
'weps' => 50,
'itm5' => '◆熟练数据',
'itmk5' => '🎆V',
'itme5' => 1,
'itms5' => 5,
'itme5' => 5,
'itms5' => 1,
2 => array
......@@ -2168,8 +2168,8 @@
'weps' => 50,
'itm5' => '◆生命数据',
'itmk5' => '🎆O',
'itme5' => 1,
'itms5' => 10,
'itme5' => 10,
'itms5' => 1,
3 => array
......@@ -2183,8 +2183,8 @@
'weps' => 50,
'itm5' => '◆意念数据',
'itmk5' => '🎆D',
'itme5' => 1,
'itms5' => 10,
'itme5' => 10,
'itms5' => 1,
4 => array
......@@ -2544,7 +2544,7 @@ $npcdescription = array
6 => array
'count' => 0,
'description' => '没有反应,就是个特别能抗伤害的种火。',
'description' => '没有反应,似乎就是个特别能抗伤害的种火。但真的是这样吗?',
......@@ -207,6 +207,8 @@ $stateinfo = Array
39 => '武器反噬',
40 => '以身试法',
42 => '独自脱离',
44 => '自我崩解',
45 => '舍身证道',
50 => '成为乐子'
$lwinfo = Array(
......@@ -1064,6 +1066,8 @@ $iteminfo = Array(//注意顺序,AB必须在A的前面,以此类推
'🎆V' => '余烬', #熟练数据
'🎆O' => '余烬', #生命数据
'🎆D' => '余烬', #意念数据
'🎆B' => '余烬', #种火盒子
'🎆C' => '余烬', #种火盒子·报社篇
'P🎆' => '余烬', #霍霍完歌魂是不是还要霍霍种火数据(悲
'🎆' => '余烬', # Catch-All
......@@ -1321,6 +1325,8 @@ $dinfo = Array(
39 => '“去死吧!就算你是权限[哔]也挡不住我这一击的!”<br>你狂笑着使出你自认为决定胜负的一击,噗通倒下的却是你自己。<br>“不,这不科学!”被武器背叛的你遁入了无尽的黑暗中。<br><br><div class="seedhint">………………<br>…………<br><span class="blueseed">【P】越是强大的武器,越是有使用的风险。</span><br><span class="redseed">【E】越是浓厚的杀意,会带来越大的反噬。</span><br><span class="blueseed">【P】幻境自有其制衡之道,逾矩会带来无法想象的后果。</span><br><span class="redseed">【E】帮助上只说会必杀,可没说杀的是哪一方哦。</span><br></div>',
40 => '“看起来好像没什么反应嘛……那是!!”<br>天空中突然降下的巨大柱状物瞬间将你的世界吞没。<br>你眼前一黑,便失去了意识。<br><br><div class="seedhint">………………<br>…………<br><span class="redseed">【E】是那位神灵啊,干嘛要招惹她呢?</span><br><span class="blueseed">【P】使用她的符卡,后果自负哟。</span><br></div>',
42 => '你摁下了手中的玩具般的按钮。<br>面前凭空出现了一扇闪光的门扉!<br>你毅然决然地踏了进去……<br>………………<br>…………<br>……<br>随着你独自摘下了VR设备站起身来,你松了一口气。<br>虽然其他的玩家还在这场游戏中冒死厮杀,但起码你自己毫发无伤地逃出了生天。<br>虽然这怎么说都无法让你成为胜利者,但就这一点本身,已经算是不错的成就了。<br>你回头看了一眼正显示着你所谓的死亡信息的屏幕,不禁笑了起来……<br><br>=========<br><span class="lime">独自逃脱成功!<br>你获得了20积分奖励!胜场+1!</span><br>=========<br>',
44 => '在你想着要获取更大,更多的力量时。<br>你没想到这将让你的身体承担不起。<br>在你身体里面肆虐的<span class="glitchb">数据风暴</span>终于无法制御,<br>从你的体内破体而出……<br><div class="seedhint">………………<br>…………<br><span class="redseed">【E】这里有个教训——</span><br><span class="blueseed">【P】在使用所谓的第三方库之前,最好先将它的底细摸清楚……</span><span class="redseed">【E】要说明白的话,那这个「🥚」其实并不是林氏出品的东西……</span><br><span class="blueseed">【P】总之,下次注意点吧!</span><br></div>',
45 => '你怀着必死的决心,向你的对手撞了上去,<br>丝毫未注意到<span class="glitchb">数据风暴</span>穿体而出所带来的疼痛。<br>各种颜色的<span class="glitchb">数据风暴</span>围绕着你们,<br>当一切结束后,战场上已经是一片狼藉……<br><div class="seedhint">………………<br>…………<br><span class="redseed">【E】热血漫画固有戏码——自爆!</span><br><span class="blueseed">【P】这是你自己的选择,我们也不评价了。</span><span class="redseed">【E】希望被你干掉的人值得你这么做。</span><br><span class="blueseed">【P】那么下次再见!</span><br></div>',
50 => '你的身体化作了天边的红霞。<br>想必会为虚拟幻境中的各位带来笑容吧。<br><div class="seedhint">………………<br>…………<br><span class="redseed">【E】…………………………?</span><br><span class="blueseed">【P】……………………。</span><br></div>',
......@@ -27,6 +27,10 @@ $set_items = Array
'幻之甲' => 'fan',
'永恒之甲' => 'ete',
'新华里的西服' => 'xhl',
'✦✦✦烈篝火' => 'fs2',
'★华篝火★' => 'fs3',
'☾真篝火☽' => 'fs4',
'☼篝火☼' => 'fs5',
'arh' => Array
......@@ -36,6 +40,10 @@ $set_items = Array
'幻之盔' => 'fan',
'永恒之盔' => 'ete',
'新华里的领带' => 'xhl',
'✦✦✦烈埋火' => 'fs2',
'★华埋火★' => 'fs3',
'☾真埋火☽' => 'fs4',
'☼埋火☼' => 'fs5',
'ara' => Array
......@@ -45,6 +53,10 @@ $set_items = Array
'幻之手镯' => 'fan',
'永恒之手镯' => 'ete',
'新华里的手表' => 'xhl',
'✦✦✦烈残火' => 'fs2',
'★华残火★' => 'fs3',
'☾真残火☽' => 'fs4',
'☼残火☼' => 'fs5',
'arf' => Array
......@@ -54,6 +66,10 @@ $set_items = Array
'幻之靴' => 'fan',
'永恒之靴' => 'ete',
'新华里的皮鞋' => 'xhl',
'✦✦✦烈永火' => 'fs2',
'★华永火★' => 'fs3',
'☾真永火☽' => 'fs4',
'☼永火☼' => 'fs5',
'art' => Array
......@@ -95,6 +111,26 @@ $set_items_info = Array
'name' => '永恒之物',
'active' => Array(1,5),
'fs2' => Array
'name' => '种火Ⅰ',
'active' => Array(1,4),
'fs3' => Array
'name' => '种火Ⅱ',
'active' => Array(1,4),
'fs4' => Array
'name' => '种火Ⅲ',
'active' => Array(1,4),
'fs5' => Array
'name' => '种火Ⅳ',
'active' => Array(1,4),
......@@ -171,6 +171,8 @@ $tps_ik = Array
'🎆V' => Array('class'=>'lime', 'title'=>"神秘存在身上掉落的碎片,似乎和你很匹配。",),
'🎆O' => Array('class'=>'lime', 'title'=>"神秘存在身上掉落的碎片,似乎和你很匹配。",),
'🎆D' => Array('class'=>'lime', 'title'=>"神秘存在身上掉落的碎片,似乎和你很匹配。",),
'🎆B' => Array('class'=>'lime', 'title'=>"神秘存在身上掉落的碎片,你觉得它似乎能变成别的什么东西。",),
'🎆C' => Array('class'=>'lime', 'title'=>"鉮秘洊茬裑仩鋽落哋誶爿,沵覺嘚咜姒苸能變荿莂哋什庅崬覀。",),
'P🎆' => Array('class'=>'lime', 'title'=>"神秘存在身上掉落的碎片,似乎和你狠匹配。",),
......@@ -484,7 +484,7 @@
$death_obbs = get_skillvars('c21_sacrifice','death_obbs');
if ($sacrifice_dice < $death_obbs)
$log .= '(此处应有台词,没能成功提取出来)<br>';
$log .= '你尝试着引导着你体内的<span class="glitchb">数据风暴</span>,让它变成你想要的东西……<br>但什么都没发生。<br>';
$death_flag = -1;
return $death_flag;
......@@ -493,7 +493,7 @@
$hp_cost = $hp - 1;
$hp -= $hp_cost;
$sp_cost = $sp;
$log .= '(此处可重写台词)你透支生命,消耗生命' . $hp_cost . '点代替了体力消耗。<br>';
$log .= '你一咬牙关,让<span class="glitchb">数据风暴</span>透支了你的生命,<br>因此消耗生命' . $hp_cost . '点代替了体力消耗。<br>';
......@@ -1082,6 +1082,15 @@ function itemuse($itmn,&$data=NULL) {
$log.="你将<span class=\"yellow\">{$itm}</span>吞下了肚,你感觉焕然一新!<br>";
$hp = $mhp;
$sp = $msp;
if ($itms != $nosta) {
$itms --;
if ($itms <= 0) {
$log .= "<span class=\"red\">$itm</span>的余烬崩解消失了……<br>";
$itm = $itmk = $itmsk = '';
$itme = $itms = 0;
# Logic for each of the 4 usages.
......@@ -1117,7 +1126,6 @@ function itemuse($itmn,&$data=NULL) {
<span class=\"blueseed\">同时,你还隐约听见了一个声音:<br>
$falsify = true;
$gainless = ($mhp + $gainmax) - $hp;
......@@ -1135,6 +1143,15 @@ function itemuse($itmn,&$data=NULL) {
if ($itms != $nosta) {
$itms --;
if ($itms <= 0) {
$log .= "<span class=\"red\">$itm</span>的余烬崩解消失了……<br>";
$itm = $itmk = $itmsk = '';
$itme = $itms = 0;
$addsp = $msp - $sp < $itme ? $msp - $sp : $itme;
......@@ -1146,6 +1163,15 @@ function itemuse($itmn,&$data=NULL) {
$log.="你将<span class=\"yellow\">{$itm}</span>吞下了肚。<br>
治愈的代码片段为你恢复了<span class=\"yellow\">$addhp</span>点生命和<span class=\"yellow\">$addsp</span>点体力。<br>";
if ($itms != $nosta) {
$itms --;
if ($itms <= 0) {
$log .= "<span class=\"red\">$itm</span>的余烬崩解消失了……<br>";
$itm = $itmk = $itmsk = '';
$itme = $itms = 0;
......@@ -1185,7 +1211,6 @@ function itemuse($itmn,&$data=NULL) {
<span class=\"blueseed\">同时,你还隐约听见了一个声音:<br>
$falsify = true;
$gainless = $clbpara['fireseedmaxProfGain'] - $clbpara['fireseedmaxProfAdd'];
......@@ -1203,6 +1228,15 @@ function itemuse($itmn,&$data=NULL) {
if ($itms != $nosta) {
$itms --;
if ($itms <= 0) {
$log .= "<span class=\"red\">$itm</span>的余烬崩解消失了……<br>";
$itm = $itmk = $itmsk = '';
$itme = $itms = 0;
$addw = $itme;
......@@ -1215,6 +1249,15 @@ function itemuse($itmn,&$data=NULL) {
$log.="你将<span class=\"yellow\">{$itm}</span>吞下了肚。<br>
载有熟练度的代码片段让你获得了<span class=\"yellow\">$addw</span>点全系熟练度!<br>";
if ($itms != $nosta) {
$itms --;
if ($itms <= 0) {
$log .= "<span class=\"red\">$itm</span>的余烬崩解消失了……<br>";
$itm = $itmk = $itmsk = '';
$itme = $itms = 0;
......@@ -1248,7 +1291,6 @@ function itemuse($itmn,&$data=NULL) {
<span class=\"blueseed\">同时,你还隐约听见了一个声音:<br>
$falsify = true;
$gainless = $clbpara['fireseedmaxHPGain'] - $clbpara['fireseedmaxHPAdd'];
......@@ -1264,6 +1306,16 @@ function itemuse($itmn,&$data=NULL) {
$log.="<br><span class=\"redseed\">这时,有另一把声音插了进来:<br>
if ($itms != $nosta) {
$itms --;
if ($itms <= 0) {
$log .= "<span class=\"red\">$itm</span>的余烬崩解消失了……<br>";
$itm = $itmk = $itmsk = '';
$itme = $itms = 0;
......@@ -1273,6 +1325,15 @@ function itemuse($itmn,&$data=NULL) {
$log.="你将<span class=\"yellow\">{$itm}</span>吞下了肚。<br>
载有生命的代码片段让你获得了<span class=\"yellow\">$addmhp</span>点生命最大值!<br>";
if ($itms != $nosta) {
$itms --;
if ($itms <= 0) {
$log .= "<span class=\"red\">$itm</span>的余烬崩解消失了……<br>";
$itm = $itmk = $itmsk = '';
$itme = $itms = 0;
......@@ -1306,7 +1367,6 @@ function itemuse($itmn,&$data=NULL) {
<span class=\"blueseed\">同时,你还隐约听见了一个声音:<br>
$falsify = true;
$gainless = $clbpara['fireseedmaxDefGain'] - $clbpara['fireseedmaxDefAdd'];
......@@ -1323,6 +1383,14 @@ function itemuse($itmn,&$data=NULL) {
if ($itms != $nosta) {
$itms --;
if ($itms <= 0) {
$log .= "<span class=\"red\">$itm</span>的余烬崩解消失了……<br>";
$itm = $itmk = $itmsk = '';
$itme = $itms = 0;
......@@ -1331,28 +1399,36 @@ function itemuse($itmn,&$data=NULL) {
$log.="你将<span class=\"yellow\">{$itm}</span>吞下了肚。<br>
载有防御数据的代码片段让你获得了<span class=\"yellow\">$adddef</span>点基础防御力!<br>";
if ($itms != $nosta) {
$itms --;
if ($itms <= 0) {
$log .= "<span class=\"red\">$itm</span>的余烬崩解消失了……<br>";
$itm = $itmk = $itmsk = '';
$itme = $itms = 0;
$falsify = true;
//Process item decrease.
if ($itms != $nosta) {
//Process item decrease. - Changed to do it only after succeeding item usage.
/* if ($itms != $nosta) {
$itms --;
if ($itms <= 0) {
$log .= "<span class=\"red\">$itm</span>用光了。<br>";
$itm = $itmk = $itmsk = '';
$itme = $itms = 0;
} */
# Special check for a poisoned fireseed item, WIP for now.
}elseif($itmk == 'P🎆'){
$log.="这个<span class=\"yellow\">{$itm}</span>有毒!到底是谁干的!<br>";
# For Maximum Funniness, we destroy this item.
$log .= "<span class=\"red\">$itm</span>用光了。<br>";
$log .= "<span class=\"red\">$itm</span>的余烬向天上盘旋飞舞,消失了。<br>";
$itm = $itmk = $itmsk = '';
$itme = $itms = 0;
}elseif (strpos ( $itmk, 'Y' ) === 0 || strpos ( $itmk, 'Z' ) === 0) {
......@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ function move_search_events(&$data,$act)
elseif ($sp_down <= 0) $sp_down = 1;
$sp = $sp - $sp_down;
$msp = $msp + round($gain_rate * $sp_down);
$log .= "因为体内<span class='glitchb'>数据风暴</span>肆虐减少了<span class=\"red\">$sp_down</span>点体力!<br>";
$log .= "因为体内<span class=\"glitchb\">数据风暴</span>肆虐减少了<span class=\"red\">$sp_down</span>点体力!<br>";
if($act == 'move')
$damage = round($mhp * ($burn_rate * $ms - $consume_rate * $clbpara['consumpt'])/100);
......@@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ function move_search_events(&$data,$act)
elseif ($damage <= 0) $damage = 1;
$hp = $hp - $damage;
$mhp = $mhp + round($gain_rate * $damage);
$log .= "因为体内<span class='glitchb'>数据风暴</span>肆虐减少了<span class=\"red\">$damage</span>点生命!<br>";
$log .= "因为体内<span class=\"glitchb\">数据风暴</span>肆虐减少了<span class=\"red\">$damage</span>点生命!<br>";
......@@ -15,176 +15,14 @@
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body {background-image: url("../../img/location/23.jpg");background-position: center;}
<!--{if (CURSCRIPT == 'game' && $pls=='24')}-->
body {background-image: url("../../img/location/24.jpg");background-position: center;}
<!--{if (CURSCRIPT == 'game' && $pls=='25')}-->
body {background-image: url("../../img/location/25.jpg");background-position: center;}
<!--{if (CURSCRIPT == 'game' && $pls=='26')}-->
body {background-image: url("../../img/location/26.jpg");background-position: center;}
<!--{if (CURSCRIPT == 'game' && $pls=='27')}-->
body {background-image: url("../../img/location/27.jpg");background-position: center;}
<!--{if (CURSCRIPT == 'game' && $pls=='28')}-->
body {background-image: url("../../img/location/28.jpg");background-position: center;}
<!--{if (CURSCRIPT == 'game' && $pls=='29')}-->
body {background-image: url("../../img/location/29.jpg");background-position: center;}
<!--{if (CURSCRIPT == 'game' && $pls=='30')}-->
body {background-image: url("../../img/location/30.jpg");background-position: center;}
<!--{if (CURSCRIPT == 'game' && $pls=='31')}-->
body {background-image: url("../../img/location/31.jpg");background-position: center;}
<!--{if (CURSCRIPT == 'game' && $pls=='32')}-->
body {background-image: url("../../img/location/32.jpg");background-position: center;}
<!--{if (CURSCRIPT == 'game' && $pls=='33')}-->
body {background-image: url("../../img/location/33.jpg");background-position: center;}
<!--{if (CURSCRIPT == 'game' && $pls=='34')}-->
body {background-image: url("../../img/location/34.jpg");background-position: center;}
<!--{loop $plsinfo $places $info}-->
<!--{if (CURSCRIPT == 'game' && $sdata['pls']==$places)}-->
<!--{eval $bgurl = "img/location/".$places.".jpg"}-->
body {background-image: url("$bgurl");background-position: center;}
<BODY <!--{if CURSCRIPT == 'game' && $hotkeyon}-->onkeyup="hotkey(event);"<!--{/if}-->>
<div class="title" >{lang title}</div>
......@@ -5,7 +5,10 @@
<span class="glitchb">/*</span><br>
<span class="blueseed">
<span class="glitchb">*/</span><br>
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