Commit b9dc240c authored by Nemo Ma's avatar Nemo Ma Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #41 from hikawiier/waaagh

rev combat phase 3
parents 7aaac468 5aeb0772
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ while($apdata = $db->fetch_array($result)) {
$alivedata[$apdata['pid']] = $apdata;
$adata = Array();
$adata = Array(); if(!isset($gbmode)) $gbmode = 'none';
global $gshoplist,$credits2_values,$no_self_sponsored,$sponsor_title,$gnpctype,$gnpcsub;
......@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ if($gamblingon){
if($gbmode == 'gsponsor')
if ($gbudata['bitm'] || $gbudata['bnid'] )
if (!empty($gbudata['bitm']) || !empty($gbudata['bnid']) )
$gbinfo .= '你派出去的快递员还没回来,耐心等等吧!<br>';
goto gb_result;
......@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ if($gamblingon){
$adata['innerHTML']['gbinfo'] .= $gbinfo;
$adata['innerHTML']['gbinfo'] = $gbinfo;
$gbinfo .= $_ERROR['no_login'];
......@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ if($hp > 0){
$rmcdtime = $nowmtime >= $cdover ? 0 : $cdover - $nowmtime;
if(strpos($action,'chase')!==false && $mode !== 'revcombat')
if((strpos($action,'chase')!==false || strpos($action,'dfight')!==false) && $mode !== 'revcombat')
$command = 'chase';
goto chase_flag;
......@@ -109,12 +109,12 @@ if($hp > 0){
$mode = 'command';
if(strpos($action,'chase')===false && $mode !== 'combat' && $mode !== 'revcombat' && $mode !== 'corpse' && strpos($action,'pacorpse')===false && $mode !== 'senditem'){
if(strpos($action,'chase')===false && strpos($action,'dfight')===false && $mode !== 'combat' && $mode !== 'revcombat' && $mode !== 'corpse' && strpos($action,'pacorpse')===false && $mode !== 'senditem'){
$action = '';
if($command == 'menu') {
$mode = 'command';
$action = '';
//$action = '';
} elseif($mode == 'command') {
if($command == 'move') {
include_once GAME_ROOT.'./include/game/search.func.php';
......@@ -384,6 +384,10 @@ if($hp > 0){
$log.="<span class='red'>你身上没有背包,或是没有将背包装备上!<br>";
} elseif(strpos($command,'changewep') !==false) {
include_once GAME_ROOT.'./include/game/revbattle.func.php';
$mode = 'command';
} elseif($mode == 'special') {
include_once GAME_ROOT.'./include/game/special.func.php';
......@@ -440,6 +444,8 @@ if($hp > 0){
$enemyid = NULL;
if(strpos($action,'enemy')===0) $enemyid = str_replace('enemy','',$action);
if(strpos($action,'chase')===0) $enemyid = str_replace('chase','',$action);
if(strpos($action,'pchase')===0) $enemyid = str_replace('pchase','',$action);
if(strpos($action,'dfight')===0) $enemyid = str_replace('dfight','',$action);
$log .= "<span class=\"yellow b\">你没有遇到敌人,或已经离开战场!</span>{$enemyid}<br>";
......@@ -463,6 +469,12 @@ if($hp > 0){
$action = 'corpse'.$edata['pid'];
elseif ($command == 'changewep')
include_once GAME_ROOT.'./include/game/revbattle.func.php';
elseif ($command == 'chase')
include_once GAME_ROOT.'./include/game/revbattle.func.php';
......@@ -470,15 +482,25 @@ if($hp > 0){
elseif ($command == 'back')
$log .= "你逃跑了。";
$action = '';
$mode = 'command';
//$log .= "你逃跑了。";
include_once GAME_ROOT . './include/game/revbattle.func.php';
$flag = escape_from_enemy($pdata,$edata);
$mode = 'command';
include_once GAME_ROOT . './include/game/revcombat.func.php';
if(!empty($message)) $pdata['message'] = $message;
include_once GAME_ROOT . './include/game/revcombat.func.php';
} elseif($mode == 'rest') {
include_once GAME_ROOT.'./include/state.func.php';
......@@ -105,8 +105,10 @@ if((strpos($action,'corpse')===0 || strpos($action,'pacorpse')===0) && $gamestat
$enemyid = str_replace('chase','',$action);
elseif(strpos($action,'chase')!==false || strpos($action,'dfight')!==false){
if(strpos($action,'chase')===0) $enemyid = str_replace('chase','',$action);
if(strpos($action,'pchase')===0) $enemyid = str_replace('pchase','',$action);
if(strpos($action,'dfight')===0) $enemyid = str_replace('dfight','',$action);
$result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$tablepre}players WHERE pid='$enemyid' AND hp>0 AND pls='$pls'");
$edata = $db->fetch_array($result);
if(!defined('IN_GAME')) exit('Access Denied');
# 成就登记列表:
$ach_list = Array
0 => Array(
# 成就各阶段名称
'name' => Array('永恒世界的住人','幻想世界的往人','永恒的覆唱'),
# 达成阶段成就的头衔奖励
'title' => Array('','幻想','流星'),
# 达成阶段成就的积分奖励
'c1' => Array(0,200,700),
# 达成阶段成就的切糕奖励
'c2' => Array(10,0,0),
1 => Array(
'name' => Array('清水池之王'),
'title' => Array('KEY男'),
'c1' => Array(30),
'c2' => Array(16),
2 => Array(
'name' => Array('Run With Wolves','Day Game','Thousand Enemies'),
'title' => Array('','二度打','G.D.M'),
'c1' => Array(10,500,0),
'c2' => Array(0,0,200),
3 => Array(
4 => Array(
5 => Array(
6 => Array(
7 => Array(
8 => Array(
9 => Array(
10 => Array(
11 => Array(
12 => Array(
13 => Array(
14 => Array(
15 => Array(
16 => Array(
17 => Array(
18 => Array(
19 => Array(
20 => Array(
21 => Array(
22 => Array(
23 => Array(
24 => Array(
25 => Array(
26 => Array(
27 => Array(
28 => Array(
29 => Array(
30 => Array(
31 => Array(
32 => Array(
33 => Array(
34 => Array(
35 => Array(
36 => Array(
37 => Array(
38 => Array(
39 => Array(
40 => Array(
41 => Array(
42 => Array(
43 => Array(
44 => Array(
45 => Array(
46 => Array(
47 => Array(
48 => Array(
49 => Array(
50 => Array(
51 => Array(
52 => Array(
53 => Array(
54 => Array(
55 => Array(
56 => Array(
57 => Array(
999 => Array(''),
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ $skill_dmg = Array('N' => 0.6, 'P' => 0.6, 'K' => 0.65, 'G' => 0.6, 'C' => 0.4,
//$skill_dmg = Array('N' => 0.5, 'P' => 0.5, 'K' => 0.5, 'G' => 0.6, 'C' => 0.3, 'D' => 0.4, 'F'=> 1.2);
$def_kind = Array(
'P' => 'P',
'P' => 'P', 'N' => 'P',
'K' => 'K',
'G' => 'G', 'J' => 'G',
'C' => 'C',
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
/*Game Config*/
//禁区间隔时间,单位 小时
$areahour = 35;
$areahour = 25;
$areaadd = 4;
......@@ -102,6 +102,14 @@ $corpse_obbs = 50;
$active_obbs = 50;
$counter_obbs = 50;
//(仅PVE触发)基础追击率 (等于0时为不启用追击机制)
$chase_obbs = 55;
//(仅PVE触发)鏖战状态维持率 (等于0时为不启用鏖战机制)
$dfight_obbs = 65;
//(仅PVE触发)追击&鏖战状态默认先制率 (鏖战/追击的基础先制率不受姿态与天气影响)
$chase_active_obbs = 50;
$chase_escape_obbs = 50;
......@@ -225,70 +225,75 @@ CREATE TABLE `acbra2_players` (
itmnum smallint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
itmnumlimit smallint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
wep char(30) NOT NULL default '',
wepk char(5) not null default '',
wepe mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
weps char(5) not null default '0',
wepsk char(5) not null default '',
wepk char(40) not null default '',
wepe int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
weps char(10) not null default '0',
wepsk char(40) not null default '',
wep2 char(30) NOT NULL default '',
wep2k char(40) not null default '',
wep2e int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
wep2s char(10) not null default '0',
wep2sk char(40) not null default '',
arb char(30) NOT NULL default '',
arbk char(5) not null default '',
arbe mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
arbs char(5) not null default '0',
arbsk char(5) not null default '',
arbk char(40) not null default '',
arbe int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
arbs char(10) not null default '0',
arbsk char(40) not null default '',
arh char(30) NOT NULL default '',
arhk char(5) not null default '',
arhe mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
arhs char(5) not null default '0',
arhsk char(5) not null default '',
arhk char(40) not null default '',
arhe int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
arhs char(10) not null default '0',
arhsk char(40) not null default '',
ara char(30) NOT NULL default '',
arak char(5) not null default '',
arae mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
aras char(5) not null default '0',
arask char(5) not null default '',
arak char(40) not null default '',
arae int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
aras char(10) not null default '0',
arask char(40) not null default '',
arf char(30) NOT NULL default '',
arfk char(5) not null default '',
arfe mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
arfs char(5) not null default '0',
arfsk char(5) not null default '',
arfk char(40) not null default '',
arfe int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
arfs char(10) not null default '0',
arfsk char(40) not null default '',
art char(30) NOT NULL default '',
artk char(5) not null default '',
arte mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
arts char(5) not null default '0',
artsk char(5) not null default '',
artk char(40) not null default '',
arte int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
arts char(10) not null default '0',
artsk char(40) not null default '',
itm0 char(30) NOT NULL default '',
itmk0 char(5) not null default '',
itme0 mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
itms0 char(5) not null default '0',
itmsk0 char(5) not null default '',
itmk0 char(40) not null default '',
itme0 int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
itms0 char(10) not null default '0',
itmsk0 char(40) not null default '',
itm1 char(30) NOT NULL default '',
itmk1 char(5) not null default '',
itme1 mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
itms1 char(5) not null default '0',
itmsk1 char(5) not null default '',
itmk1 char(40) not null default '',
itme1 int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
itms1 char(10) not null default '0',
itmsk1 char(40) not null default '',
itm2 char(30) NOT NULL default '',
itmk2 char(5) not null default '',
itme2 mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
itms2 char(5) not null default '0',
itmsk2 char(5) not null default '',
itmk2 char(40) not null default '',
itme2 int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
itms2 char(10) not null default '0',
itmsk2 char(40) not null default '',
itm3 char(30) NOT NULL default '',
itmk3 char(5) not null default '',
itme3 mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
itms3 char(5) not null default '0',
itmsk3 char(5) not null default '',
itmk3 char(40) not null default '',
itme3 int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
itms3 char(10) not null default '0',
itmsk3 char(40) not null default '',
itm4 char(30) NOT NULL default '',
itmk4 char(5) not null default '',
itme4 mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
itms4 char(5) not null default '0',
itmsk4 char(5) not null default '',
itmk4 char(40) not null default '',
itme4 int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
itms4 char(10) not null default '0',
itmsk4 char(40) not null default '',
itm5 char(30) NOT NULL default '',
itmk5 char(5) not null default '',
itme5 mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
itms5 char(5) not null default '0',
itmsk5 char(5) not null default '',
itmk5 char(40) not null default '',
itme5 int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
itms5 char(10) not null default '0',
itmsk5 char(40) not null default '',
itm6 char(30) NOT NULL default '',
itmk6 char(5) not null default '',
itme6 mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
itms6 char(5) not null default '0',
itmsk6 char(5) not null default '',
itmk6 char(40) not null default '',
itme6 int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
itms6 char(10) not null default '0',
itmsk6 char(40) not null default '',
flare int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
dcloak int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
auraa int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS bra_players;
CREATE TABLE bra_players (
pid smallint unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
type tinyint NOT NULL default '0',
name char(15) NOT NULL default '',
name char(40) not null default '',
pass char(32) NOT NULL default '',
gd char(1) NOT NULL default 'm',
race char(32) NOT NULL default '0',
......@@ -25,22 +25,22 @@ CREATE TABLE bra_players (
skills smallint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
cdsec int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
cdmsec smallint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
cdtime mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
cdtime int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
action char(12) NOT NULL default '',
hp mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
mhp mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
sp mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
msp mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
ss mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
mss mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
att mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
def mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
hp int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
mhp int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
sp int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
msp int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ss int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
mss int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
att int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
def int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
pgroup tinyint unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
pls tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
lvl tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`exp` smallint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
money mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
rp mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
money int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
rp int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
bid smallint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`inf` char(10) not null default '',
rage tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
......@@ -54,77 +54,82 @@ CREATE TABLE bra_players (
`wc` smallint unsigned not null default '0',
`wd` smallint unsigned not null default '0',
`wf` smallint unsigned not null default '0',
`teamID` char(15) not null default '',
`teamPass` char(15) not null default '',
`teamID` char(40) not null default '',
`teamPass` char(40) not null default '',
getitem text NOT NULL default '',
itembag text NOT NULL default '',
itmnum smallint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
itmnumlimit smallint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
wep char(250) NOT NULL default '',
wepk char(5) not null default '',
wepe mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
weps char(5) not null default '0',
wepsk char(5) not null default '',
arb char(250) NOT NULL default '',
arbk char(5) not null default '',
arbe mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
arbs char(5) not null default '0',
arbsk char(5) not null default '',
arh char(250) NOT NULL default '',
arhk char(5) not null default '',
arhe mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
arhs char(5) not null default '0',
arhsk char(5) not null default '',
ara char(250) NOT NULL default '',
arak char(5) not null default '',
arae mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
aras char(5) not null default '0',
arask char(5) not null default '',
arf char(250) NOT NULL default '',
arfk char(5) not null default '',
arfe mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
arfs char(5) not null default '0',
arfsk char(5) not null default '',
art char(250) NOT NULL default '',
artk char(5) not null default '',
arte mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
arts char(5) not null default '0',
artsk char(5) not null default '',
itm0 char(250) NOT NULL default '',
itmk0 char(5) not null default '',
itme0 mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
itms0 char(5) not null default '0',
itmsk0 char(5) not null default '',
itm1 char(250) NOT NULL default '',
itmk1 char(5) not null default '',
itme1 mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
itms1 char(5) not null default '0',
itmsk1 char(5) not null default '',
itm2 char(250) NOT NULL default '',
itmk2 char(5) not null default '',
itme2 mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
itms2 char(5) not null default '0',
itmsk2 char(5) not null default '',
itm3 char(250) NOT NULL default '',
itmk3 char(5) not null default '',
itme3 mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
itms3 char(5) not null default '0',
itmsk3 char(5) not null default '',
itm4 char(250) NOT NULL default '',
itmk4 char(5) not null default '',
itme4 mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
itms4 char(5) not null default '0',
itmsk4 char(5) not null default '',
itm5 char(250) NOT NULL default '',
itmk5 char(5) not null default '',
itme5 mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
itms5 char(5) not null default '0',
itmsk5 char(5) not null default '',
itm6 char(250) NOT NULL default '',
itmk6 char(5) not null default '',
itme6 mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
itms6 char(5) not null default '0',
itmsk6 char(5) not null default '',
wep char(30) NOT NULL default '',
wepk char(40) not null default '',
wepe int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
weps char(10) not null default '0',
wepsk char(40) not null default '',
wep2 char(30) NOT NULL default '',
wep2k char(40) not null default '',
wep2e int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
wep2s char(10) not null default '0',
wep2sk char(40) not null default '',
arb char(30) NOT NULL default '',
arbk char(40) not null default '',
arbe int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
arbs char(10) not null default '0',
arbsk char(40) not null default '',
arh char(30) NOT NULL default '',
arhk char(40) not null default '',
arhe int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
arhs char(10) not null default '0',
arhsk char(40) not null default '',
ara char(30) NOT NULL default '',
arak char(40) not null default '',
arae int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
aras char(10) not null default '0',
arask char(40) not null default '',
arf char(30) NOT NULL default '',
arfk char(40) not null default '',
arfe int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
arfs char(10) not null default '0',
arfsk char(40) not null default '',
art char(30) NOT NULL default '',
artk char(40) not null default '',
arte int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
arts char(10) not null default '0',
artsk char(40) not null default '',
itm0 char(30) NOT NULL default '',
itmk0 char(40) not null default '',
itme0 int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
itms0 char(10) not null default '0',
itmsk0 char(40) not null default '',
itm1 char(30) NOT NULL default '',
itmk1 char(40) not null default '',
itme1 int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
itms1 char(10) not null default '0',
itmsk1 char(40) not null default '',
itm2 char(30) NOT NULL default '',
itmk2 char(40) not null default '',
itme2 int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
itms2 char(10) not null default '0',
itmsk2 char(40) not null default '',
itm3 char(30) NOT NULL default '',
itmk3 char(40) not null default '',
itme3 int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
itms3 char(10) not null default '0',
itmsk3 char(40) not null default '',
itm4 char(30) NOT NULL default '',
itmk4 char(40) not null default '',
itme4 int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
itms4 char(10) not null default '0',
itmsk4 char(40) not null default '',
itm5 char(30) NOT NULL default '',
itmk5 char(40) not null default '',
itme5 int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
itms5 char(10) not null default '0',
itmsk5 char(40) not null default '',
itm6 char(30) NOT NULL default '',
itmk6 char(40) not null default '',
itme6 int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
itms6 char(10) not null default '0',
itmsk6 char(40) not null default '',
flare int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
dcloak int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
auraa int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
......@@ -153,12 +158,12 @@ CREATE TABLE bra_players (
nikstatusc int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
nikstatusd int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
nikstatuse int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
element0 mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
element1 mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
element2 mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
element3 mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
element4 mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
element5 mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
element0 int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
element1 int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
element2 int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
element3 int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
element4 int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
element5 int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
INDEX TYPE (type, sNo),
......@@ -52,9 +52,91 @@ if(!$db->num_rows($result)) $db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners ADD mss s
$result = $db->query("DESCRIBE {$tablepre}winners skillpoint");
if(!$db->num_rows($result)) $db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners ADD skillpoint smallint unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER nick");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY wep char(30) NOT NULL default ''");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY wepk char(40) NOT NULL default ''");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY wepe int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY weps char(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY wepsk char(40) NOT NULL default ''");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY arb char(30) NOT NULL default ''");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY arbk char(40) NOT NULL default ''");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY arbe int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY arbs char(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY arbsk char(40) NOT NULL default ''");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY arh char(30) NOT NULL default ''");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY arhk char(40) NOT NULL default ''");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY arhe int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY arhs char(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY arhsk char(40) NOT NULL default ''");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY ara char(30) NOT NULL default ''");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY arak char(40) NOT NULL default ''");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY arae int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY aras char(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY arask char(40) NOT NULL default ''");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY arf char(30) NOT NULL default ''");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY arfk char(40) NOT NULL default ''");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY arfe int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY arfs char(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY arfsk char(40) NOT NULL default ''");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY art char(30) NOT NULL default ''");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY artk char(40) NOT NULL default ''");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY arte int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY arts char(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY artsk char(40) NOT NULL default ''");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY itm0 char(30) NOT NULL default ''");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY itmk0 char(40) NOT NULL default ''");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY itme0 int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY itms0 char(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY itmsk0 char(40) NOT NULL default ''");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY itm1 char(30) NOT NULL default ''");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY itmk1 char(40) NOT NULL default ''");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY itme1 int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY itms1 char(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY itmsk1 char(40) NOT NULL default ''");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY itm2 char(30) NOT NULL default ''");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY itmk2 char(40) NOT NULL default ''");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY itme2 int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY itms2 char(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY itmsk2 char(40) NOT NULL default ''");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY itm3 char(30) NOT NULL default ''");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY itmk3 char(40) NOT NULL default ''");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY itme3 int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY itms3 char(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY itmsk3 char(40) NOT NULL default ''");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY itm4 char(30) NOT NULL default ''");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY itmk4 char(40) NOT NULL default ''");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY itme4 int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY itms4 char(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY itmsk4 char(40) NOT NULL default ''");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY itm5 char(30) NOT NULL default ''");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY itmk5 char(40) NOT NULL default ''");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY itme5 int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY itms5 char(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY itmsk5 char(40) NOT NULL default ''");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY itm6 char(30) NOT NULL default ''");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY itmk6 char(40) NOT NULL default ''");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY itme6 int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY itms6 char(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}winners MODIFY itmsk6 char(40) NOT NULL default ''");
$result = $db->query("DESCRIBE {$tablepre}users volume");
if($db->num_rows($result)) $db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}users DROP volume");
$result = $db->query("DESCRIBE {$tablepre}users achrev");
if(!$db->num_rows($result)) $db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}users ADD achrev text NOT NULL default '' AFTER achievement");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE {$tablepre}game DROP gamevars");
......@@ -47,24 +47,8 @@
function get_wep_range(&$pa)
global $rangeinfo;
$range = isset($rangeinfo[$pa['wep_kind']]) ? $rangeinfo[$pa['wep_kind']] : -1;
return $range;
function get_battle_turns(&$pa,&$pd,$active)
$turns = $pa['clbpara']['battle_turns'] == $pd['clbpara']['battle_turns'] ? $pa['clbpara']['battle_turns'] : max($pa['clbpara']['battle_turns'],$pd['clbpara']['battle_turns']);
return $turns;
function get_battle_range(&$pa,&$pd,$active)
//战场距离 = (双方射程差值 - 战斗回合数) * 10
$range = abs($pa['wep_range'] - $pd['wep_range']);
$turns = get_battle_turns($pa,$pd,$active);
$range = max(0,$range-$turns);
if(empty($pa['wep_kind'])) $pa['wep_kind'] = get_wep_kind($pa);
$range = isset($rangeinfo[$pa['wep_kind']]) ? $rangeinfo[$pa['wep_kind']] : NULL;
return $range;
......@@ -706,7 +690,7 @@
$sp_cost_max = $sp_cost_r*$pa['wepe'];
$sp_cost = min($sp_cost_max,$pa['sp']-1);
$log_sp_cost = round($sp_cost);
$log_sp_cost = ceil($sp_cost);
$log .= "消耗{$log_sp_cost}点体力,";
......@@ -717,7 +701,7 @@
$factor = $pa['type'] ? 0.5 : 0.5+round(($sp_cost/$sp_cost_max)/2,1);
$dmg_p[]= round($factor,2);
$pa['sp'] -= $sp_cost;
if(isset($log_sp_cost)) $pa['sp'] -= $log_sp_cost;
$f = round ( 100 * $factor );
$log .= "发挥了灵力武器{$f}%的威力!<br>";
......@@ -932,12 +916,12 @@
global $ex_attack;
$ex_keys =Array();
foreach($ex_attack as $ex)
foreach($pa['ex_keys'] as $ex)
//去除该条件后不会过滤重复属性 即可以造成多次同属性伤害
if(!in_array($ex,$ex_keys)) $ex_keys[]= $ex;
$ex_keys[]= $ex;
return $ex_keys;
......@@ -1266,7 +1250,54 @@
return 0;
// $mode 0-标准战斗 1-鏖战 2-追击(追击&鏖战基础先制率不受天气姿态影响)
function get_active_r_rev(&$pa,&$pd,$mode=0)
global $active_obbs,$weather,$gamecfg,$chase_active_obbs;
include config('combatcfg',$gamecfg);
# 获取基础先攻率:
$active_r = $active_obbs;
# 计算天气对先攻率的修正:
$wth_ar = $weather_active_r[$weather] ?: 0;
# 计算pa姿态对于先攻率的修正:
$a_pose_ar = $pose_active_modifier[$pa['pose']] ?: 0;
# 计算pd姿态对于先攻率的修正:
$d_pose_ar = $pose_active_modifier[$pd['pose']] ?: 0;
# 基础汇总:
$active_r += $wth_ar + $a_pose_ar - $d_pose_ar;
$active_r = $chase_active_obbs;
# 计算追击状态下pa对pd的先攻加成。默认:战场距离*10%
if($mode == 2) $range_ar += get_battle_range($pa,$pd,1) * 10;
# 计算pa身上的异常状态对先攻率的修正:(pd身上的异常状态不会影响pa的先制率,这个机制以后考虑改掉)
$inf_ar = 1;
foreach ($inf_active_p as $inf_ky => $value)
if(strpos($pa['inf'], $inf_ky)!==false){$inf_ar *= $value;}
# 计算社团技能对于先攻率的修正:
include_once GAME_ROOT.'./include/game/clubskills.func.php';
$clbskill_ar = 1;
$clbskill_ar *= get_clubskill_bonus_active($pa['club'],$pa['skills'],$pd['club'],$pd['skills']);
# 修正汇总:
$active_r = round($active_r * $clbskill_ar * $inf_ar);
# 计算先攻率上下限:
$active_r = max(min($active_r,96),4);
//echo 'active:'.$active_r.' <br>';
return $active_r;
// 判断pd是否满足反击pa的基础条件(最高优先级)
function check_can_counter(&$pa,&$pd,$active)
# 治疗姿态、哨戒姿态、躲避策略不能反击
......@@ -1275,14 +1306,16 @@
return 1;
// 判断pa是否处于pd的反击射程内(次优先级)
function check_in_counter_range(&$pa,&$pd,$active)
if($pd['wep_range'] >= $pa['wep_range'] && $pa['wep_range'] != 0) return 1;
if(!empty($pa['wep_range']) && $pd['wep_range'] >= $pa['wep_range']) return 1;
# 鏖战状态下无视射程反击(爆系武器除外)
if((isset($pd['is_dfight']) || isset($pa['is_dfight'])) && !empty($pd['wep_range'])) return 1;
return 0;
// 获取pd成功对pa发起反击的概率
function get_counter_rev(&$pa,&$pd,$active)
global $counter_obbs,$inf_counter_p,$pose_counter_modifier,$tactic_counter_modifier;
......@@ -1301,6 +1334,9 @@
$counter = max(8,$counter);
# 鏖战状态下,将基础反击率修正为100
if(isset($pd['is_dfight']) || isset($pa['is_dfight'])) $counter = 100;
# 获取社团技能对反击率的修正
$counter *= rev_get_clubskill_bonus_counter($pd['club'],$pd['skills'],$pd,$pa['club'],$pa['skills'],$pa);
......@@ -1317,4 +1353,58 @@
return $counter;
function get_battle_range(&$pa,&$pd,$active)
//战场距离 = (双方射程差值 - 战斗回合数) * 10
if(!isset($pa['wep_range'])) $pa['wep_range'] = get_wep_range($pa);
if(!isset($pd['wep_range'])) $pd['wep_range'] = get_wep_range($pd);
$range = abs($pa['wep_range'] - $pd['wep_range']);
$turns = get_battle_turns($pa,$pd,$active);
$range = max(0,$range-$turns);
return $range;
function get_battle_turns(&$pa,&$pd,$active)
if(!isset($pa['clbpara']['battle_turns']) || !isset($pd['clbpara']['battle_turns']))
# 如果敌我双方记录的战斗轮次不同步,选择其中更小的一方……这是因为逃跑时可能不会重置NPC的战斗轮次。
# 或许本来也不用重置NPC的战斗轮次……?
$turns = $pa['clbpara']['battle_turns'] == $pd['clbpara']['battle_turns'] ? $pa['clbpara']['battle_turns'] : min($pa['clbpara']['battle_turns'],$pd['clbpara']['battle_turns']);
return $turns;
function change_battle_turns(&$pa,&$pd,$active)
$pa['clbpara']['battle_turns'] = 0;
$pa['clbpara']['battle_turns'] ++;
$pd['clbpara']['battle_turns'] = 0;
$pd['clbpara']['battle_turns'] ++;
function rs_battle_turns(&$pa,&$pd)
if(isset($pa['clbpara']['battle_turns'])) unset($pa['clbpara']['battle_turns']);
if(isset($pd['clbpara']['battle_turns'])) unset($pd['clbpara']['battle_turns']);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -4,41 +4,72 @@
exit('Access Denied');
function get_active_r_rev(&$pa,&$pd)
function change_wep_in_battle($s=2)
global $active_obbs,$weather,$gamecfg;
include config('combatcfg',$gamecfg);
# 获取基础先攻率:
$active_r = $active_obbs;
# 计算天气对先攻率的修正:
$wth_ar = $weather_active_r[$weather] ?: 0;
# 计算pa姿态对于先攻率的修正:
$a_pose_ar = $pose_active_modifier[$pa['pose']] ?: 0;
# 计算pd姿态对于先攻率的修正:
$d_pose_ar = $pose_active_modifier[$pd['pose']] ?: 0;
# 基础汇总:
$active_r += $wth_ar + $a_pose_ar - $d_pose_ar;
# 计算pa身上的异常状态对先攻率的修正:(pd身上的异常状态不会影响pa的先制率,这个机制以后考虑改掉)
$inf_ar = 1;
global $log,$nosta;
global $wep,$wepk,$wepe,$weps,$wepsk;
global $wep2,$wep2k,$wep2e,$wep2s,$wep2sk;
# 初始化主武器名
$eqp = 'wep';
# 初始化副武器名
$seqp = 'wep'.$s;
$seqpk = $seqp.'k';
$seqpe = $seqp.'e';
$seqps = $seqp.'s';
$seqpsk = $seqp.'sk';
# 保存副武器数据
$swep=${$seqp}; $swepk=${$seqpk};
$swepe=${$seqpe}; $sweps=${$seqps}; $swepsk=${$seqpsk};
# 主武器为空、副武器不为空的情况下,直接替换为副武器
if(($wepk == 'WN' || !$weps) && ($swepk != 'WN'))
foreach ($inf_active_p as $inf_ky => $value)
${$eqp} = $swep; ${$seqp} = '拳头';
${$eqp.'k'} = $swepk; ${$seqpk} = 'WN';
${$eqp.'e'} = $swepe; ${$seqpe} = 0;
${$eqp.'s'} = $sweps; ${$seqps} = $nosta;
${$eqp.'sk'} = $swepsk; ${$seqpsk} = '';
# 主武器不为空的情况下,副武器替换为主武器
elseif($wepk != 'WN')
${$seqp} = ${$eqp}; ${$eqp} = $swep;
${$seqpk} = ${$eqp.'k'}; ${$eqp.'k'} = $swepk;
${$seqpe} = ${$eqp.'e'}; ${$eqp.'e'} = $swepe;
${$seqps} = ${$eqp.'s'}; ${$eqp.'s'} = $sweps;
${$seqpsk} = ${$eqp.'sk'}; ${$eqp.'sk'} = $swepsk;
if($wepk != 'WN') $log .=",将{$wep}拿在了手上";
function escape_from_enemy(&$pa,&$pd)
global $action,$clbpara,$chase_escape_obbs,$log;
include_once GAME_ROOT.'./include/game/dice.func.php';
# 在受追击/鏖战状态下逃跑有概率失败
if(strpos($action,'pchase')===0 || strpos($action,'dfight')===0)
$escape_dice = diceroll(99);
if($escape_dice < $chase_escape_obbs)
if(strpos($pa['inf'], $inf_ky)!==false){$inf_ar *= $value;}
$log .= "你尝试逃跑,但是敌人在你身后紧追不舍!<br>";
$pa['fail_escape'] = 1;
return 0;
# 计算社团技能对于先攻率的修正:
include_once GAME_ROOT.'./include/game/clubskills.func.php';
$clbskill_ar = 1;
$clbskill_ar *= get_clubskill_bonus_active($pa['club'],$pa['skills'],$pd['club'],$pd['skills']);
# 修正汇总:
$active_r = round($active_r * $clbskill_ar * $inf_ar);
# 计算先攻率上下限:
$active_r = max(min($active_r,96),4);
//echo 'active:'.$active_r.' <br>';
return $active_r;
$log .= "你逃跑了。";
$action = '';
return 1;
......@@ -61,7 +92,7 @@
$battle_title = init_battle_title($sdata,$edata);
$log .= init_battle_log($sdata,$edata);
if(strpos($sdata['action'],'chase')!==false) init_rev_battle(1);
if(strpos($sdata['action'],'chase')!==false || strpos($sdata['action'],'dfight')!==false) init_rev_battle(1);
else init_rev_battle();
......@@ -143,9 +174,13 @@
if(strpos($pa['action'],'pchase')!==false) $title = '陷入鏖战';
if(strpos($pa['action'],'pchase')!==false) $title = '遭到追击';
else $title = '乘胜追击';
$title = '陷入鏖战';
$title = '发现敌人';
......@@ -167,6 +202,10 @@
$battle_log = "你再度锁定了<span class=\"red\">{$pd['name']}</span>!<br>";
$battle_log = "你与<span class=\"red\">{$pd['name']}</span>相互对峙着!<br>";
if($pd['pose'] == 7)
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -630,6 +630,7 @@ function discover($schmode = 0) {
//if ($active_r>96) $active_r=96;
include_once GAME_ROOT.'./include/game/dice.func.php';
include_once GAME_ROOT.'./include/game/revbattle.func.php';
include_once GAME_ROOT.'./include/game/revattr.func.php';
$sdata = current_player_save();
......@@ -637,7 +638,7 @@ function discover($schmode = 0) {
$bid = $edata['pid'];
$active_dice = diceroll(99);
if($active_dice < $active_r)
if($active_dice < $active_r)
$action = 'enemy'.$edata['pid'];
#include_once GAME_ROOT.'./include/game/battle.func.php';
......@@ -48,6 +48,14 @@
<td height="20px" class="b2"><span>{lang inf}</span></td>
<td class="b3"><span><!--{if $w_infdata}-->$w_infdata<!--{else}--><!--{/if}--></span></td>
<td height=20px></td>
......@@ -48,6 +48,19 @@
<td height="20px" class="b2"><span>{lang inf}</span></td>
<td class="b3"><span><!--{if $w_infdata}-->$w_infdata<!--{else}--><!--{/if}--></span></td>
<!--{if isset($s_clbpara['battle_turns'])}-->
<td class="b2" height=20px><span>战斗回合</span></td>
<td class="b3"><span>$s_clbpara['battle_turns']</span></td>
<td height=20px></td>
......@@ -8,9 +8,14 @@
<div id="enemy">
<input type="button" class="cmdbutton" style="width:100" name="w1" value="{$attinfo[$w1]}" onclick="$('command').value='$w1';postCmd('gamecmd','command.php');this.disabled=true;"><br>
<input type="button" class="cmdbutton" style="width:100" name="w1" value="{$attinfo[$w1]}" onclick="$('command').value='$w1';postCmd('gamecmd','command.php');this.disabled=true;">
<!--{if $s_wep2s}-->
<input type="button" class="cmdbutton" style="padding-left: 5px; width:100" name="w1" value="切换副武器" onclick="$('command').value='changewep';postCmd('gamecmd','command.php');this.disabled=true;">
<!--{if $w2}-->
<input type="button" class="cmdbutton" style="width:100" name="w2" value="{$attinfo[$w2]}" onclick="$('command').value='$w2';postCmd('gamecmd','command.php');this.disabled=true;"><br>
<input type="button" class="cmdbutton" style="width:100" name="w2" value="{$attinfo[$w2]}" onclick="$('command').value='$w2';postCmd('gamecmd','command.php');this.disabled=true;">
......@@ -186,6 +186,7 @@
<TD class=b3>
<!--{if CURSCRIPT == 'game' && $mode == 'command' && $wepe}--><span><input type="button" value="卸下" onclick="$('mode').value='itemmain';$('command').value='offwep';postCmd('gamecmd','command.php');return false;"</span><!--{/if}-->
<span><!--{if $weps}-->$wep_words<!--{else}-->$nowep<!--{/if}--></span>
<span class="eicon" onclick="$('mode').value='itemmain';$('command').value='changewep';postCmd('gamecmd','command.php');return false;">🔃</span>
<TD class=b3><span>$wepsk_words</span></TD>
<TD class=b3><span>$wepe</span></TD>
......@@ -50,6 +50,10 @@ for ($i=0; $i<$achievement_count; $i++)
//$ncp[$i]['s'] = $cpl[$i];
//$ncp[$i]['v'] = $prc[$i];
//$ncp = json_encode($ncp);
//$db->query("UPDATE {$tablepre}users SET achrev='$ncp' WHERE username='$n'" );
include template('user_profile');
......@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ if($mode == 'enter') {
$icon = $icon ? $icon : rand(1,$iconlimit);
$club = 0;
$wep2 = '拳头'; $wep2k = 'WN'; $wep2e = 0; $wep2s = $nosta; $wep2sk = '';
$arb = $gd == 'm' ? '男生校服' : '女生校服';
$arbk = 'DB'; $arbe = 5; $arbs = 15; $arbsk = '';
$arh = $ara = $arf = $art = '';
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