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Last successful update .
  1. 26 Jul, 2023 2 commits
  2. 22 Jul, 2023 4 commits
  3. 21 Jul, 2023 4 commits
  4. 20 Jul, 2023 4 commits
  5. 19 Jul, 2023 8 commits
    • Nemo Ma's avatar
      Update itemmain.func.php · d87128e2
      Nemo Ma authored
      Fix Display oddity.
    • Nemo Ma's avatar
      Update titles_1.php · e2529192
      Nemo Ma authored
      To deal with player dynamic is an endless struggle. We're supposed to only build mechanics and aesthetics for players, and dynamic is not one of them. The player must carve out their own dynamic, and only with that, we adjust based on what the player would say.
      In this case, something once deemed too strong is in fact underused by the player based on their feedback, so from the same feedback, this certain stat for this certain item is changed to reflect a dynamic not-in-the-design.
    • Nemo Ma's avatar
      favicon shenanigans · ebff803c
      Nemo Ma authored
      Added favicon related file to .gitignore.
      You can generate favicons of this style yourself.
    • Nemo Ma's avatar
      Update .gitignore · 6eed2a52
      Nemo Ma authored
      Excluding to prevent deployment related conflicts.
    • Nemo Ma's avatar
      Fix Exploit regarding Jewel Enhancement · f11177bd
      Nemo Ma authored
      Fix Exploit: When the item name is longer than 30 chars, the Jewel Enhancement level could not be written, leading to infinite enhancements - an Easter egg is implemented to change the item's name to stop this.
      Fix(?) Oversight: sing infinite stamina items as material will not consume the item.
      Add: Glitch text effects to use for club21's lore material.
    • Nemo Ma's avatar
      Merge pull request #183 from winddramon/nachster · 895576e0
      Nemo Ma authored
      itm0 fix
    • winddramon's avatar
    • winddramon's avatar
      lose itm0 fix · 62df8678
      winddramon authored
  6. 17 Jul, 2023 2 commits
  7. 16 Jul, 2023 4 commits
  8. 15 Jul, 2023 8 commits
  9. 14 Jul, 2023 4 commits